Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.



Вариант 1.

Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.


Ву М. Twain (An Extract)

...Aunt Polly looked confused a moment. Then she wanted to say something kind, but she did not wish to show that she was in the wrong. Tom knew that in her heart aunt Polly was on her knees before him. He knew that she was looking at him with eyes full of tears. But she kept silence. So Tom sat in a corner and thought he was very unhappy because nobody loved him. At last he got up, went out and down the street. He came to a lonely spot on the river and sat there, thinking his sad thoughts. He imagined himself brought home from the river, dead, with his hair all wet, his poor hands still forever. Then his aunt would cry over him, she would wish he had not died. She would promise never to punish him again. But he would lie there cold and white-Tom felt that his own tears ran down his nose.

About half past nine or ten o'clock he came back to the house where his beautiful unknown lived. He listened a moment but heard nothing. He saw the light of a candle in one of the windows. Was she there? He climbed the fence and approached the window. He stood for a long time under it, sighing, and then lay down on the ground. He lay on his back and her flower was in his hands. And thus he would die, alone in the world with no friend near him. In the morning she would see him and perhaps drop some tears and pity him.

Presently somebody opened the window; it was a servant. Tom heard her loud voice, and suddenly she poured out a jug of water on Tom. The poor hero was dripping wet. He sprang up, climbed over the fence, and ran home. Not long after Tom all undressed for bed, was looking at his wet clothes by the light of a candle. Sid woke up, and saw him but held his tongue, for there was danger in Tom's eyes.


II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1..What did aunt Polly want to say? 2. What did Tom know about aunt Pollv? 3i When did Tom come back to the house where his beautiful unknown lived? 4. What did he do? 5. What was the end of his adventure?


III. Укажите (буквой) предложение, в котором употребляется глагол в 3-м лице единственного числа в
настоящем неопределенном времени:

a) Bob usually gets up at eight o'clock, washes and has his breakfast: it takes him about 25-30 minutes to be -ready and go to his plant, b) Why don't you wear your new dress? c) He did not recognize us when we met him in the street, d) It was snowing when we began skiing.


V. Выпишите из текста 2 предложения с причастием II (Participle II) и переведите их на русский язык.

V. Выпишите из текста 4 предложения, содержащие предлоги in, with, -to, on, и переведите их на русский язык.

VI. Подчеркните в словах префикс, суффикс:

unloaded, ahead, apportion, badly, boiler, causeless, careful, uneven, discolor


VII. Укажите (буквой) предложение, которое соответствует истине в данном тексте:

a) Aunt Polly didn't like Tom and wanted to beat him. b) Aunt Polly wanted Tom to leave her house, c) Aunt Polly wanted to say something kind and Tom understood it. d) Aunt Polly left home in order not to see Tom.



Вариант 2.

Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.



By R.Kipling (An Extract)

... In the middle of August the fishing season came to an end. Harvey and Dan lay on the deck with bare t'eet, telling one another what to take for their first dinner on shore; for now. they could see the land not far off 1 You'd like to know — вам хотелось бы знать

At last they came to Gloucester. 1 The schooner was tied to a wharf and now lay without a sound. Then Harvey sat down by the wheel and sobbed and sobbed as if his heart were breaking.

Early in the morning a woman came to the schooner and kissed Dan; it was his mother. They took Harvey with them to their house until he could send a telegram to his parents. It was strange that neither Dan nor his father thought the worse of Harvey for his crying.

Harvey's father, a millionaire, met his wife, broken-hearted, half-mad, who dreamed day and night of her boy drowning in the grey seas. She was surrounded with doctors and nurses, but they were useless. The poor woman lay still and wept, or talked of her boy for long hours to anyone who wished to listen. She had no hope, and who could give it to her? All she needed was somebody to tell her that drowning did not hurt, and her husband watched her, for he was afraid that she would try the experiment.

Of his own sorrow he spoke little. He hardly knew the depth of it, till he found himself asking the calender on his desk, "what is the use of going on?" He had always thought2 that some day, when the boy would finish college, he would make his son his companion and partner. Now his boy was dead— lost at sea; wife was dying, or worse. He sat in his office, a sad figure.

Somebody gave the secretary a telegram, and the secretary turned pale. He passed the telegram to Cheyne, who read:

"Picked up by fishing schooner 'We're Here' fell off ship all well waiting Gloucester How is Mamma Harvey Cheyne."


II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What were Harvey and Dan telling one another? 1. Who took Harvey to their house? 3. What was Harvey's father? 4. What do we know of Harvey's mother? 5. Did the telegram return Harvey's parents to life?


III. Укажите (буквой) предложение с модальным глаголом have to и переведите его на русский язык:

а) Не had no parents here, b) Has he a lot of friends in your group? c) By that time he has been a skill captain and lived in Odessa, d) They have to get up early and have their breakfast when it is still dark.

IV. Выпишите из текста 2 предложения с причастием I и переведите их на русский язык.

V. Выпишите из текста 4 предложения, содержащие предлоги at, by, with, for, и переведите их на русский язык.


VI. Подчеркните в словах префикс, суффикс:

joyous, boyish, uncertain, marriage, readiness, dishonest, undone, heiress, misunderstand


VII. Укажите (буквой) предложение, которое соответствует истине в данном тексте:

a) The fishing schooner 'We're Here' did not reach the land, b) The fishing schooner 'We're Here' could see the land far off. c) The fishing schooner 'We're Here' came not to Gloucester but quite to another town. d) The fishincr schooner 'We're Here' came to Gloucester.


Вариант 3.

Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.


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