Задание 8. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени, переведите.

Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. Sometimes we go to plants with our inspectors. –

Where do we go sometimes? With whom do we go to plants?

2. After lunch I usually look through catalogues and quotations or meet customers. –

What do I do usually after lunch?

3. Our engineers finish their work at 6 o’clock in the evening. –

When do our engineers finish their work?

Задание 2. Задайте письменно вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:

1. Are those children yours, Kally? –

Yes, those are my children.

2. Mrs. Mark, where are others offers?

The offers are on the desk.

3. Is this picture of your family?

Yes, that is a picture of my family.

4. Where is he from?

He is from France.


Задание 3. Поставьте who (кто) orwhich (который).

1. Last week we bought a new TV – set which receives a lot of programs.

2. The fire – place which is in Mr. Bell’s study makes the room warm and comfortable.

3. Yesterday “Rossexport” received some British businessmen who are interested in our goods.


Задание 4. Вставьте предлоги где необходимо.

A plant in Omsk has started producing new motors. The goods are of high quality and meet the requirements of the customers fromRossexport. A lot of foreign companies are interested in buying Russian Motors and Rossexport has already received a lot of orders to them. The other day Rossexport received an enquiry to the motors of Johnson & Sons. They wanted to buy 60 motors from the Russian company. Rossexport was interested in selling their goods for Johnson & Sons and they were going to invite Mr. Garsell, the manager of the company, to come to Moscow to have talks.

b) Say what you have learned from the text about:

1) Johnson & Sons’ enquiry


Задание5. Задайтевопроспообразцу, используя The Present Perfect Tense.

Образец: - Has Mr. Blake EVER BEEN to Moscow?

- No, he HAS NEVER BEEN to Moscow.

- He would like to go there.



1. To do business with G.M.L.

Has he done business with G.M.L.?

No, he has not done business with G.M.L.

2. To sell goods to Brown & Co.

Have you sold goods to Brown & Co?

Yes, wehavesold.

3. To make contracts with Smith & Co.

Has she made contracts with Smith & Co?

No she hasn't made contracts.

4. To go to Chekhov’s house in Yalta.

Have you ever gone to Chekhov's house in Yalta?

Yes, I have gone there.

Задание 6. Выполните упражнения по образцу, переведите, используя ThePastSimpleTense.


- Lavrov LIVES in Moscow.

- Yes, he LIVES in Moscow but some years AGO he LIVED in London.


1. To buy chemical equipment from Green & Sons.

Lavrov buys chemical equipment from Green & Sons.–Лавровпокупаетхимическоеоборудованиеу Green & Sons.

Yes, he buys chemical equipment from Green & Sons but some years ago he bought another chemical equipment.– Да, онпокупаетхимическоеоборудованиеу Green &Sons нонескольколетназадонпокупалдругоехимическоеоборудование.

2. To work at a plant

Ivanovworksat a plant.–Иванов работает на заводе.

Yes, heworksat a plantbutlastyearhedidn'tworkat a plant. – Да, Он работает на заводено в прошлом году он там не работал.

3. To live in a new district of Moscow.

Petrov lives in a new district of Moscow.– ПетровживетвновомрайонеМосквы.

Yes, he lives in a new district of Moscow but 5 years ago he lived in another city.– Да, онживетвновомрайонеМосквыно 5 летназадонжилвдругомгороде.

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. – Сколько времени этот фильм идет в нашем кинотеатре? – Он идет с прошлой недели. - Howlonghasthisfilmbeenoninourcinema? It has been on since last week.

2. – Нашеобъединениепродаетмашины, телефонноеоборудованиеидругиетоварывразличныестраны. - Our community is selling cars,phone equipment and other products to a different countires.

3. – Давайте посмотрим новый детектив. – Я уже видел его. Мнебыхотелосьпосмотретькакой – нибудьдругойфильм. - Let's see a new detective. - I've already seen it. I would like to see some other film.

Задание 8. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени, переведите.

1. We will reserve accommodation at a hotel if the representative of Blake & Co comes next week.- Мызабронируемпроживание в отеле, еслинаследующейнеделепоявитсяпредставитель Blake & Co.

2. The delegates will stay at the Intourist hotel when they arrive in our town.- Делегатыостановятся в гостинице «Интурист», когдаониприбудут в нашгород.

3. Our manager will invite foreign businessmen to the plant if they like to visit it.- Нашменеджерпригласитиностранныхбизнесменовназавод, еслионизахотятпосетитьего.

4. We will go to the country if the weather is better.– Мыпоедемзагород,еслипогодаулучшится.


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