Section I. Power Engineering

— ограниченные запасы — дает возможность

— технически и экономи- — необычный подход чески возможно — отдаленное будущее

— материальные отходы

2. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations from
the text:

— energy prosperity - new net material wealth

— terrestrial renewable power — multiple microwave systems power beams

— Lunar Solar Power (LSP) - power beams System

— inexhaustible new net electrical energy

3. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

a) to involve c) to suppose e) to uphold g) strength

b) aim d) to provide f) complete

4. Translate the following sentences with the Participle II and pay attention to its dif­
ferent functions and different ways of translation.

a) It is highly unlikely that conventional fossil, nuclear, and terres­trial renewable power systems can provide the power needed by 2050 and the total energy consumed by 2070.

b) They are restricted by limited supplies of fuels, pollution and wastes, irregular supplies of renewable energy, and other factors.

c) Given adequate clean electric power, humanity's material needs can be acquired from common resources and recycled without the use of depletable fuels.

d) Redirected satellites can be reflectors or retransmitters.

Read the text above and say whether the following statements are true or false.

a) From 2000 to 2070 the world would consume approximately 3,000,000 GWt-Y.

b) It is likely that conventional fossil, nuclear, and terrestrial re­newable power systems can provide the power needed by 2050.

c) It is technically and economically impossible to provide 100,000 GWe of solar electric energy from facilities on the Moon.

Unit 12. Lunar Solar Power System 93

d) The LSP System uses bases on opposing limbs of the Moon.

e) Each base is augmented by fields of photoconverters.

f) This version of LSP supplies extra energy to a power station.

Answer the questions using the information from the text.

a) What is the assumed quantity of energy consumption in the nearest future?

b) What are the advantages of the Lunar solar power?

c) What does the LSP System use?

d) What is each base augmented by?

e) Why is the extra energy stored?

f) Why is the LSP System an unconventional approach to supply­ing commercial power to Earth?

Make up an outline of the text above and retell the text using it.


• Read the text to understand what it is about.

LSP Demonstration Base

A Power Base is a fully segmented, multi-beam, phased array radar powered by solar energy. This Power Base consists of tens to hundreds of thousands of independent power plots. Such power plot emits mul­tiple sub-beams. Sets of correlated sub-beams from all the plots are phased electronically to produce one power beam. A given base can project tens to hundreds of independent power beams.

A power plot consists of four elements. There are arrays of solar con­verters. Solar electric power is collected by a buried network of wires and delivered to the microwave transmitters. Power plots can utilize many different types of solar converters and many different types of electric-to-microwave converters. In this example the microwave trans­mitters are buried under the mound of lunar soil at the Earthward end of the power plot. Each transmitter illuminates the microwave reflec­tor located at the anti-Earthward end of its power plot. The reflectors overlap, when viewed from Earth, to form a filled lens that can direct

Section I. Power Engineering

Unit 12. Lunar Solar Power System


very narrow and well-defined power beams toward Earth. The Earth is fixed in the sky above the Power Base.

An LSP demonstration Power Base, scaled to deliver the order of 10 to 100 GWe, can cost as little as 20 billion dollars over 10 years. This assumes the establishment of a permanent base on the Moon, by one or more national governments, that is devoted to the industrial utiliza­tion of lunar resources for manufacturing and logistics. Such a base is the next logical step for the world space programs after completion of the International Space Station.

LSP is practical with 1980's technology and a low overall efficiency of conversion of sunlight to Earth power of -0.15%. Higher system efficiencies, = 35%, are possible by 2020, and greater production effi­ciencies sharply reduce the scale of production processes and up-front costs. An LSP System with 35% overall efficiency will occupy only 0.15% of the lunar surface and supply 20,000 GWe to Earth.

Unlike Earth, the Moon is the ideal environment for large-area so­lar converters. The solar flux to the lunar surface is predictable and dependable. There is no air or water to degrade large-area thin film devices. The Moon is extremely quiet mechanically. It is devoid of weather, significant seismic activity, and biological processes that de­grade terrestrial equipment. Solar collectors can be made that are un­affected by decades of exposure to solar cosmic rays and the solar wind. Sensitive circuitry and wiring can be buried under a few - to tens - of centimeters of lunar soil and completely protected against solar radia­tion, temperature extremes, and micrometeorites.

The United States has sponsored over 500 million dollars of research on the lunar samples and geophysical data since the first lunar landing in 1969. This knowledge is more than adequate to begin designing and demonstrating on Earth the key lunar components and production processes. Lunar exploration is continuing.

• Answer the following questions:

1) What does the Power Base consist of?

2) How is solar electric power collected?

3) Where are the microwave transmitters buried?

4) How much can an LSP demonstration Power Base, scaled to de­liver the order of 10 to 100 GWe cost?


5) What higher system efficiencies are possible by 2020?

6) Why is the Moon the ideal environment for large-area solar con­verters?

7) How much has the United States sponsored on the lunar samples and geophysical data research since the first lunar landing in 1969?

• Complete the following sentences to check how much you have memorized:

a) A Power Base is a fully segmented, multi-beam, phased array ra­dar powered (by thermal energy, by wind energy, by solar energy).

b) Each transmitter illuminates the microwave reflector located (at the Earthward end of its power plot, at the anti-Earthward end of its power plot).

c) An LSP System with 35% overall efficiency will occupy only 0.15% of the lunar surface and supply (2,000 GWe to Earth, 20,000GWe to Earth).

d) The Moon is the ideal environment for (large-area solar convert­ers, small-area power transmitters).

e) It is devoid of weather, significant seismic activity, and biological processes that degrade (the lunar equipment, terrestrial equipment, solar equipment).

• Questions for discussion:

1) What is your opinion of LSP?

2) Is it possible only as international project?

Use the following phrases and word combinations:

in my opinion to start with I believe

to my mind I think the thing is

the fact is as far as I know

JUST FOR FUN From 11 plus Exams

The moon is a planet just like the earth, only it is even deader.

^= Unit 13 ^^ WAVE ENERGY


• Read the text below and give an appropriate title to it.

Wave energy can be considered as a concentrated form of solar en­ergy. Winds are generated by the differential heating of the earth and, as they pass over open bodies of water, they transfer some of their ener­gy to form waves. Energy is stored in waves as both potential energy (in the mass of water displaced from the mean sea level) and kinetic ener­gy (in the motion of the water particles). The amount of energy trans­ferred and hence the size of the resulting waves, depends on the wind speed, the length of time for which the wind blows and the distance over which it blows. Power is concentrated at each stage in the trans­formation process, so that the original solar power levels of typically - 100 W/m2can be transformed into waves with power levels of over 1000 kW per metre of wave crest length.

Wave energy converters extract energy from the sea and convert it to a more useful form, usually as fluid pressure or mechanical motion. This requires an interface where the force (or torque or pressure) of a wave causes relative motion between an absorber and a reaction point. There are over 1000 patents for very varied designs of wave energy con­verters. However, several comprehensive reviews of wave energy show that wave energy is mainly at the R&D stage, with only a small range of devices having been tested or deployed in the oceans. Of these, the main types are:

Tapered Channel — this is a tapering collector which funnels incom­ing waves into a shoreline reservoir, which is set at a small height above mean sea level. The shape of the collector is such that, as it narrows, the wave travelling down it increases in height until it overtops the channel and flows into the reservoir. The water trapped in the reservoir flows back to the sea through a conventional low-head



Unit 13. Wave Energy

hydroelectric generator. The largest plant of this size was 350 kWe but there are currently plans for a 1.1 MWe scheme in Java (Tjugen, 1995).

Oscillating Water Column (OWC) - the OWC comprises a partially submerged structure forming an air chamber, with an underwater ap­erture. This encloses a volume of air, which is compressed as the incident wave makes the free surface of the water rise inside the chamber. The compressed air can escape through an aperture above the water column which leads to a turbine and, as the water inside falls, the air pressure is reduced and air is drawn back through the turbine. Both conventional (i. e. unidirectional) and self-rectifying air turbines have been proposed. The axial-flow Wells turbine is the best known turbine for this kind of application and has the advantage of not re­quiring rectifying air valves.

Pivoting Flap — this device consists of a rectangular concrete box, which is open to the sea at one end. A steel pendulum flap is hinged over this opening, so that the actions of the waves cause it to swing back and forth. This motion is then used to power a hydraulic pump, which sup­plies a generator. There are currently plans for a 300 kWe scheme.

In comparison with the most other renewable energy technologies, even these deployed devices are at a relatively early stage in their de­velopment. This work is leading to more reliable and efficient devices, with corresponding improvements in the economics of wave power gen­eration. It appears that this is a transition time for several technologies as they move from theoretical assessment and small-scale tests to large-scale demonstration and commercial schemes. Many energy and en­gineering companies are starting to show a growing interest in these technologies. As a result, it is envisaged that within the next five years in wave energy will start to play an increasingly important role com­plementing other renewable and conventional energy technologies. In addition, some wave energy devices will see growing use in providing potable water through reverse osmosis.


mean средний to cause вызывать, заставлять

hence следовательно relative motion относительное дви-
transformation process процесс пре- жение

образования varied различный, разнообразный
to require требовать


Section I. Power Engineering

Unit 13. Wave Energy


comprehensive review всесторонний,

полный обзор to deploy размещать shoreline береговая линия in height по высоте to comprise включать to submerge погружать (под воду) incident wave падающая волна

to draw тащить

application применение

to hinge прикреплять

to envisage рассматривать

to complement дополнять

potable water питьевая вода

to swing качаться, раскачиваться


12) air chamber 10) промежуток времени
13) axial-flow turbine 11) воздушная камера
14) rectifying air valves 12) процесс преобразования
15) rectangular concrete box 13) поглощающая структура
16) device 14) длина по гребню (волны)
17) in comparison with 15) устройство
  16) осевая гидротурбина
  17) небольшая высота



EXERCISES 1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations from the text:

Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

d) decrease e) detailed 0 include

wave energy

wind speed

original solar power levels

wave energy converters

mean sea level

conventional low-head

hydroelectric generator

a) to transmit

b) quantity

c) space of time

3. Find in b) the Russian equivalents to


1) water particles

2) wind speed

3) the length of time

4) transformation process

5) crest length

6) to extract

7) fluid pressure

8) interface

9) absorber


10) small height

11) submerged structure


— self-rectifying air turbine

— axial-flow turbine

— steel pendulum flap

— wave power generation

g) use

h) anticipate

the English words and word combinations in a).


1) поверхность раздела

2) давление жидкости

3) поглотитель

4) частицы воды

5) по сравнению с

6) скорость ветра

7) прямоугольный бетонный ящик

8) извлекать

9) ректификационные воздуш­ные клапаны

4. Read the text above and say whether the following statements are true or false.

a) Wave energy can be considered as a concentrated form of lunar energy.

b) Energy is stored in waves as both potential energy and kinetic energy.

c) Power is concentrated at each stage in the transformation process.

d) Wave energy converters extract energy from the Earth and con­vert it to a more useful form, usually as fluid pressure or mechan­ical motion.

e) There are over 1000 patents for very varied designs of wave ener­gy converters.

f) Wave energy is mainly at the construction stage.

g) The water trapped in the reservoir flows back to the sea through a conventional collector.

h) Many energy and engineering companies are starting to show a growing interest in these technologies.

5. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

a) What is the process of wave forming?

b) What does the size of the resulting waves depend on?

c) What is the role of energy converters?

d) How many patents are there for very varied designs of wave ener­gy converter?

e) What stage is wave energy mainly at?

f) What can you say about tapered channel?

g) What is the difference between OWC and pivoting flap devices?
h) When will wave energy start to play an increasingly important

role complementing other renewable and conventional energy technologies?

100 Section I. Power Engineering

Unit 13. Wave Energy


6. Make up an outline of the text above and retell the text using it.

7. Discuss the future applications of wave energy. Use the following phrases and word combinations:

in my opinion to start with I believe

to my mind I think the thing is

the fact is as far as I know


• Look through the text and choose an appropriate title to it:

a) Wave Energy Commentary

b) Wave Resources

c) Global Distribution of Deep Water Power Resources

As the waves move to shallower waters they can be modified by in­teracting with the sea bed in various ways, including:

Shoaling' — the height of a wave varies with the depth of water in which the wave is travelling. In very shallow water this can result in an increase in wave height or shoaling. This results in increased energy and power densities in shallower waters close to shore.

Friction and Wave Breaking — as waves become steeper2they can break, thereby losing both height and energy in turbulent water mo­tion. In shallower areas friction between the water particles and the sea bed can result in energy loss.

Refraction — as the waves propagate into shallow waters near to the coast, the wave fronts are bent so that they become more parallel to the depth contours and shoreline.

Diffraction3 - this is analogous to optical behaviour of light, lead­ing to waves bending around and behind barriers.

All these types of behaviour are dependent on the detailed variation of sea bed topography and can lead to the focusing of wave energy in concentrated regions called "hot spots". However, wave power levels close to shore are generally much less than those in deep water (e. g. around the UK wave power level at 20 m water depth is about one-

third of those in deep water). Outside the tropics, storms are usually more intense and frequent during winter, which results in wave power levels being higher in that season. Therefore, wave energy provides good seasonal load-following for those regions where peak electricity de­mand is produced by winter heating and lighting requirements (e. g. northern Europe, western Canada and north-west USA).

Wave energy was the subject of considerable research in the 1970's (as a response to the oil crisis) but the effort was much reduced through­out the 1980's. More recently there has been a resurgence4 of interest in developing wave energy for commercial use, with significant work being undertaken in numerous countries. This work is leading to more reliable and efficient devices, with corresponding improvements in the economics of wave power generation. It appears that this is a tran­sition time for several technologies as they move from theoretical as­sessment and small-scale tests to large-scale demonstration and com­mercial schemes. Many energy and engineering companies are starting to show a growing interest in these technologies. As a result, it is envis­aged that within the next five years wave energy will start to play an increasingly important role in complementing other renewable and conventional energy technologies.

1 - обмеление; 2 — круче; 3 — преломление; 4 — возрождение

• Answer the following questions using the information from the text.

a) What results in increased energy and power densities in shallow­er waters close to shore?

b) What are all these types of wave behaviour dependent on?

c) What is the future of wave energy?


* Read and retell the following text.

Titanic Power Needed for a Massive Movie Set

Aggreko supplied more than 8.5 MW for the production of "Titan­ic", the Golden Globe Award winning blockbuster. It took seven months to film the movie, which is the largest budget film to date with



Section I. Power Engineering

more than $ 200 million spent. For the most part, the electrical power was used for the major lighting requirements of the evening shots (съемки) of the ship as it sat in the seven-acre, 17 million gallon (гал­лон = 4,54 л) exterior seawater tank. The task of lighting the 770 foot long replica, only 10 percent smaller than the actual ship, took more than about 2 MW. Special effects such as the final stages of disaster, when the ship is separated into two pieces with the front half sinking in 40 feet of water, took for 1 million pound hydraulic lifts, power by gen­erators, to lift the steel and wood replica to a vertical position.

Unit 14 i FUSION


• Read the text given below and say whether it is about nuclear power or not.

Fusion power offers the potential of an almost limitless source of energy for future generations but it also presents some formidable sci­entific and engineering challenges. It is called 'fusion' because it is based on fusing light nuclei such as hydrogen isotopes to release ener­gy. The process is similar to that which powers the sun and other stars. Effective energy-producing fusions require that gas from a combina­tion of isotopes of hydrogen — deuterium and tritium — is heated to very high temperatures (100 million degrees Centigrade) and confined for at least one second. One way to achieve these conditions is to use magnetic confinement. The most promising configuration at present is the tokamak, a Russian word for a torus-shaped magnetic chamber.

The History of Fusion

The original large-scale experimental fusion device on which British physicists worked during the 1940s and 50s was housed in a hangar at Harwell. The device called ZETA - Zero Energy Toroidal Assembly was at first, shrouded in secrecy but with the temporary thaw in the Cold War created in the late 1950s by the visit of Kruschev and Bulganin. The Russians by bringing their leading fusion expert Academician I.V. Kurchatov to give a lecture "The Possibility of Producing Thermo­nuclear Reactions in a Gas Discharge" revealed their own work in the field and we shared our experience with ZETA. International coop­eration began and is an absolute prerequisite in the development of fu­sion research with the principal countries involved in large-scale fusion research being the European Union, USA, Russia and Japan, support­ed by vigorous programmes in China, Brazil, Canada, and Korea.

104 Section I. Power Engineering


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