English-Speaking Countries: Culture and Traditions

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Грамматический комментарий

Предлоги (Prepositions)

Предлоги служат для связи существительных или местоимений с другими словами в фразах и предложениях.

Основные предлоги:

простые – on (на, в), in (в, через), to (к, в), from (от), about (о), with (с), till (до), of (из, о), at (за, у, в), by (около), for (для);

сложные – inside (внутри), outside (снаружи), upon (на), into (в), throughout (через);

составные – because of (из-за), instead of (вместо), by means of (посредством), as far as (до), by force of (в силу), in spite of (несмотря на), in front of (перед), contrary to (против).

Большинство предлогов имеет по нескольку значений.

Предлог by может употребляться в значении у, около, возле, мимо.

Предлог in имеет значение времени, места, области действия: in winter, in an hour (через час), in the room, to be in the army.

Предлоги at, in, on употребляются в выражениях времени и дат:

at – для выражения конкретного времени: at half past six, at night, at nine o’clock, at Christmas; для обозначения пригородов, сел, деревень, автостоянок, мостов: I met him at London bridge;

in – для недель, месяцев, лет: in 2006, in summer, in August,in th orning; для обозначения стран, больших городов, областей: He lives in England. The delegation will arrive in Moscow on Sunday.;

on – для обозначения дней недели,: on Sunday,.

Имя существительное с предлогом by означает действующее лицо, существительное с предлогом with – орудие действия: The clouds were driven by the wind.

The coat was cut with the scissors.


Вариант 1

Лексический комментарий

I. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними 5 предложения.


Nouns Существительные
Introduction Официальное представление
First / Christian / given name Имя
Surname/ second/ last/ family name Фамилия
Patronymic/ middle name Отчество
Custom 1) обычай; 2) клиентура
Courtesy Вежливость, учтивость
Issue Спорный вопрос
Attitude Отношение к чему-либо
Response Ответ, реакция
Behavior Поведение
Leisure Досуг
Acquaintance 1) знакомый, 2) знакомство
Associate Коллега, партнер, товарищ
Grooming Уход за внешностью
Verbs Глаголы
Accept Принимать, соглашаться
Accept (take) for granted Считать само собой разумеющимся
Face Стоять перед лицом чего-либо
Introduce 1) представлять; 2) вносить на рассмотрение
Save 1) экономить; 2) беречь
Waste Расточать, истощать
Spend Тратить, расходовать
Drop in (into) Заглянуть, зайти куда-либо
Be concerned with something Быть озабоченным чем-либо
Adjectives & Adverbs Прилагательные и наречия
Acceptable Приемлемый
Accepted Общепринятый, признанный
Free 1) свободный; 2) бесплатный
Spare 1) свободный; 2) запасный
Well-bred Хорошо воспитанный
ill-bred Плохо воспитанный



II. а) Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

Punctually Proof
Take for granted Ability
Affirmation Exactly
Acceptance Importance
Capability Accept for granted
Significance request
Demand Recognition


б) Приведите в соответствие слова из левой колонки с их толкованием из правой колонки.

Courtesies (n) Habits  
Attitude (n) free or extra time  
Routines (n) polite behavior  
Foreigner (n) Unfamiliar person
Stranger (n) opinion about something
Spare time (n) Often
Budget time (v) Economical or proper use
Efficient (adj) citizen or native of another country
Frequently (adv) plan for future use of time


III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сделайте полный письменный перевод 2 и 3 абзацев.

English-Speaking Countries: Culture and Traditions

The word "culture" has different meanings. It often refers to music, literature, art, and higher education. It also means the customs of a society and the way in which people interact with each other.

Every culture has certain basic ideas which everyone accepts for granted. These are fundamental things that everyone "knows" from his or her childhood, and which are automatic to the people who live in that culture. They include everything from the common courtesies and details of daily life to the deeper issues of a person's place in society, of family, of life and death.

When a person enters a new culture, the basic customs and ideas that he or she automatically accepted may no longer be true. The person faces a new set of customs and attitudes to try to understand. Let us learn some elements of English-speaking countries' culture and traditions.

Introducing yourself there is very simple: you state your name, where you live and your occupation. In a formal situation use your first and last names. At a party or in a social setting, use your first name only. Men are introduced to women, young people to older ones, old friends to newcomers, and young girls to married. Usually women are not presented to a man.

When introducing one says something like: "Mrs. Smith, may I introduce Mr. Brown" and then turning to Mrs. Smith simply says "Mrs. Smith". The usual response to the introduction is "How do you do?" which is a kind of greetings and not a question — very formal. One can say something less formal: "Nice to meet you," "I am glad to meet you," or "Happy to have met you." If you do not know a person's name, say "Sir" to a man or "Madam" to a woman. If a lady's marital status is unknown, she should be addressed as Ms [miz]. However, it would be much more civilized to learn a person's name and say: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Brown." People usually shake hands firmly especially when formally introduced, but they do not always shake hands with people they see often.

Certain types of behavior are expected in English-speaking countries. American identity is much bound up with home origins. Conversations between two Americans meeting abroad will commonly include an early focus on the home states or colleges, whereas this is unlikely with two Britons (assuming they talked to each other at all). Nicknames are much more often used in the USA than in Britain.

People in both countries consider time as an expensive object or material. They talk about it in many different ways. They save it, waste it, spend it, kill it. They have free time, leisure time, spare time. They invest in it and carefully budget it. Then never be late. It is not the custom to drop in on acquaintances without calling. Be polite and friendly in public places. Phrases like "Excuse me" and "I am sorry" are used far more frequently than in Russia. People there are also very concerned with grooming. Daily showers and a fresh set of clothes are the norm. Never ask persons their age. Smile and people will smile with you.


IV. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the two meanings of the word "culture"?

2. How do you address strangers?

3. Introduce yourself formally.

4. Introduce yourself informally.


V. Бегло прочитав текст, выберите правильный вариант ответа.

The southeastern-most county or shire of England, running from London to the Channel, is Kent. Historically, this is the core of English history, with Dover — the principal access to the continent, Canterbury — the home of the English Church, and the Thames ports on its north border — the center of sea power and trading prosperity. It is one of the Home Counties and is often called the Garden of England both for its agricultural riches and for the lovely rolling hills in the North Downs that for many are the visual image of England itself, figuring in numberless works of literature.

Kent is...

(A) the home of the English Church.

(B) the center of trading prosperity.

(C) the core of English history.

(D) the main access to the continent.


VI. Верные реплики к данным высказываниям – это:


1. Sorry, I interrupted you. —

2. Could you hand me that file? —

3. I think it is going to rain. —

4. Thank you for a delicious meal. —

5. How about something to eat? —

6. Our team's lost the match. —


a) That’s a good idea.


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