Make the summary of the texts in English.
Electricity from Landfill Gas: New Technologies for an Industrial Approach
The production of electricity from landfill' gas can make a significant contribution to both reducing consumption of fossil fuels and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases, in this case methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (C02). Operational reliability2 can often be a problem with innovative renewable energy technologies so the aim of this project is not only to produce electricity, but to generate it to meet the same conditions required of conventional power plants; to guarantee to supply 10 MWe, over a period often years, with an operational availability of 95%. The new power plant will be installed at a very large landfill site in the suburbs3of Paris.
With an annual waste input to the site of more than 350,000 tonnes, the plant is designed to use gas extracted from the landfill, at about 9,200 cubic metres an hour. The landfill gas, a mixture of C02 and CH4 will be burned to raise steam in a boiler and the steam will then be fed to a high efficiency steam-turbine connected to an alternator4. About 11 MWe will be generated at the alternator terminals. The main aim of the project is to demonstrate 95% or more availability of the plant over ten year period. The minimum annual electricity production will therefore be 82,800 MWh. This will be fed to the local distribution network. The project incorporates several technical innovations designed to increase reliability. An innovative burner system allows constant steam production despite fluctuations5 in the low-rate and calorific value of the landfill gas. This is possible because a sophisticated monitoring and control system can allow the addition of heavy fuel oil to the burner's fuel supply as required, although this should constitute less than 5% of the fuel supply. By demonstrating levels of operational availability comparable to that of conventional power stations, this project will help to break down technical barriers to the greater use of renewable energy technologies.
1 - мусорная свалка; 2 - надежность; 3 — пригород; 4 - генератор переменного тока; 5 — колебания
В. Renewables
Combination of a Waste Incineration Plant with a Combined Cycle Power Plant in Netherlands
This innovative project linked a waste incineration furnace' with a combined cycle power plant. Three incinerator units were built, requiring some 80 t/h waste, with an average energy content of 10.45 MJ/ kg. The gross capacity of the integrated operation — the incinerator and the combined cycle unit — is some 73 MWe.
Recent analysis of the plant's performance indicates a 7% increase in the net efficiency of the integrated plant compared to a conventional stand-alone waste incinerator. Nearly 70 GWh/y of extra electricity is generated as a result of this system, with a payback relative to the investment costs and extra operating/maintenance charges2, of only three years.
Renewables Unite
Several renewable energy trade groups banded3together to promote renewable energy policy in the course of electricity deregulation: the Geothermal Resources Association, the California Biomass Energy Alliance, the National Biolndustries Association, the Solar Energy Industries Association and the American Wind Energy Producers Alliance. Members will be working to ensure future legislation to support renewables and commercialization programs for emerging technologies.
1 - печь для сжигания; 2 - расходы; 3 - соединились
Floating Nuclear Plant to Be Built in Russia
Barge-mounted power plants based on diesel engines, gas turbines, or oil-fired boilers are already a reality in many parts of the world. Developers in Russia hope to expand the concept to build the world's first floating nuclear heat and power station.
Many naval and marine engineers migrate to jobs in the electric power industry when their seagoing days are over. It seems appropriate then, that floating power plants are beginning to follow the same migratory path, shifting from shipboard propulsion' duty to land-connected power-generation applications.
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Over the past few years, numerous such barge-mounted power plants have entered commercial service around the globe, based on diesel engines, gas turbines, or oil-fired boilers. Now one of the most ambitious2projects is slated3to be developed: the world's first floating nuclear heat and power station.
Construction of the floating station is scheduled to begin this year to provide power by 2006 to Russia's Sevmashpredpriyatiye. Designers are envisioning4 a barge of 20,000-ton displacement, equipped with two nuclear reactors and two electric generators.
1 - двигатель; 2 - претенциозный, амбициозный; 3 - планируется; 4 - представляют
1. Read the following texts about wave energy without a dictionary and answer the given questions.
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Denmark • What is a new approach intended to? Wave research has been carried out' in Denmark since 1978, primarily on a system in which a heaving buoy operates a pump in a concrete2base. This was developed by Danish Wave Power Aps (now Ramboll). Following testing of a 1 kW experimental design, a 45 kW prototype was tested in 1989—1990. The experience gained3in those tests led to the design of a smaller system, which included short-term energy storage built into the base. This was tested at various periods throughout 1994—1995. Danish Wave Power has also coordinated work sponsored by the European Commission, such as a technical evaluation of all wave energy converters.
More recently, publicity and attention has been given to the Wave Plane, an invention of Erik Skarup who has formed the company Wave Plane International and raised 6 million Danish Kroner from private investors. This is a new approach, which is intended to act somewhat like a floating Tapchan.
During 2004-2005, 20 million Danish Kroner will be made available by the Danish government for wave energy research. This will be used to develop new devices, as well as optimization and model testing of more advanced ideas. An advisory group4 is about to be set up to put together a strategy for this program.
1 - выполнены; 2 - бетонный; 3 - полученный; 4 - консультативная группа
• When and where was a 150 kW prototype OWC with harbour walls built?
The Indian wave energy program started in 1983 at the Institute of Technology, Madras and has concentrated almost exclusively on the OWC concept. A 150 kW prototype OWC with harbour walls was
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built onto the breakwater of the Vizhinjam Fisheries Harbour, near Trivandrum on the south-west coast of India, in 1991. This scheme has functioned well, producing data that have been used to design and build an improved demonstration scheme at the same site. This will have several new features, including a superior generator and turbine. Following the successful testing of this new scheme, it is proposed to build a commercial scheme of 10 caissons (опоры), each 21 m wide, at Thangas-sery, on the west coast of India. Each caisson will have two power modules, both with a 55 kWe rating leading to an overall rating of 1.1 MWe. These caissons will be spaced at an optimum distance apart, in order to increase their overall capture efficiency to above that of a single caisson.
Ireland • What invitation has the Irish Department of Public Enterprise issued?
Considerable wave energy research has been carried out in Ireland. Much of this work — on evaluating wave resource, modelling the hydrodynamics of wave energy devices, model testing and device design (primarily OWC's) — has been carried out at University College Cork. The College also co-ordinates the Wave Energy Research Network for the European Commission and has played a role in developing the European wave energy atlas (see Portugal).
As part of its third Alternative Energy Requirement (AER III), the Irish Department of Public Enterprise has issued an invitation to tender' for wave energy schemes to operate in Irish waters. In addition to receiving a capital grant of Ecu2 930,000, the successful scheme will be paid a premium price for its output for a fixed period of time (~15 years). The successful device will be installed and operating in 2004.
The McCabe Wave Pump (MWP) is a hinged-raft wave energy conversion system, which has been studied both theoretically and experimentally. In August 1996, Hydam Technology deployed a 40 m long prototype off the coast of Kilbanna, County Clare, Ireland, where it is still undergoing tests. The device is particularly suited to swell3 conditions and is primarily intended for desalination: several Pacific islands have already expressed an interest.
1 — оплатить; 2 — экю (валюта ЕС); 3 — возвышенный
• What are the results of extensive wave energy research undertaken in Japan?
Extensive wave energy research has been undertaken in Japan, with particular emphasis on the construction and deployment of prototype devices (primarily OWC's).
A five-chambered OWC was built as part of the harbour wall at Sakata Port in Japan. The device became operational in 1989 but, after a test program, only three air chambers were used for energy production. A turbogenerator module of 60 kW has been installed and is being used as a power generator unit for demonstration and monitoring purposes. This is expected to be replaced later by a larger and more powerful turbine (possibly 200 kW).
In 1983, a 40 kW steel and concrete OWC was deployed on the shoreline structure at Sanze, for research purposes. This functioned for several years and was then decommissioned and examined to investigate its resistance to corrosion and fatigue'.
A scheme comprising 10 OWC's was installed in front of an existing breakwater at Kujukuri-Cho. The air emitted from each OWC was manifolded2 into a pressurised reservoir and used to drive a 30 kW turbine.
A prototype 130 kW OWC was deployed at Haramachi in 1996. This uses rectifying valves to control the flow of air to and from the turbine, in order to produce a steady power output.
A floating OWC known as the Backward Bent Duct Buoy was deployed in Japan. This is similar to a conventional OWC but the opening faces towards the shoreline. Another, more conventional floating OWC (the Mighty Whale) is also being developed.
1 - усталость металлов; 2 - пропущен по трубе
Korea (Republic)
• What are novel features of the Shim wind-wave energy scheme?
The Shim wind-wave energy scheme has been developed in cooperation with Baek Jae Engineering of Seoul. It has many novel features, including a floating, lattice structure fabricated from plastics and composites, as well as incorporating an array of small wind turbines.
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The design is at an early stage of development and, as such, there are several aspects that need further development. However, an independent assessment has been carried out which indicated that, if research in these areas is successful and the device lives up to its early promise, it is likely to be economically competitive with a range of electricity generation technologies, if deployed in energetic wave climates such as those of Western Europe. Baek Jae Engineering are continuing to develop the design and are intending to progress to testing a prototype in the near future.
Netherlands • What can you say about the Archimedes Wave Swing?
Teamwork Technology bv and a consortium of Dutch companies have been working to develop the Archimedes Wave Swing over the last four years. It is a heaving buoy device consisting of an array of three or more point absorbers. These are like hollowed-out "mushrooms", which contain air to achieve neutral buoyancy and are tethered' below the surface of the sea. As waves pass over the top of the mushroom, they alter the pressure of the air inside the mushroom and hence its buoyancy. This causes the system to move up and down, which activates heave2 compensators connected between the mushroom and its sea bed mounting. These pump oil to an hydraulic motor to supply mechanical power to an electric generator. All the mechanical and electrical equipment is contained within a single detachable3 unit sealed from sea water. The system is undergoing modification prior to beginning installation of a pilot plant in the waters off Portugal.
1 - связаны; 2 — набегание, накатывание волн на берег; 3 — отделяемый
• What is a centre of excellence for research into wave energy in Norway?
In the 1980's Norway deployed two of the largest, commercial wave energy schemes: a 350 kWe Tapchan and a 500 kWe OWC. Following a prolonged period of successful operation, both these schemes have ceased to function. However, opportunities for exporting the Tapchan
system have been pursued first by Norwave AS and now Groner AS (see Indonesia). Trondheim University remains a centre of excellence for research into wave energy.
• What has most of the research on wave energy conversion been devoted to?
Since 1978 Portugal has played a significant role in wave energy R&D. This has concentrated mainly on developing OWC's and has been undertaken at the Instituto Superior Tecnico (1ST) of the Technical University of Lisbon and the National Institute of Engineering and Industrial Technology (INETI) of the Portuguese Ministry of Economy. Most of the research on wave energy conversion has been devoted to OWC's. Early work concentrated on theoretical and experimental studies of the device hydrodynamics and the behaviour of Wells turbines (including monoplane and biplane rotors, as well as contra-rotating and variable-pitch designs). This has produced design codes for these turbines and plant control strategies.
• What is the scheme of an OWC in Spain?
Since 1990, Union Electrica Fenosa has been conducting research on a novel wave energy scheme. The scheme is an OWC where the power is extracted, not by an air-driven turbine but mechanically, using a float atop the water column. An experimental plant has been tested in a wave flume (подводящий канал), allowing its behaviour to be modelled. More testing is being carried out but plans are being made for installation of a prototype in a breakwater.
• What are the plans of a new company (Eurowave Energy AB) to promote commer
cial schemes?
Two main devices have been under development in Sweden: the Hosepump and the IPS buoy technology. The latter contains a long, open-ended tube, with a piston' in the tube attached to hydraulic cyl-
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inders. The inertia of water in the tube leads to relative motion between the piston and the buoy which can be damped2to produce energy. A new company (Eurowave Energy AB) is to be formed to promote commercial schemes based on these technologies. It has plans to install a demonstration system west of Gothenburg in the near future, followed by other demonstration schemes near Athens (Greece) and New Jersey (USA). They also have plans for a 1.5 MW commercial scheme off the west coast of Ireland.
1 — поршень; 2 - уменьшен
United Kingdom
• What has proved to be a valuable test facility, enabling study of the various components of the system under in-service conditions?
The UK has had one of the largest government-sponsored R&D programs on wave energy, covering a wide range of devices. However, this was greatly reduced in the early 1980's and most recent work has centered on a shoreline OWC system at Queen's University, Belfast (QUB).
Over the past few years, QUB have been monitoring and improving a 75 kWe shoreline gully OWC on the island of Islay, with support from the UK Department of Trade and Industry. It has proved to be a valuable test facility, enabling study of the various components of the system under in-service conditions. Valuable lessons have been learned on all aspects of the scheme, leading to significant developments in several areas (e. g. device installation, turbine performance, system control and grid integration).