Read, translate the text and answer the questions


“We don’t live to eat, but we eat to live”

Words and Word Combinations on the Topic “Food”


have breakfast - завтракать
for (at) breakfast - на (за) завтрак(ом)
lunch – ланч, второй завтрак
dinner - обед, ужин

supper - ужин
dine out - обедать вне дома
have tea - пить чай
light supper - лёгкий ужин
have a snack (bite) - закусить (перекусить)
be hungry – быть голодным
be thirsty - испытывать жажду, хотеть пить
eat well - есть с аппетитом
hearty (big) eater - человек, любящий поесть
(un)eatable - (не)съедобное (невкусное)
chew – жевать
swallow - глотать
taste food - пробовать пищу

(delicious/tasty/tasteless/disgusting)food–( очень вкусная/вкусная/безвкусная/отвратительная)

help yourself(-ves) to – угощайтесь
treat smb. to smth. - угощать кого-то чем-то

May I treat you to…? – Могу я Вас угостит?
serve - подавать на стол
lay (set) the table - накрыть на стол
sit down to table - сесть за стол

canteen -столовая

café - кафе

snack-bar – закусочная, буфет

restaurant – ресторан

waiter, waitress – официант, официантка

Cooking - Способы приготовления пищи bake, baked – печь, запеченный
boil, boiled- варить, отварной
to cook - готовить
cook - повар
chef - шеф-повар, главный повар, повар-мужчина
grill - жарить(ся) на рашпере
fry, fried - жарить на сковороде, жареный
mince the meat - сделать фарш
peel (potatoes, onion) – чистить
recipe - рецепт
roast - жарить (на открытом огне)
spread - намазывать
stew – тушить
pour out - наливать

Tableware and Cutlery -Столовая посуда и столовые приборы bowl – миска
china - фарфоровая посуда coffee pot – кофейник
cup – чашка
dining table - обеденный стол
dish - тарелка, блюдо
fork – вилка glass - стакан
jug – кувшин
knife – нож
napkin – салфетка
(dinner/deep, soup/dessert (cake) /salad) plate - (мелкая/ большая,глубокая/ десертная/ салатная) тарелка
saucer – блюдце sugar basin – сахарница
(tea/coffee/dinner) set/service - (чайный/кофейный/обеденный) сервиз
kettle - чайник (для кипячения воды)
teapot - заварочный чайник
tray – поднос
(tea-/table-) spoon - (чайная/столовая) ложка
wineglass - бокал для вина

KitchenUtensilsandAppliances-Кухонные принадлежности frying pan – сковородка
gas (electric) cooker - газовая (электрическая) плита
lid – крышка
oven - печь, духовка
pan, saucepan, pot - кастрюля

Breakfast – Завтрак

bacon -бекон

pancakes- блинчики

bagel- бэйгл (соленый круглый крендель из дрожжевого теста)

bun\roll -булочка

cereals -собирательное название для мюсли, хлопьев и т.п.

cornflakes -кукурузные хлопья

porridge – (овсяная) каша

eggs -яйца

fried eggs -яичница

scrambled eggs – яичница-болтунья

omelette/omelet -омлет

ham -ветчина

jam -джем

maple syrop -кленовый сироп

muffin -маффин (маленькое песочное пирожное с изюмом, шоколадом, и др.)

oatmeal -овсяные хлопья

sausage- сарделька, сосиска, колбаса

slice of bread -кусок хлеба

slice of toast -кусок хлеба, подсушенный в тостере

toast – гренка (кусочек поджаренного хлеба)

rye bread - ржаной хлеб

sandwich – бутерброд

sugar – сахар

a lump of sugar – кусочек сахара

salt - соль


Burger -бургер

Cheeseburger -чизбургер

Fish and chips -рыба жареная во фритюре и картофель фри (английское блюдо)

French fries -картофель фри

Hot-dog -хот-дог

Onion rings -луковые кольца

Crisps -чипсы

  VEGETABLES - ОВОЩИ Cucumber- огурец Beetroot- свёкла Tomato- помидор Radish- редис Onion- лук Garlic- чеснок Peas- горох Carrot- морковь Cabbage- капуста Cauliflower- цветная капуста Beans- бобы Pumpkin- тыква Potatoes- картофель Eggplant- баклажан Dills- укроп Mushrooms- грибы Pepper- перец Sweet pepper- сладкий перец Salad– салат
  FRUIT - ФРУКТЫ Lemon- лимон Peach- персик Pear- груша Banana- банан Pine-apple- ананас Melon- дыня Water melon- арбуз Apricot- абрикос Cherry- вишня, черешня Raspberry- малина Strawberry- клубника, земляника Grapes – виноград Orange-апельсин Tangerine- мандарин Plum-слива Prune- чернослив Apple- яблоко Grapefruit- грейпфрут MEAT - МЯСО Beef- говядина Ham- ветчина Lamb- баранина Pork- свинина Veal- телятина Chicken- цыплёнок Goose- гусь Turkey-индейка Beefsteak– бифштекс Broth– бульон, суп Soup– суп Red beet soup (borsch)-свекольник, борщ Chop- котлета FISH - РЫБА Herring- селёдка Salmon- лосось, сёмга Shrimp- креветка Oyster- устрица Caviar-икра DAIRY PRODUCTS – МОЛОЧНЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ Milk- молоко Cream- сливки, крем Margarine- маргарин Cheese- сыр Cream cheese- творожная масса Sour cream- сметана Butter- сливочное масло Yoghurt-йогурт BEVERAGES - НАПИТКИ Tea- чай Coffee- кофе Strong coffee- крепкий кофе Wine- вино Dry wine- сухое вино Beer- пиво Champagne – шампанское Whisky – виски Gin – джин Cognac, brandy - коньяк Lemonade- лимонад Juice- сок Mineral water- минеральная вода Soft drinks- безалкогольные напитки Hard drinks-алкогольные напитки DESSERTS - ДЕСЕРТЫ Biscuits- печенье Candy- конфеты Pie- пирог Cake- торт, пирожное A piece of cake – кусочек торта Pastry -выпечка Chocolate- шоколад Chocolates- шоколадные конфеты Jam- варенье Ice-cream- мороженое Marmalade- повидло Pudding- пудинг Sweet - конфета

The ABC of Table Manners.

1. Do not attract undue attention to yourself in public.

2. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.

3. Do not eat too fast or too slowly, cut as you eat.

4. Take a little of every dish that is offered to you.

5. Sit up straight and face the table, do not put your elbows on the table while eating.

6. Do not reach across the table - simply say: "Would you please pass

the salt", etc.

7. At a small party do not start eating until all are served. At a large party it is not necessary to wait for all. The hostess gives a signal to her guests by saying: "Start eating, please (your food will get cold)."

8. There is no rule about eating everything on your plate, to indicate that you have had enough, place knife and fork together, not criss-cross.

9. When refusing a dish or a helping simply say: "No, thank you," when accepting - "Yes, please."

10, Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee.

11. Do not empty your glass too quickly - it will be promptly refilled.



I - napkin; 2 ' plates and dishes; 3 - bread and butter plate; 4 ­water glass; 5 - wine glasses; 6 -cup and saucer; 7 - knife and fork for fish; 8 - knife and fork for meat; 9 butter knife; 10" dessert fork; 11 - dessert spoon; 12 - soup spoon

Read, translate and retell:


People all over the world eat different food.

My family isn't large. It consists of four members. But each member of our family has his or her own interests and tastes.

Breakfast in our family is a very big and rich meal. We do not have only toasts with butter, jam or honey, but a cheese sandwich, ham or sausage and fried eggs or porridge as well. We prefer tea at breakfast more often than coffee. But my little sister prefers juice. She likes orange or grapefruit juice. My mother has a light breakfast of just yoghurt and an orange. My father likes cornflakes with milk or sandwiches.

As for me, when I get up in the morning the only thing I can take is a glass of some juice or mineral water, I can’t eat anything. Even after the shower I am not ready for breakfast. I can go to the canteen and eat there.

At the weekend my usual breakfast at home is a cup of tea with some sandwiches or scrambled eggs with milk, or some cereal with milk. I love when my mom cooks pancakes on Saturday mornings.

Lunch is not very popular in our country. But if I stay longer at school I go to the canteen again together with my classmates. We have a bit of choice there. Sometimes I take some snack from home - a ham sandwich or a cheese sandwich.

When I come home after school at about 2 or 3 o’clock I always have some soup. My mom cooks very well and her soups are delicious! My favourite kinds of soup are chicken soup, mushroom soup and red beet soup. I like eating soup with rye bread.

The biggest meal of the day is dinner or supper, of course. When we all come home (which does not happen very often) we gather at the kitchen and have supper. Before this I or my sister help our mom to cook. Because my mom is tired after work, too. For the main course we typically have some potatoes or vegetables with meat or fish. The most typical meat is pork, beef or chicken. Mom also serves different kinds of salads as appetizers.

As for my habits, I can say that I don’t have a sweet tooth, so I don’t like chocolate or sweets very much. I also don’t like pastry - rolls, buns, cakes and pies. To be healthy, I also eat lots of fruit.

When we go out somewhere together with my family we prefer Chinese food, sushi or some tasty hot pizza. However, I like trying cuisine of different countries. My parents travel a lot and mom always brings recipes of national cuisine of those countries that they visit. At home she tries to cook it - it’s really good for a change!


To consisit of-состоять из
Rich meal-плотная, обильная еда
Light breakfast-легкий завтрак
Snack-легкий перекус
Delicious-изумительный, очень вкусный
Main course-основное блюдо
To have a sweet tooth-быть сладкоежкой
Go out-проводить время вне дома, гулять
Cuisine-кухня (блюда)


1. What kinds of tastes does each member of the family have? 2. What is the typical breakfast for this family? 3. What does mom cook on Saturday morning? 4. What does the boy’s lunch consist of? 5. Do you like eating soup? What kinds of soup do you know? 6. Do they have meat or fish for supper? 7. What does it mean to have a sweet tooth? 8. Who brings recipes from different countries?


1.Разделите слова на две группы: «Food» и «Drinks» и переведите их:

a)Water, meat, potato, cabbage, ham, juice, grape, prawn, coffee, bacon, duck, beer, bread, candy.

b)Tea, porridge, grape, coffee, carp, bean, cherry, candy, prawn, tea, fish, cheese, veal, cocoa, ham

c) Bread, juice, candy, cocoa, biscuit, grape, cocktail, soup, cabbage, beer, meat, wine, rice, egg.

d) Water, meat, potato, cabbage, cheese, butter, grape, cocktail, soup, coffee, bean, cherry, cocoa.

e) Сocktail, soup, cabbage, beer, meat, wine, rice, egg, tea, porridge, grape, coffee, carp, bean, egg.

f) Coffee, carp, bean, cherry, candy, prawn, tea, fish, cheese, veal, cocoa, ham, bread, juice, carp.

g) Carp, bean, cherry, candy, prawn, tea, fish, cheese, veal, cocoa, ham, soup, cabbage, beer, meat

h) Cabbage, cocoa, biscuit, carp, veal, cocktail, tea, fish, cheese, wine, rice, egg, porridge, ham

i) Beer, meat, wine, rice, egg, tea, porridge, grape, coffee, carp, bean, egg, cocktail, soup, cabbage.

j) Prawn, tea, fish, cheese, veal, cocoa, ham, bread, juice, carp, egg, biscuit, wine, cocktail, candy.

2.Fill in the missing words:

1. It consists… four members.

2. Each member of our family has his or her… interests and tastes.

3. We… tea at breakfast more often… coffee.

4. My father likes… with milk.

5. I am not ready… breakfast.

6. My usual breakfast is… eggs with milk.

7. I go to the… again.

8. I like eating soup with… bread.

9. We… at the kitchen and have supper.

10. For the… course we typically have some potatoes or vegetables with… or fish.

11. Mom also… different kinds of salads and appetizers.

12. I don’t have a sweet….

13. When we go… somewhere with my family we… Chinese food, sushi or some tasty hot pizza.


3.Translate into English:

1. Когда мы идем гулять вместе, мы предпочитаем китайскую еду, суши или вкусную

горячую пиццу.

2. У каждого члена семьи свои собственные интересы и вкусы.

3. Однако, мне нравится пробовать кухни разных стран.

4. Мы предпочитаем чай за завтраком больше, чем кофе.

5. Я не сластена и я не люблю выпечку.

6. Даже после душа я не готов к завтраку.

7. На выходных мама готовит блинчики.

8. Когда я задерживаюсь в школе, я иду в столовую.

9. Я люблю есть суп с ржаным хлебом.

10. Мама также подает разные салаты.


4.Translate into Russian:

1. My friends travel a lot and they always bring interesting recipes.
2. I like to have rich meal for my breakfast.
3. His dinner with friends doesn’t happen very often.
4. As appetizers Sarah prefers Russian salad or any other vegetable salads.
5. For the main course my dad enjoys eating fried beef (a beefsteak) and some boiled potatoes.
6. National cuisines of foreign countries bring many tastes into our dishes.
7. Chicken soup, mushroom soup and beetroot soup are my favourite.
8. Juices, yoghurts or cornflakes with milk and some coffee is a typical English breakfast nowadays.
9. We go to the canteen with my classmates when we are hungry at the college.
10. Rolls, buns, pies, biscuits and cakes are my favourite desserts.


5.Read and learn:

Signs: Вывески:








Полезные фразы: Useful phrases:

Здесь есть….поблизости? Excuse me, is there a …not far from here?

Скажите, пожалуйста, где ближайшее кафе? Excuse me, where is the nearest café, please?

Где можно перекусить? Where can I have a snack?

Где можно поесть? Where can I have a meal?

В кафе At the Café

Этот столик свободен? Is this table reserved?

Что вы хотите заказать? What would you like to order?

Дайте, пожалуйста, меню Show us the menu, please

Мы бы хотели перекусить We’d like a snack (something to eat)

Что вы посоветуете? What would you recommend?

Какие у вас есть блюда? What kind of dishes do you have?

Принесите, пожалуйста…. Please bring me…

бутылку пепси a bottle of Pepsi

порцию сосисок a portion of sausages

овощной салат a vegetable salad

какое-то вегетарианское блюдо something vegetarian

Что вы будете пить? What would you like to drink?

Что вы будете есть? What would you have/ take?

Мы возьмем … we’ll have…

сосиски и пюре sausages and smashed potatoes

жареную картошку chips/fried potatoes

две порции салата two portions of salad

Дайте, пожалуйста…. Could we have….

три порции….. three portions of…

два стакана яблочного сока two glasses of apple juice

стакан молочного коктейля a glass of milk-shake

Я бы хотел…. I would like…

Дайте, пожалуйста… Please…

две булочки two buns/rolls

чашку черного кофе a cup of black coffee

стакан лимонада a glass of lemonade

два стакана апельсинового (томатного) сока two glasses of orange (tomato) juice

Оплата счета

счет, пожалуйста May I have the bill, please

сколько с меня? How much do I owe you?

Сдачи не надо Keep the change

6. Read and act the dialogues: at the café

1. – Let’s have a snack
– I’d rather have a meal

2. – Fruit salad and a glass of milk for me
– I’ll have the same

3. – Have you decided on something, Sir?
. — Fish and Chips for two, please.
– How about the sweet?
– No sweet, thanks. Just three coffees.

4. – Can I take your order?
– Yes, please. We’ll have one spaghetti, one roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
– The roast beef is off, Sir.
– Well, it’ll be fish then with chips and not spaghetti.
– Certainly, Sir, if you wish.

5. – Could we have some coffee, please?
– Black or white?
– Black, please, and two cakes. We are in a hurry. Could you have the bill ready?
– The two together?
– Yes, thanks

7.Put sentences in the right order in the dialogue:

Boris: It is very unusual for me.

James: For breakfast the English people usually eat eggs, bacon and sausages. At this time they always drink a cup of tea.

Boris: And what about the English supper?

James: The situation with supper is interesting here. Some English people have their last meal at about eight o`clock in the evening. They usually call this rather big meal dinner. And some English people have a small last meal. In this case they call it supper.

Boris: And then they have lunch. What do they usually eat for lunch?

James: The English lunch consists mostly of two courses: a main course and a dessert. The main course includes fish or meat with various vegetables. At five o`clock in the afternoon the English people have tea with cakes.

Boris: I`m staying in England only for a week and don`t know anything about traditional English meals.

James: The English lunch consists mostly of two courses: a main course and a dessert. The main course includes fish or meat with various vegetables. At five o`clock in the afternoon the English people have tea with cakes.


8.Translate into English:

1.Здесь есть поблизости кафе? 2.Да, есть. Ближайшее кафе за углом. 3.Этот столик свободен? Мы бы хотели перекусить. 4.Дайте, пожалуйста, меню. Что Вы посоветуете? 5.Я могу порекомендовать салат «Цезарь», рыбу на гриле, жареный картофель и бифштекс.6.Вы решили, что будете брать, сэр? Да, нам двоим лосось с жареной картошкой и салат. 7.Лосось закончился, сэр. 8.Ну, тогда ростбиф и картофель. 9.Как насчет десерта? 10.Два черных кофе, один яблочный пирог и одно мороженое. 11.Кофе с молоком? Нет, черный, пожалуйста, мы торопимся.

British meals

Read, translate the text and answer the questions

British Meals

The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than you have on the Continent, though some English people like a “continental” breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee. But the usual English breakfast is porridge or “Corn Flakes” with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade (made from oranges) with buttered toast, and tea or coffee. For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or perhaps fish.

English people have lunch at about one o’clock. A businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he goes to a café or restaurant; but at home they have cold meat (left over probably from yesterday’s dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles, with a pudding or fruit to follow. Sometimes they have a mutton chop, or steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.

Afternoon tea one can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come in for a chat while they have their cups of tea, cake or biscuit.

Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day. It starts with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, a sweet, fruit and nuts.

In the evening the English have the much simpler supper – an omelete, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

But some people always have “high tea”. They say there is no use for these “afternoon teas” where you try to hold a cup of tea in one hand and a piece of bread and butter about as thin as a sheet of paper in the other. For example, nearly everyone in Lancashire likes high tea. They have it between five and six o’clock, and they have ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or sausages, with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricots or pineapple with cream or custard and pastries or a good cake. And that’s what they call a good tea.


1. What is the main characteristic feature of the British meals?

2. What is meant by the “ British breakfast ”?

3. When do the British generally have lunch? Do all of them have a possibility of having lunch at

home? What do they usually have for lunch?

4. Do the British like eating out?

5. What kind of meal is “afternoon tea”?

6. What is the most substantial and chief meal of the day in Britain?

7. What dishes are traditional for supper?

8. What is common and what is different about national British and Ukrainian cuisine?

9. How many times a day is the meal served in the British family?

2.Match each word in the left-hand column with the best meaning from the right-hand column. Place the letter of the appropriate definition in the space provided:

1. breakfast a. alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops

2. ham b. eggs beaten together and fried, often flavoured with cheese or containing herbs

3. porridge c. salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig

4. salad d. cold dish of sliced uncooked vegetables such as lettuce, endive, cucumber,

tomatoes, seasoned with oil, vinegar, etc., eaten with or including, cheese, cold

meat, fish, etc.

5. meal e. first meal of the day

6. pudding f. dish of mixture of eggs and milk, sweetened and flavoured and baked, eaten with

fruit, pastry, etc.

7. beer g. occasion of eating food that is eaten

8. cake h. upper part of a pig's leg, salted and dried or smoked

9. supper i. dish of soft, sweet mixture, served as part course (often on festive occasions)

10. bacon j. last meal of the day, less large or less formal than a dinner

11. custard k. soft food made of boiling oats with or water

12. omelette l. sweet mixture of flour, eggs, butter, etc. baked in an oven.

3.Explain the following phrases as they have been used in the text. Translate them into Russian:

continental breakfast”; buttered toast; for a change; afternoon tea; sociable sort of thing; high tea; the biggest meal of the day; as thin as a sheet of paper; a piece of bread and butter; good strong tea; plenty of bread and butter; a tin of pears.

4. Read, translate and discuss:


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