Министерство культуры Омской области

Министерство культуры Омской области

Омский областной колледж культуры и искусства

Контрольно-измерительные материалы

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»


Омск, 2008

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский) /Составители: Гиниятуллина Н.Ю., Соловьева Н.Л. – Омск, Омский областной колледж культуры и искусства, 2008. – 46.


Методическая разработка предназначена для студентов заочной формы обучения специальности«Социально-культурная деятельность и народное художественное творчество».

В методическую разработку включены контрольные работы, методические рекомендации, требования к оформлению контрольных работ, критерии оценки.

Данная разработка поможет студентам при оформлении и выполнении контрольной работы, а также дает возможностьпроверить усвоенный материал и обратить внимание на пробелы в знаниях.

Печатается по разрешению

Методического совета колледжа

Протокол № 3 от 25 ноября 2008г.

Ответственная за выпуск И.Г. Баландина


Введение …………………………………………………………………………………………4

Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы …………………..4

Требования к оформлению контрольной работы …………………………………………5


Критерии оценки …………………………………………………………………………………...5

Контрольная работа № 1 ……………………………………………………………………...6

Контрольная работа № 2 …………………………………………………………………….26

Список литературы …………………………………………………………………………..46


Методическая разработка по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский) предназначена для студентов заочной формы обучения и включает контрольные работы, методические рекомендации, требования к оформлению контрольных работ, критерии оценки.

Контрольные работы представлены в виде практических заданий по грамматике, включая лексические упражнения и перевод. Грамматические задания разработаны в соответствие с рассмотренными темами:

- местоимения: неопределенные, личные, притяжательные;

- имя существительное: притяжательный падеж, множественное число;

- имя прилагательное: степени сравнения прилагательных;

- спряжение глаголов to be, to have;

- временные формы глагола;

- структура английского предложения;

Некоторые задания проверяют навыки работы с незнакомой лексикой. Помимо знаний в области грамматики и лексики, контрольные работы проверяют языковую догадку студентов, а также умение переводить текст при помощи словаря.

Так как владение иностранным языком требует практического применения усвоенных правил, то задания были составлены для самостоятельной работы студентов на основе материала, пройденного на занятиях. Целью предложенных контрольных работ является проверка понимания студентами материала и умения применять на практике полученные знания. Контрольные работы ключей не имеют.

Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы

1. Перед выполнением контрольной работы необходимо ознакомиться с критериями оценки.


2. Задания рекомендуется выполнять в том порядке, в котором они представлены в контрольной работе.


3. В случае необходимости при выполнении заданий повторяется теоретический материал, соответствующих разделов (список литературы прилагается). Для выполнения заданий опорой может послужить любой учебник по грамматике английского языка, раздел морфология, а также конспект с записями и примерами в тетради.


4. Для выполнения заданий на перевод рекомендуется использовать любой словарь английского языка для более точного перевода.


5. После выполнения контрольной работы необходимо осуществить проверку.

Требования к оформлению контрольной работы


1. Контрольную работу рекомендуется выполнять в отдельной тетради, не превышающей в объеме 18 листов или в печатном виде (электронные варианты заданий контрольных работ имеются у секретаря учебной части заочного отделения).

2. Вариант работы каждого студента соответствует номеру, под которым числится студент в журнале группы.

3. Не допускается сдача контрольных работ на электронных носителях.

4. Контрольная работа должна иметь титульный лист.

5. При выполнении контрольной работы необходимо указывать номер задания.

6. Контрольную работу в письменном виде следует оформлять разборчивым почерком, большое количество помарок не допустимо.

7. Контрольная работа в печатном виде оформляется по следующим требованиям:

- листы готовой работы вкладываются в файлы и скрепляются скоросшивателем с прозрачной верхней обложкой;

-текст печатается шрифтом Times New Roman размером 14 кеглей через 1,5 интервала с оставлением полей: левое - 3 см, правое – 1,5 см, верхнее – 2 см, нижнее - 2 см;

- выравнивание текста – по ширине (для заголовков – по центру), отступ первой строки – на 1,25 см;

- заголовки, формулировки заданий выделяются жирным шрифтом;

- в работе использовать сквозную нумерацию страниц (на титульном листе номер не ставиться, вторая страница контрольной работы нумеруется цифрой 2).

Критерии оценки


"Отлично" - задания выполнены и оформлены в соответствии с требованиями. Допустимое количество ошибок: 1- грамматическая, 1-лексическая.

"Хорошо " - задания выполнены и оформлены в соответствии с требованиями. Допустимое количество ошибок: 2- грамматические, 2- лексические.

"Удовлетворительно" - задания выполнены и оформлены в соответствии с требованиями. Ошибки превышают допустимую норму для положительной оценки.


"Неудовлетворительно" - задания выполнены и оформлены в соответствии с требованиями. Количество ошибок не позволяет считать, что материал был усвоен студентом в полном объеме. Контрольная работа будет возвращена студенту на доработку, если она выполнена частично.


Контрольная работа № 1


Variant – 1


I. Письменно переведите текст.


Once a man went to a shop and bought a pair of trousers. When he came home, he put the trousers on. Then he saw thatthey were too long for him.

So he went to his wife and said:

«Please make my trousers shorter, they are too long for me, I cannot put them on.»

But the wife said: «I have no time now. I must wash the plates. It is late now. I shall do it tomorrow. »

The man went to his daughter and asked her:

«Can you make my trousers shorter? I cannot put them on. »

«No, I cannot » said the daughter. «I must do my lessons now. I shall do it tomorrow».

The man went to his sister, but she could not help him. She said: «I must make my dress now. I shall do it tomorrow».

So the man went to bed and left his new trousers on a chair near his bed.

His wife washed all the plates, came into the room, took the trousers, made them shorter and put them back on the chair. When his daughter did her lessons, she came into his room, took the trousers and made them shorter. Late in the evening his sister came too and made the trousers shorter.

The man got up at 7 o'clock in the morning. His wife told him, «I have made your trousers shorter; you can put them on». But when the man put them on, he saw that they were too short for him and he could not wear them.


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … is very nice person.

a) I b) their c) she

2. Mathematics is … hobby.

a) his b) he c) they

3. This is not my pencil;..... is blue.

a) my b) mine c) me

4. These are our photos and those are......

a) their b) they c) theirs


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. The weather... very nice today.

a) is b) are c) am

2. I … not tired.

a) is b) are c) am

3. This castle... very old.

a) is b) are c) am

4. Helen... a painter.

a) is b) are c) am

5. The dog... under the table.

a) is b) are c) am

6. Uncle George... a good football player.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. He … a brother.

a) have got b) has got

2. I … a computer.

a) have got b) has got

3. We... a house.

a) have got b) has got


V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Комната девочек.

a) girl's room

b) girls' room

c) girls room

2. Друг Петра.

a) Peter's friend

b) Peter' friend

c) Peter friend


Variant – 2


I. Письменно переведите текст.


Some months ago Mr. X. went to England on a business trip. When he returned he told me the following story.

When I came to England I was very nervous, as I wasn't sure that I would be able to make English people understand me. I put up at a hotel and understood the reception clerk when he asked me to fill in an arrival form. Then I asked the porter to take my luggage up to my room. So far I made myself understood quite well.

When I came up to my room I said to the maid: «I want to brush my shoes and coat and to press my shirt». I couldn't understand why my words made her smile. A few minutes later she brought me several brushes and said: «I'll bring in the iron some minutes later». I said: «I didn't want to brush my coat and shoes and to press the shirt myself». I wanted her to make my things clean but I didn't know how to make it clear. I got tired and angry trying to get her to understand what I meant. Finally the maid said: «Г suppose you want to have your shoes and coat brushed and your shirt pressed. »Yes", said I, «that's just what I wanted you to do».

I was glad I didn't say «I want to wash my handkerchiefs». If I did, she could bring a wash-tub into my room.


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … am a student.

a) you b) she c) I

2. … is a doctor.

a) we b) he c) they

3. They’ve got two children, but I don’t know..... names.

a) they b) them c)their

4. These are our photos and those are......

a) their b) they c) theirs


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. There … two chairs near the table.

a) is b) are c) am

2. There … flowers in the vase.

a) is b) are c) am

3. She... in the house.

a) is b) are c) am

4. The dog and the cat... in the garden.

a) is b) are c) am

5. The woman... behind a tree.

a) is b) are c) am

6. I... Kevin.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. I can't make a phone call. I … not … any change.

a) have got b) has got

2. He can find his way to our house. He … a map.

a) have got b) has got

3. Your father … a lot of money.

a) have got b) has got



V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Книга моего брата.

a) my brother's book

b) my brother book

c) my brothers book

2. Машина моих родителей.

a) my parents car

b) my parents' car

c) my parents cars


Variant – 3


I. Письменно переведите текст.


Every day in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a blind man playing the violin. His dog sat near him with a cap in his mouth. People, who were passing them, dropped coins into the cap.

One day, when the weather was very cold, the man was playing for a long time, but nobody wanted to give him anything. The poor man thought that he would have to go to bed without supper. He was so tired and so weak that he stopped playing.

At that moment a young man саше up to him and asked him why he stopped playing. The blind man said he had played for two hours but nobody had given him anything. «Give me your violin. I shall help you», said the man. And with these words he began to play. He played so well that people began to gather and soon there was a big crowd. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music and to thank the young man for the pleasure.

Soon the cap was full of money.

«I don't know how to thank you», said the blind man. «Who are you?»

«I am Paganini», was the answer.


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … am a painter.

a) you b) she c) I

2. This is… own decision.

a) you b) her c) she

3. I can’t find..... textbook. Have you seen it anywhere?

a) my b) mine c) me

4. They invited..... to their party. Did they invite you?

a) us b) our c) ours


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. Her favorite sport … basketball.

a) are b) is c) am

2. There … three spring months: March, April, and May.

a) are b) is c) was

3. The children … in the shop.

a) is b) are c) am

4. He … a teacher.

a) is b) are c) am

5. We … hungry.

a) is b) are c) am

6. Mrs. Dixon … funny and nice.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. I didn't … a watch, so I didn't know the time.

a) have got b) has got

2. He doesn't eat much during the day. He … lunch.

a) have got b) has got

3. They... two cars.

a) have got b) has got


V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Игрушки детей.

a) the children's toys

b) the children' toys

c) the children toys

2. Жизнь животных.

a) animals' life

b) animal's life

c) animals life


Variant – 4


I. Письменно переведите текст.


A rich American went to Paris and bought a very strange picture painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American thought the picture was very fine because he had paid a lot of money for it. But when he came to his hotel and wanted to hang the picture up on the wall, he could not tell which was the top and which the bottom of the picture. The American turned the picture this way and that, but still could not decide which was the top and which was the bottom.

So he thought of a plan. He hung the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American said nothing to him about the picture.

When the artist began to eat his soup, he looked at the picture many times. When he began to eat his fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before he began to eat his fruit, he got up and walked over to the picture to look at it more closely. At last when they began to drink their coffee, he understood that the picture was upside down.

«Why, my friend», he said, “my picture is hung upside down.”

«Oh, is it? » said the American. «Why didn't you; tell me so at once? »

«Well, you see, I was not sure myself at first», said the artist.


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … am a worker.

a) he b) I c) we

2. … name is Ivanov.

a) I b) my c) mine

3. Is this camera.....?

a) yours b) your c) you

4. John is a friend of......

a) my b) mine c) me


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. You … a teacher.

a) is b) are c) am

2. Marie … a girl.

a) is b) are c) am

3. The dog and the cat … in the garden.

a) is b) are c) am

4. The woman … behind a tree.

a) is b) are c) am

5. Peter … a clever boy.

a) is b) are c) am

6. I … Kevin.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. My friend … a phone.

a) have got b) has got

2. We … friendly atmosphere at lesson.

a) have got b) has got

3. Mandy... two sisters.

a) have got b) has got



V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Мама Анны.

a) Ann's mother

b) Ann' mother

c) Ann mother

2. Сад наших соседей

a) our neighbour's garden

b) our neighbours' garden

c) our neighbours garden


Variant – 5


I. Письменно переведите текст.


There was a time when the people of Greece were not unit but instead there were several states each of which had its own ruler.

Some of the people in the southern part of the country we called Spartans and they were famous for their simple habits and their bravery.

The name of their land was Laconia, so they were sometimes called Lacons.

One of the strange rules which the Spartans had was that they should speak briefly and never use more words than were needed.

A short answer is often called laconic that is such an answer as a Lacon would give.

There was in the Northern part of Greece a land cal Macedonia. This land was at one time ruled by a king named Philip. Philip of Macedonia wanted to become master of Greece. So he raised a great army and made war upon other states, until nearly all of them were forced to call him king. Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia said: «If I go down into your country, I will level your country. I will level jour grease city to the ground. »

In a few days an answer was brought back to him. Where he opened the letter he found only one word written there.

That word was «If».


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … am a dentist.

a) you b) she c) I

2. … is a sergeant.

a) he b) they c) I

3. Jim does not read English books. Do you read.....?

a) they b) them c) their

4. I can’t visit....., I don’t know their address.

a) they b) them c) their


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. There … a bed near the wall.

a) are b) is c) were

2. There … a piano in the room.

a) is b) are c) am

3. They … very nice animals.

a) is b) are c) am

4. The children … in the garden.

a) is b) are c) am

5. He … a teacher.

a) is b) are c) am

6. Mrs Dixon … funny and nice.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. My friend … a brother.

a) have got b) has got

2. I … a computer.

a) have got b) has got

3. We... a new teacher.

a) have got b) has got


V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Джинсы брата.

a) brother's jeans

b) brothers' jeans

c) brothers jeans

2. Решение Мартина.

a) Martins' decision

b) Martin's decision

c) Martin decision


Variant – 6


I. Письменно переведите текст.


There was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures were bad, but the people to whom he showed them were afraid of the king. They all said that they liked his pictures very much.

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and asked:

«I want to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? Am I a good painter or not?

The painter looked at the king's pictures and said:

«My king, I think that your pictures are bad, and that you will never be a good painter.»

The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison.

After two years the king wanted to see the painter again.

«I was angry with you», he said, «because you did not like my pictures. Now forget all about it. You are a free man again and I am your friend. »

For many hours the king talked with the painter, and even asked him to dine. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and asked: «Well, how do you like them now? »

The painter did not answer anything. He turned to the soldier who was standing near him and said:

«Take me back to prison. »


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … are painters.

a) he b) they c) I

2. … is a cameraman.

a) we b) you c) he

3. Sam and Rick are reliable men; you can trust......

a) they b) them c) their

4. I want..... to help Lionel with his homework.

a) yours b) your c) you


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. There … flowers in the vase.

a) is b) are c) was

2. The flat … very comfortable.

a) is b) are c) am

3. This ball … very heavy.

a) is b) are c) am

4. I... a pupil.

a) is b) are c) am

5. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist.

a) is b) are c) am

6. She... an actress.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. His daughter … a computer.

a) have got b) has got

2. We … bicycles.

a) have got b) has got

3. I... a lot of homework.

a) have got b) has got

V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Бабушкины очки.

a) grandmothers glasses

b) grandmother's glasses

c) grandmothers' glasses

2. Банковский кредит.

a) bank's credit

b) banks' credit

c) banks credit


Variant – 7


I. Письменно переведите текст.


There was a time when drinking tea was almost unknown in European countries; many people had never even heard of tea. This anecdote is about an old woman and her son, who lived before tea-drinking became popular in England.

He was a sea captain, and every time he returned from a far-away country, he brought his mother a gift. He tried to bring something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

Once the young man came back from India with a box of tea for his mother. She didn't know anything about tea, but she was proud of her son, and she invited all her friends to come and try what he had brought her. When her son cameinto the room, he saw cakes and fruit and jam on the table, and a big plate full of brown tea-leaves. His mother and her friends were sitting round the table, eating the leaves with butter and salt. Though they all smiled, it was clear that they didn't enjoy eating the leaves.

«Where is the tea, Mother? » the captain asked.

His mother showed him the plate in the middle of the table.

«We are having tea for lunch», she said.

«No, no, those are only the tea-leaves», said the captain. «Where is the water? »

«The water! » his mother said. «I threw the water away, of course! »


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. New Year is … favorite holiday.

a) my b) I c) they

2. This is … own decision.

a) you b) her c) she

3. Gina gave..... the wrong phone number just for fun.

a) he b) him c) his

4. Could you drive..... up to town?

a) my b) mine c) me


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. I … at the lesson.

a) am b) are c) is

2. He … in the garden.

a) are b) is c) am

3. My brother and I... good football players.

a) is b) are c) am

4. Ann is at the supermarket and her children... at school.

a) is b) are c) am

5. Canada... a big country.

a) is b) are c) am

6. They... at school.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. The girl … a new English book.

a) have got b) has got

2. The cats … a basket.

a) have got b) has got

3. My mother... a car.

a) have got b) has got



V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Проблемы друга.

a) friends problems

b) friends' problems

c) friend's problems

2. Лошадь деда.

a) grandfather's horse

b) grandfathers horse

c) grandfathers' horse


Variant – 8


I. Письменно переведите текст.


One day a well-known singer was invited to the house of a rich lady to sing to her guests at a dinner-party. But instead of inviting the singer to dine with her guests, the lady ordered dinner for him in the servants' room. The singer said nothing He dined well and after dinner said to the servants: «Now, my good friends, I am going to sing to you».

The servants were very much surprised but said they were awfully glad to have a chance to hear the great singer. He sang a good many beautiful songs and the servants enjoyed listening to him.

Later the lady sent one of her servants to bring the singe up to the drawing-room, where all her guests were waiting to him.

«But I cannot sing twice in one evening, Madam», said the singer to the lady when she met him at the door leading into the drawing-room.

«What do you mean? » asked the lady.

«I mean I have already sung for about an hour to you servants, Madam», answered the singer, «it was a pity you were not there, for I always sing to the people with whom I dine»

And with these words he left the house.


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … am sitting on the sofa.

a) I b) she c) you

2. … are watching TV.

a) he b) we c) she

3. Jane’s friends are very kind people;..... will help her.

a) they b) them c) their

4. Don’t keep the children indoors in this fine weather; let..... go for a walk.

a) they b) them c) their


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. Her name … Lucy.

a) am b) are c) is

2. They … clever.

a) are b) is c) am

3. He... very funny.

a) is b) are c) am

4. Susan... good at tennis.

a) is b) are c) am

5. You... right.

a) is b) are c) am

6. They … in the house.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. We … a big dog.

a) have got b) has got

2. He … two children.

a) has got b) have got

3. A dog... four legs.

a) have got b) has got



V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Книги студентов.

a) the student's books

b) the students' books

c) the students books

2. Комната детей.

a) the children's room

b) the children' room

c) the children room


Variant – 9


I. Письменно переведите текст.


A nervous man, who lived in one of suburbs of a big town in England, was walking home from the railway station. The road was dark and lonely. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him from behind and thought he was being followed. He walked quickly. The footsteps continued to follow. The man started running. The footsteps still followed him. The man jumped over a wall and, running into an old cemetery, threw himself on the grass near one of the graves.

«If he comes here», he thought, «there will be no doubt he wants to rob me».

The man behind was following. He also got over the wall and came up to the grave. The nervous man stood up and asked:

«What do you want? Why are you following me? »

«I say», answered the other man, «do you always go home like this? Or are you having some special sort of jumping exercises to-night? I am going to Mr. Robertson's and the man at the railway station told me to follow you, as you lived next door. Excuse my asking you, but will you have some more gymnastics or will you go straight home? »


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … is very nice person.

a) I b) their c) she

2. Mathematics is … hobby.

a) his b) he c) they

3. Where are the keys? I can’t find......

a) they b) them c) their

4. Gina gave..... the wrong phone number just for fun.

a) he b) him c) his


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. His dream … to go to London.

a) am b) are c) is

2. They … writing a test.

a) are b) is c) am

3. Carol and I... friends.

a) is b) are c) am

4. It... black.

a) is b) are c) am

5. I … twelve years old.

a) is b) are c) am

6. Jim and Cathy … at school.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. I … a friend.

a) have got b) has got

2. She … a large family.

a) has got b) have got

3. My teacher... a red pen.

a) have got b) has got



V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Книги студента.

a) the student's books

b) the students' books

c) the student books

2. Доклад Петрова.

a) Petrov's report

b) Petrov' report

c) Petrov report


Variant – 10


I. Письменно переведите текст.


Three men were spending their holiday in New York. They were living in a hotel which had forty-five floors and their room was on the last floor.

Returning to the hotel late one night, they were told by the lift man: «I am very sorry, but the lifts in our hotel aren't running. They stop working at twelve o'clock. You must walk up to your room».

«We are still young», one of the men said. «I suppose we can climb up to the forty-fifth floor. So the men took off their coats and put them in the coat-room. As they were walking past the tenth floor one of the men said: «I am becoming a little tired. I have an idea how to make the climb easier. I shall tell happy or funny stories the next five floors: then Bill will sing songs the next fifteen floors, and Tom will tell sad stories the last fifteen floors».

They continued climbing, and soon all of them were feeling very tired. But they did not want to show to each other that they were tired, so the first man told happy stories, and jokes and the second sang happy songs. When they arrived at the thirtieth floor, the first 'man said: «Now, Tom, you can begin telling sad stories».

«Yes», Tom said, «I must tell you a very sad story. The key to our room is lying in my coat pocket, in the coat-room! »


II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное местоимение:

1. … are playing football.

a) I b) they c) he

2. … are speaking English.

a) she b) he c) you

3. Sally is married...... husband works in a bank.

a) she b) her c) hers

4. I gave her my address and she gave me......

a) she b) her c) hers


III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to be».

1. There … a large table in my room.

a) am b) are c) is

2. There … three windows in my classroom.

a) are b) is c) am

3. My name... Bob.

a) is b) are c) am

4. They... nice girls.

a) is b) are c) am

5. The elephants … tired.

a) is b) are c) am

6. Mr Cooper... in the house.

a) is b) are c) am


IV. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have».

1. Her parents … a big house.

a) have got b) has got

2. They … two bedrooms.

a) has got b) have got

3. My parents... four children.

a) have got b) has got


V. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:

1. Машина моих друзей

a) my friends' car

b) my friends car

c) my friend's car

2. Комната детей.

a) the children's room

b) the children' room

c) the children room


Контрольная работа № 2

Variant- 1


I. Письменно переведите текст




Once a tourist arrived in London. When he got off the train, he asked the porter to show him the way to the nearest post-office. He sent a telegram to his wife, informing her that he had arrived safely and giving her the address of the hotel he intended to stay.

Then he went to the hotel, left the luggage there and went for a walk. As it was his first visit to the English capital, he was very much interested to see the museums and the sights of this beautiful city.

He strolled about a bit, had dinner at a small restaurant and looked at the shops. When he felt tired and wanted to turn his steps back to the hotel, he suddenly realized that he did not remember it’s name or even what street it was in.

Suddenly he remembered the telegram which he had sent to his wife on his arrival. She knew his address and could help him.

So at a late hour his wife received this extraordinary telegram: “Please send me my address at once.”


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. дорога до ближайшей почтовой службы

2. адрес отеля

3. первый визит в столицу Англии

4. музеи и достопримечательности

5. он немного прогулялся

6. поздно вечером

7. необычная телеграмма


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

woman, day, wolf, bush, potato, banana, lamp, table, flower, milk, student, river, house, bread, boy



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday

2. My friend (to live) in Moscow

3. You (to play) volley-ball well?

4. It (to take) me 45 minutes to get there

5. When you (to get up) every day

6. My sister (not to like) coffee

7. I (to help) my mother in the kitchen every day

8. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work

9. We (to know) English very well

10. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight




I. Письменно переведите текст



One day an unlucky fox who was trying to get a drink of water fell into a deep well and could not get out. Along came a thirsty goat and asked fox if the water was good. “Oh, yes,” said fox, “the water is excellent.” And fox told the goat to jump in and have a drink. Without stopping to think, goat jumped into the well and took a long drink. Then both animals began to wonder how they would get out of the well. “I have an idea,” said fox. “Put your feet against the wall, and I will climb on top of you to get out. After I am out, I’ll pull you up too.” The goat gladly agreed, so the fox climbed onto goat’s shoulders and out over the edge of the well. Then fox started to leave. Goat cried out, “What about me? Aren’t you going to help me out?” “You have more hairs on your chin than brains in your head,” answered fox. “If you were smart, you never would have jumped in without first thinking how you would get out.”


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. упала в глубокий колодец

2. вода великолепна

3. не подумав

4. коза прыгнула в колодец

5. когда я выберусь, я вытащу тебя

6. коза с радостью согласилась

7. ты не собираешься мне помочь?


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

wisdom, fox, animal, piano, factory, dog, dress, shoe, carrot, knife, lion, ship, bed, friend, problem



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. The Earth (to go) around the Sun

2. My brother Pete (to live) in Kursk

3. I (to go) to bed at ten o’clock every day

4. It often (to rain) in the autumn

5. I (not to drink) coffee

6. Where John (to live)?

7. We (to want) to know English but we (to have) little time for it now

8. I (to write) to her very often

9. They (not to go) to the swimming pool on Monday

10. He (not to read) novels




I. Письменно переведите текст


There are numerous stories about people travelling in foreign countries without a knowledge of the language of that country. Here’s a story of a Frenchman travelling in the USA who, while eating in a restaurant, wished to order some mushrooms. Unable to make himself understood, he asked for a pencil and paper and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom. His drawing was not too good, for the puzzled waiter returned in about ten minutes, not with an order of mushrooms, but with a large man’s umbrella. Two Americans travelling in Spain were unable to speak a word of Spanish. One day, while eating in a restaurant in a small village, they were having considerable difficulty in explaining to the waiter what they wanted. One of them wanted a glass of milk. The waiter seemed unable to understand. Finally, on the back of the menu the man drew a picture of a cow. The poor waiter still seemed puzzled. Finally he left and was gone from the restaurant for half an hour or so. He returned very pleased with himself. There were two tickets for a bullfight in his hand.


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. не зная языка страны

2. он попросил карандаш и бумагу

3. его рисунок не был хорош

4. озадаченный официант

5. не могли сказать и слова по-испански

6. один из них хотел стакан молока

7. вернулся очень довольный собой


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

car, fly, man, church, sugar, hero, shelf, shop, pen, sister, desk, bag, lesson, ocean, planet



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. My husband (to work) in the morning

2. Your friend (to get up) early too?

3. Your parents (to come back) home very late

4. I always (to take) a cold shower

5. We (not to know) this man

6. Your sister (to learn) English at school?

7. The Browns (to go) to the seaside every summer

8. The Earth (to rotate) round it’s axis

9. He (to love) his wife

10. My mother (not to cook) in the evening





I. Письменно переведите текст




Once there was a child whose job was to watch the sheep of the town. It was a lonely and often boring job. One day, the child thought it would be fun to cry” wolf!” and watch the people working in nearby fields come running to help save the sheep.

The child did this several times. Each time, the townspeople left their work, ran to help, and found the child laughing. Finally, the people got tired of the joke and decided not to listen to the child any longer.

Soon afterward, a wolf really came. The child shouted for help: “wolf, wolf!” But the townspeople ignored the shouts, and all the sheep were killed.


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. скучная работа

2. помочь спасти овец

3. ребенок делал это несколько раз

4. находили ребенка смеющимся

5. люди устали от шуток

6. вскоре после этого

7. но горожане проигнорировали крики


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

mouse, cat, map, family, tomato, country, girl, life, tea, dish, enemy, pencil, park, room, rose



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. My working day (to begin) at 7 o’clock

2. Your sister (to study) at the institute?

3. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework

4. My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning

5. I (not to go) to the library every day

6. What you usually (to prepare) for breakfast?

7. We (to watch) TV in the evening

8. They (to read) many books?

9. I (to go to) bed at ten o’clock

10. My mother always (to cook) a very tasty dinner




I. Письменно переведите текст




Patty the milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head. As she walked, she began to think of what she would do with the money she would get from selling the milk.

“I’ll buy some chickens from farmer Brown,” she said, “and they will lay eggs each morning. I’ll sell the eggs to the school teacher. With the money that I get from selling the eggs, I’ll buy myself a new hat. Then when I go to market, I will look more beautiful than all the other milkmaids! I will turn to the left and turn to the right to make sure everyone sees how lovely I look in that hat”

As she spoke, she turned her head to the left and then to the right. The pail of milk fell off it, and all the milk spilled


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. она начала думать

2. я куплю несколько цыплят

3. затем, когда я пойду на рынок

4. другие молочницы

5. поворачиваться налево

6. поворачиваться направо

7. молоко разлилось


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

toy, child, match, spoon, bird, factory, game, shelf, wood, shop, onion, ox, nurse, hat, coffee



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. My cousin (not to live) in Moscow

2. What you (to do) every morning?

3. You (to play) chess well?

4. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room

5. My father (not to work) on Monday

6. Mike (to eat) ice-cream every day

7. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends

8. Kate (to sing) well?

9. They (not to go) to the stadium on Sunday

10. What you (to read) after dinner?



I. Письменно переведите текст




Long ago, the mice held a meeting to discuss what they could do about the problems they had with their enemy the cat. Some said this, and some said that, but at last a young mouse got up and said he had an idea of what should be done.

“You will agree,” he said, “that the greatest danger from the cat is that she comes up behind us so silently. Now, if we could hear her coming, we could easily escape her. I suggest, therefore, that a small bell be tied around her neck on a string. Then we would always know when she was nearby, and we could easily hide until she went away.”

Most of the mice cheered this idea until an old mouse stood up and said, “That idea sounds very good, but who will tie the bell around the cat’s neck?

The mice looked at each other, and nobody spoke


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. давным-давно

2. одни говорили одно, другие другое

3. самая большая опасность

4. мы могли бы легко сбежать от нее

5. маленький колокольчик

6. идея хорошая

7. мыши посмотрели друг на друга


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

photo, watch, music, train, flat, wife, goose, lemon, coin, cow, ink, tree, window, chair, picture



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. Helen (to know) English well

2. What they (to eat) at breakfast?

3. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch

4. He (not to smoke)

5. Where your mother (to work)?

6. It usually (to take) me an hour to do my written exercises

7. I (to read) every day

8. My grandmother (not to work)

9. They (to go) for a walk in the evening

10. My father and I (to leave) home at 8 o’clock




I. Письменно переведите тексты


I don’t remember who the actress was but anyway she went into a restaurant and ordered a cake. When the waiter brought the cake she said: “I’d prefer a brandy take the cake away, please”

The brandy arrived. She drank it and then got up, as if to leave

“Madam, madam, your brandy, the waiter called

“What about it?’’

“You’ve forgotten to pay for your brandy, Madam”

“Nonsense, I got the brandy in exchange for the cake”

“Well then,” said the waiter, “you must pay for the cake”

“Why?” she asked “I never ate it.”


A farmer visited his son’s college. Students in the chemistry class told that they were looking for a universal solvent

“What is that?” asked the farmer

“A liquid that will dissolve anything”

“When you find it, what are you going to keep it in?”


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. она пришла в ресторан

2. унесите торт

3. вы забыли заплатить

4. чепуха

5. вместо торта

6. колледж сына

7. где вы собираетесь хранить его


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

foot, chalk, ox, bus, calf, tooth, field, snow, question, lorry, arm, letter, forest, air, wall



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. We (to drink) milk every morning

2. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner

3. I (not to like) coffee

4. You always (to ask) many questions

5. She (not to sleep) in the daytime

6. Your friend (to go to school) in the morning?

7. When you (to get up)?

8. My sister (to eat) sweets every day

9. We (not to go) to the country in winter

10. They (to help) their mother every day




I. Письменно переведите текст



Once a tourist arrived in London. When he got off the train, he asked the porter to show him the way to the nearest post-office. He sent a telegram to his wife, informing her that he had arrived safely and giving her the address of the hotel he intended to stay.

Then he went to the hotel, left the luggage there and went for a walk. As it was his first visit to the English capital, he was very much interested to see the museums and the sights of this beautiful city.

He strolled about a bit, had dinner at a small restaurant and looked at the shops. When he felt tired and wanted to turn his steps back to the hotel, he suddenly realized that he did not remember it’s name or even what street it was in.

Suddenly he remembered the telegram which he had sent to his wife on his arrival. She knew his address and could help him.

So at a late hour his wife received this extraordinary telegram: “Please send me my address at once.”


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. дорога до ближайшей почтовой службы

2. адрес отеля

3. первый визит в столицу Англии

4.музеи и достопримечательности

5. он немного прогулялся

6. поздно вечером

7. необычная телеграмма


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

wisdom, fox, animal, piano, factory, dog, dress, shoe, carrot, knife, lion, ship, bed, friend, problem



IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. We (to drink) milk every morning

2. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner

3. I (not to like) coffee

4. You always (to ask) many questions

5. She (not to sleep) in the daytime

6. Your friend (to go to school) in the morning?

7. When you (to get up)?

8. My sister (to eat) sweets every day

9. We (not to go) to the country in winter

10. They (to help) their mother every day





I. Письменно переведите текст



One day an unlucky fox who was trying to get a drink of water fell into a deep well and could not get out. Along came a thirsty goat and asked fox if the water was good. “Oh, yes,” said fox, “the water is excellent.” And fox told the goat to jump in and have a drink. Without stopping to think, goat jumped into the well and took a long drink. Then both animals began to wonder how they would get out of the well. “I have an idea,” said fox. “Put your feet against the wall, and I will climb on top of you to get out. After I am out, I’ll pull you up too.” The goat gladly agreed, so the fox climbed onto goat’s shoulders and out over the edge of the well. Then fox started to leave. Goat cried out, “What about me? Aren’t you going to help me out?” “You have more hairs on your chin than brains in your head,” answered fox. “If you were smart, you never would have jumped in without first thinking how you would get out.”


II. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. упала в глубокий колодец

2. вода великолепна

3. не подумав

4. коза прыгнула в колодец

5. когда я выберусь, я вытащу тебя

6. коза с радостью согласилась

7. ты не собираешься мне помочь


III. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

woman, day, wolf, bush, potato, banana, lamp, table, flower, milk, student, river, house, bread, boy


IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple

1. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday

2. My frie


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