- You got another package today. У тебя еще одна посылка сегодня.
- Great! Отлично!
- What did you order this time? Что ты заказала в этот раз?
- Books, clothes and shoes. Книги, одежду и обувь.
- Wow! That's a lot of stuff! Ого! Так много вещей!
- I love to shop-online. Shipping is fast and free. Я люблю делать покупки онлайн. Доставка быстрая и бесплатная.
- But don't you want to try clothes and shoes on before you buy them? Но разве ты не хочешь примерить одежду и обувь, прежде чем покупать их?
- I can just return them if I don't like them or they don' fit me. Я могу просто вернуть их, если они мне не понравятся или не подойдут.
- That's seems like a waste of time to me. Это выглядит как пустая трата времени для меня.
- I love looking for deals without leaving home. Я люблю делать покупки, не выходя из дома.
1. Создать Гугл-форму на какую-нибудь тему и скинуть ссылку на стену. Ответить на чужие.
Задание 1. Перевести вопросы и разбить на группы: общие, специальные и альтернативные vk.com/wall-186447991_210
Общие вопросы:
Have you been under stress recently?
Do you have a kind of red warning flag that indicates too much stress?
Do you feel tired during the day?
Can you sleep well at night?
Does your stomach hurt?
Do you get angry easily?
Have you ever helped someone who was feeling stressful?
Did you give them advice?
Did you listen to them?
Did you do most of the talking?
Did you take some action to help them?
Have you ever helped someone that you didn't know?
Is it necessary to have shared the same experience?
Is it important to be an expert?
Is it important to be patient?
If you are playing a sport and your team is losing, does it give you extra energy?
Does stress make you feel more alive?
Is your home life stressful?
Are you busy at home?
Can you relax at home?
Do you enjoy having discussions about politics with other people who have different opinions?
Have you felt stress recently?
Do you feel too busy sometimes?
Do you like being busy?
If you are very busy at work or at school, do you have ways to balance your life?
Does stress make it hard for you to think or act?
Is your stress caused by relationships with other people? At work? At school? At home? With best friends? With partners?
Can you think of some examples?
Does stress come when you worry about your life?
Do you keep your worries a secret from other people?
Do you have anyone you can talk to when you are worried?
Are there situations that you find stressful?
Do you feel tense when you meet someone for the first time?
Do you get nervous if you have to make a speech?
Do you suffer from stress when you have too much work to do?
Does the place you live have a low-stress environment?
Can you be alone as much as you like?
Can you be with friends as often as you like?
Is it easy for you to make decisions about important things?
Can you relax when you are sleeping away from home?
Do you have a stressful lifestyle?
Do you enjoy the feeling of being stressed?
Can alcohol cure stress temporarily?
Специальные вопросы:
What is stress?
What causes stress?
How do you recognize stress in your life?
How does stress affect you?
When you are stressful, how do you feel physically?
How do you feel emotionally?
What did you do?
What are characteristics of a good counselor?
When can stress be a good thing?
How often do you think you feel too much stress?
In what way does a too full schedule lead to stress?
How can you judge what is the right amount of stress for you?
When did we start talking about stress as a psychological condition?
What do you do when you have stress?
In what kinds of situations do you observe other people feeling stressed?
What are some situations that you enjoy?
What are some situations that make you feel stressful?
How can you eliminate stressful situations?
How do you relieve stress?
What stresses you out?
How can you eliminate stressful situations?
How do you get control of a stressful situation that is getting too tough?
What is the "fight or flight" response?
How does it relate to stress?
If you are feeling stressed, what do you do?
Альтернативные вопросы:
Do you feel nervous or worried about stressful situations?
Do you think stress is ever good, useful, or necessary?
Why or why not?
Do you play games or sports that are sometimes stressful?
Did the stressful feeling last a long time or a short time?
Do you like to argue about different ways to do things at work or at home?
Had the cause of the stress happened to you before or was this a new situation?
If you have nothing to do, do you enjoy yourself or do you get bored?
Do you work or study for long hours under stressful conditions?
Do you like to relax or be active when stressful?
Are you capable of relieving your stress or do you need help?
Задание 3. Посмотреть видео vk.com/video-186447991_456239037, выписать выражения и перевести вопросы ведущего.
Задание 3
Вопросы и их перевод:
1. Do you think stress is a problem in current society? Now does it affect our lives? - Считаете ли вы, что стресс это проблема в современном обществе? Сейчас это влияет на нашу жизнь?
2. Is everybody affected by it, even children? Give examples. - Касается ли это всего, даже детей? Приведите примеры.
3. How can we avoid or relieve stress? Talk about different methods you can think of. - Как мы можем избежать или снять стресс? Поговорим о различных методах, которые вы можете придумать.
4. Are you stressed? What causes this feeling? What are the consequences for you? - Вы испытываете стресс? Что вызывает это чувство? Какие будут последствия для вас?
5. How do you relax? - Как вы отдыхаете?
Выражения из видео:
1. running around like headless chickens - бегают вокруг как обезглавленные цыплята, суетиться.
2. work 24/7 - работать 24 часа 7 дней в неделю, работать все время.
3. drive you up the wall – лезть на стену, раздражать кого-либо
4. keep up with Joneses - не отставай от Джонса, жить как все, не отставать от других
5. zone out - выход из зоны, потерять концентрацию, интерес
6. as well - также
7. off-load - разгрузить, избавиться
8. stressed out - нервничать, чувствовать стресс
9. a bit of a - немного
10. get into the zone -–настроиться
ДЗ (к 19.05 14:00):
1. Сделать письменный пресс-релиз для выставки (на 1 страницу), скинуть на стену (примеры ниже + в интернете): название, место проведения, дата; цель проведения, описание, контакты.
2. Небольшая (3-5 слайдов) презентация по выставке: название, цели, участники и т.д., вставить картинки, можно цитаты.
1. My name is Natalia Dmitrievna Rakova. I am a student of the Art and graphic faculty of the Moscow state Pedagogical University. Here are my works completed during my studies at the University. There are paintings, drawings, plein air. All the work was done at different times throughout the training. The exhibition will be interesting for those who plan to enter this University, students and those who just love creativity.
Contacts: 8 915 120 36 55,
e-mail: natalir96mail.com
Creative exhibition by Natalya Rakova
2. – прикрепила презентацию
ДЗ (к 2.06 14:20):
1. Посетить какое-нибудь онлайн-мероприятие (выставку, концерт) и составить о нём небольшой отчёт на пару слайдов: название, описание, картинки.
2. Проверить себя по тесту: https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a2/second-con..
3. Market Leader стр 90. Ответить на 6 вопросов в желтой табличке.
1 – прикрепила презентацию
1. b
2. b
3. c or d
4. a
5. a
6. a
ДЗ (к зачёту!):
Презентация о статье с сайта https://www.studentartguide.com/about (в разделе Articles) на 5 слайдов:
рассказать о названии статьи, её цели (aim/purpose), основной идее, что интересного нашли в статье, и что из статьи применимо для моей работы, мнение о статье.
- Презентацию прикрепила