Перефразируем тему ЭССЕ в первом абзаце

Paraphrasing (writing in your own words)



Успех написания эссе - задания 40 ЕГЭ по английскому языку зависит от того, как экзаменуемый справится с перефразированием проблемы в первом абзаце. Известно, что невыполнение коммуникативной задачи, выраженное в заимствовании лексики, либо копировании всей темы эссе влечет за собой оценивание раздела содержания, как и всей работы, в "0" баллов. Необходимо избегать текстуального совпадения, то есть "дословного совпадения отрезка письменной речи длиной 10 слов и более". Если более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т.е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником), то выставляется 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи», и, соответственно, все задание оценивается в 0 баллов.



При написании Эссе экзаменуемый не должен повторять одно и то же слово чаще 2 раз за абзац. Для этого необходимо заранее выучить синонимы и запомнить, что английские синонимы передают разные оттенки смысла и разный накал эмоций. Не забывайте о том, что чем больше синонимов вы используете, тем лучше звучит ваше предложение. Знание синонимов на английском языке также поможет подобрать подходящее слово для каждой отдельной ситуации и эмоциональной окраски.



Эффективный перифраз включает в себя несколько способов перефразирования:


использование синонимов, антонимов, фраз и слов (попробуйте заменить большинство слов). Используйте слова с одинаковым значением, а не с похожим значением;

изменяя порядок слов;

изменяя форму слова;

изменяя активный залог на пассивный или пассивный залог на активный;

изменяя структуру предложения и используя разные соединительные слова.


Заказывайте пособие «Перефразируем тему ЭССЕ» 180 образцов перифраза и огромный перечень синонимов на 150 страницах.

https://vk.com/ege2020english e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru

Примеры перефразирования:


Original: It is better for children to play games outside and take part in traditional pastimes.

Paraphrase: It would be far more beneficial for youngsters to dedicate their time to more conventional leisure activities, whether it be participating in sports or reading books.



better – > beneficial
children – > youngsters
to play sports – > to participate in sports
to spend time – > to dedicate time
traditional pastimes – > conventional activities



Original: Some people think that sports involving violence, such as boxing and martial arts, should be banned from TV.

Paraphrase:Certain people believe that violent sports, for example, martial arts and boxing, should not be shown on TV.



1. some people think – > certain people believe (некоторые люди верят)
2. such as – > for example
3. should be banned from TV – > should not be shown on TV
4. as well as – > including



Original: Many people think that cars should not be allowed in city centres.

Paraphrase: Many people believe that motor vehicles should be banned in urban areas. / The city’s present problems arise from the increasing number of cars in the streets. Нынешние проблемы города возникают из-за растущего числа автомобилей на улицах.


think –> believe

cars –> motor vehicles

should not be allowed –> should be banned

city centres – > urban areas


Original: People living in large cities today face many problems in their everyday life.

Paraphrase: In recent years, there have been a number of everyday problems that people in big cities have to cope with.


Original: Science and technology have helped the world make many advances.

Paraphrase: Societies have developed rapidly over time thanks to the many advances in science and technology.



Original: Many schools require their students to wear uniforms.

Paraphrase: Students are required to wear uniforms in many schools.



Original: The only way to improve safety on our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences.

Paraphrase: The effective way to protect people from committing road offenses is imposing (облагать) stricter penalties for traffic crimes.



Original: Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. - Paraphrase: Nowadays, travelers instead of local residents often visit museums and historical areas.


Original: It is easy to live without the Internet.

Paraphrase: It is not difficult to stay without the global network.



Original: An interesting job is better than the job with a high salary.

Paraphrase: An exciting job is better than a highly paid job.



Original: Volunteering is essential for teenagers.

Paraphrase: Volunteering is completely necessary for adolescents.



Original: People who live in big cities face a number of problems in their daily life.

Paraphrase: People residing in large urban areas have to deal with a lot of issues in their day to day lives.

Paraphrase: There are a number of issues that people living in cities have to cope with in their everyday lives.



Original: A university degree is a must for success in the modern world.

Paraphrase: Many prestigious positions can be occupied only by professionals with a university degree.



Original: Many young people go to study at university.

Paraphrase: For many students a university is a place where they can develop their specific interests /can gain professional knowledge.


Key words for paraphrase:


v as quickly as = as soon as

v are especially interested in = that particularly interest us

v are more significant than others = may be the most important

v a number of categories = various types of...

v the variety of = an enormous range of

v different age groups = age ranges возрастные диапазоны/группы

v looked after = took care of

v comparison between = … ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!

v the recent studies of... =

v develop =

v real =

v die out =

v at risk of dying out =

v reduction in numbers =

v analysed =

v the impact … on the =

v research =

v harmful to animals =

v focused on = have looked at

v visiting animals in zoos =

v live longer =

v some species in zoos =

v studying animals in zoos =

v people who are involved with conservation projects =

v raise animals =

v school =

v children with good self-control =

v be the best way for children to learn =

v can play with a child =

v of their game =

v activities =

v gives children =

v certain elements of play =

v all forms of play =

v have fun =

v will be useful =

v in the development of =

v to influence =

v based on =

v differ from отличаться от =

v investigate =

v is goal oriented =

v can be divided into =

v can be classified =

v it is a mistake =

v a researcher =

v experience in опыт в =

v experience in job field - опыт работы в сфере труда

v the same possibilities to be open to everyone =

v no section of society should have preferential treatment =

v gain benefits =

v are using =

v variation in intelligence =

v on the basis of what they actually achieve =

v begins at birth = people are born

v be in position of power власти =

v develop the same abilities =

v people of low intelligence =

v lead uncontrolled lives =

v benefit wildlife =

v for a period =

v a reason why =

v visited =

v gave up =

v focus on =

v taking photographs of scenery =

v took up considerable time заняло значительное время =

v heavy =

v souvenirs travelling =

v took many trips =

v is linked to =

v prestige =

v comparison сравнение =

v the large increase in use =

v in the air =

v bad air = toxic air

v as often as =

v for protection against =

v complaints =

v the impact of a certain approach влияние определенного подхода =

v is in fact incorrect =

v evidence =

v a certain approach = order определенный подход = порядок

v more disadvantages than advantages =

v are currently impossible в настоящее время невозможно =

v appeals to призывы к =

v being organised =

v many people =

v are less likely to change jobs staff =

v workplace =

v an improvement in working conditions and job security makes staff satisfied with their jobs

v is encouraged =

v feel =

v to aim at order стремиться к порядку =

v without really consider =

v innovation =

v is most successful наиболее успешный =

v if the people involved = enable everyone involved

v the main environmental problem of our time is… =

v environmental issues are more vital =

v residents who use public transport =

v has been moving =

v when he was younger =





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