Note of protest for bunkering operation

It became common practice for the tankers to take trawlers in tow

To supply them with diesel oil.

Trawler: Captain Johnson speaking. Good Morning.

Tanker: Morning. This is Captain Vladimirov. Please, tell me how many tons of diesel oil you’ll take and when you’ll be ready for bunkering.

Trawler: I need 180 tons of diesel oil. We’ll be ready for towing operations in half an hour.

Tanker: Do you have oil hose connecting flanges for or aft?

Trawler: Aft (fore).

Tanker: You’ll take bunker under tow. Remember the order of towing operation. My course 120, speed 4 knots. Approach my stern and keep it 50 m distant.

Trawler: O.K.

Tanker: By my sound signal a heaving line will be fired (from a line-throwing) gun aboard your ship. Haul in the line as far as the towing hawser eye. Then secure the eye on the bitts.

Trawler: The towing hawser a fast.

Tanker: Stop the engine by my signal haul in the oil hose messenger line and the oil hose itself. Then connect the hose with the flanges.

Trawler: Got it. I’ll inform you as soon as we’ve ready to take bunker.

Tanker: We’ve completed your bunkering. You have got 180 tons of diesel. Tell us when you’re ready to cast off the oil hose and don’t forget to put a blank flange on it to prevent fuel leakage into the water.

Trawler: We’re ready to pay out the hose.

Tanker: O.K. Pay out the hose as we haul it. Don’t slacken it too much.

Trawler: The hose and the messenger line are paid out overboard.

Tanker: Put your engine into operation. When the towing hawser is slackened cast it off together with the messenger line over the ship’s side and stop the engine.

Trawler: The towing hawser and the messenger line are paid out overboard. The engine is stopped.

Tanker: O.K. You may get away from our ship. We hove it.


A.: So our normal operating pressure will be 1.5 kg/cm2, won't it?

B.: That's right. I hope that with such a pressure we'll be able to obtain the delivery rate of about 400 t/h (tons per hour).

A.: Yes, it'll be around 400 t/h.

B.: Well, by the end of the bunkering, I'll give the signal "Lower pressure down" (Reduce flow rate) and you'll make it 0.3 kg/cm2 (zero point three).

A.: It's clear. You'll give your orders in a loud voice and they will be: "Start at slow rate", "Increase pressure up to 1.5 kilograms", "Lower pressure down to 0.3 kilo­gram".

B.: Yes, and I shall signal with my hand "up" or "down". Now, the most important is that as soon as I should give a cry "Stop it" (Emergency stop) and cross my hands like this, you must immediately stop your delivery pump.

A.: I, certainly, will.

Ст. механик: Когда вы можете приступить к бункеровке?

Поставщик: В 11 часов дня.

Ст. механик: Перед началом бункеровки прошу доставить на судно паспорт на топливо. Давайте также договоримся о количестве топлива, подаваемого в час в начале бункеровки, в середине и в конце.

Поставщик: Скажите, пожалуйста, каков диаметр приемного трубопровода?

Ст. механик: 150 мм.

Поставщик: Тогда мы можем давать по 100, 50 и 25 тонн в час соответственно.

Ст. механик: Хорошо, это нас устраивает. А как вы производите отсчет количества тепла?

Поставщик: У нас установлен счетчик.

Ст. механик: Все условия нас устраивают. В 11 часов вы можете приступить к подаче топлива. Ответственным со стороны судна будет 3-й механик.

Поставщик: Кто подпишет счет?

Ст. механик: Счет будем подписывать я и капитан.

Exercise 11. Study the following information and discuss it.

Before Bunkering


1. Establish communications between ship and bunkering station / barge.

2. Rig fire fighting equipment.

3. Position drip trays and save alls.

4. Plug scuppers.

5. Post "No Smoking" and "No Naked Light" signs.

6. Close scuttles, windows and air conditioning intakes

7.Tie off hose to prevent strain on end fitting.


· Vessel and barge are moored securely.

· Safe access between ship and bunker barge.

· The deck watch is fully briefed.

· Emergency shut down procedure is discussed and agreed.

· Torches, radios and all other electrical equipment is suitable for hazardous area operation.

· Suitable protective clothing is available and being used.

· All personnel involved in the operation are aware of designated escape routes.

· Sufficient personnel are retained on board to deal with an emergency.

· Bunkering area is adequately lit.

During Bunkering.


1. Take periodic witnessed oil samples.

2. Reduce loading rate before topping off.

3. Close valves as each tank is loaded.

4. Notify bunker station / barge when final tank is being filled.

5. Allow sufficient ullage to drain hoses and lines.


· Supply line pressure and temperature.

· Tank levels, and those adjacent tanks are not being fitted.

· Loading rate.

· Bunker tank vent systems.

After Bunkering


1. Close and blank off manifold.

2. Blank off hose before lifting it over the side.

3. Unplug scuppers and open drains.

4. Drain and stow drip trays.

5. Mop up any drips and minor spills.

6. Send bunker samples for analysis.


· Ail filling valves are closed.

· All lines and hoses have been drained and blanked.

· All bunker tank vents, sounding tubes etc. are secured.

· All areas are free from oil and all equipment is stowed correctly.

Note of protest for bunkering operation

Read the text and tell what to do (one by one) starting with the following phrases In case of tanks overflow it is necessary…; In case of tanks overflow it is important…; In case of tanks overflow you should take such a measure as …; In case of tanks overflow immediately….

In case of tanks overflow, immediately take such measures as:

· Stop all transfer of cargo and bunkering operations, and close manifold valves.

· Sound the General Alarm, and start emergency procedures.

· Inform the bunkering personnel about the incident.

· Begin clean up procedures.

· Prepare portable pumps if it is possible to transfer the overflowed oil into the empty tank.

After the spill it may be necessary to get permission from the local authorities or terminal to continue normal operations.

Read the example of the protest:

Протест по недодаче бункерного топлива:


Я, стармех т/х …, недополучил … тонн… (сорт топлива) из … тонн заказанного … (дата приема топлива), топливо было выдано бункеровщиком … (наименование бункеровщика) … (дата) … (место).

Я настоящим заявляю протест против недодачи.

С уважением,

Старший механик т/х …



Note of protest for bunkering operation on …

Dear Sirs,

Chief Engineer of m/v … (name of vessel) short received … tons of … (grade of bunker) out of the …tons requested for on … (date of bunker received). The bunkers were supplied by bunker barge/tanker … (Name of barge/tanker) – SB No: … on … (date) at … (location).

I hereby lodge a protest against the short delivery.

Yours faithfully,

Chief Engineer of m/v …


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