IX. Speak on all types of bits.

Lesson Nine



I. Words and expressions to be remembered:


1. to reinforce - укреплять

2. to thread - навинчивать, прикручивать

3. to lower - опускать

4. to perform - выполнять.

5. aid - помощь

6. derrick – буровая вышка

7. to prevent - предотвращать

8. to penetrate - проникать

9. clearance - пространство

10. casing – обсадка, обсадные трубы

11. to fit – оснащать

12. equipment - оборудование

13. to accumulate - накапливать

14. particle - частица

15. to reduce - уменьшать

16. wear - износ

17. bit - долото

18. to subject - подвергаться

19. separation - отделение

20. valuable - ценный

21. sleeve - ниппель, муфта

22. tube – труба

23. bore hole – скважина

24. to ascend – подниматься

25. to flush – промывать

26. chiefly – в основном, главным образом

27. to ensure – гарантировать

28. removal – устранение

29. bottom hole – забой скважины

30. otherwise – иначе

31. thereby - поэтому


II. Read and translate the words:

diameter, either, clearance, equipment, wear, capable, subject, saturation, precipitate.

III. Read and translate the text:




Steel casing tubes from 114 to 426 mm and over in diameter and from 6 to 13 metres long, are used for reinforcing well walls. They are either connected to each other by casing sleeves or threaded to­gether, and then lowered into the borehole, the connecting and "run­ning" (or lowering) operations being performed with the aid of special devices on the derrick. To prevent subterranean water from penetrating into the well, the clearance between the casing and the walls of the well is filled with cement injected under pressure,

During the further drilling operations the mud fluid ascends along the clearance between the drill pipes and the casing. The lower part of the production spring is fitted with special equipment for the cementing operation. The mud fluid used in drilling operations is main­ly for flushing the hole, chiefly for ensuring the removal of the cut­tings from the bottom hole to the surface as otherwise particles of the rock may accumulate on the bottom hole, thereby reducing the drilling speed and increasing the wear of the bits.


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What tubes are used for reinforcing the walls of the well?

2. How are the tubes connected with each other?

3. Why is the clearance between the walls and the casing filled with cement?

4. What is the mud fluid used for?


V. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:

reinforce, perform, clearance, aid, well, help, make, consolidate, borehole, space, lower, put down, important, efficient


VI. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:

lift, increase, destroy, disconnect, reduce, lower, reinforce, connect, bottom, inefficient, important, head, prevent, permit


VII. Find Gerund in the sentences and try to translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Steel casing tubes are used for reinforcing well walls.

2. To prevent subterranean water from penetrating into the well the clearance between the casing and the walls of the well is filled with cement under pressure.



VIII. Translate into English:

1. Для укрепления стенок скважин используют стальные обсадные трубы.

2. Между собой трубы соединяются с помощью резьбы.

3. Спускоподъемные операции ведутся различными приспособлениями.

4. Затрубное пространство заполняют цементом.

5. Иногда частицы пород накапливаются на забое скважин.

6. Это уменьшает скорость бурения и увеличивает износ долот.


IX. Speak on:

1. The sizes of the casing tubes and their using for.

2. The mud fluid using for drilling operations.


Lesson Ten

Drilling fluids


I. Words and expressions to be remembered:

1. mud - промывочная жидкость

2. fluid - буровой раствор

3. via - через

4. annular space - затрубное пространство

5. clay - глина

6. to cool - охлаждать

7. to lubricate - смазывать

8. to consolidate - укреплять

9. formation damage - разрушение пласта

10. advantage – преимущество

11. environment - окружающая среда

12. to require - требовать

13. contamination resistance - устойчивость загрязнению

14. tubular goods - материалы, из которых изготовлены трубы

15. cost - стоить, цена

16. to influence - влиять

17. evaluation - оценка

18. initial cost - капитальные затраты, первоначальная стоимость

19. general - обычный

20. coring - отбор керна

21. penetration rate - скорость проходки

22. to evaluate – оценивать

23. to pump – закачивать, качать (насосом)

24. to discharge – выходить (зд.)

25. sides – сторона, (зд. стенки)

26. major – главный

27. formation - пласт


II. Read and translate the words:

fluid, pump, surface, annular, requirements, mixture, advantage, disadvantage, damage, initial, primarily, environment, lubricate


III. Translate into English:

роторная система, поверхность, труба., колонна, сторона, тип, вода, нефть, шлам, пласт, вращать


IV. Translate the words of the same root:

low - lower, day – daily, extreme – extremely, few- fewer, general – generally, prime – primarily, resist - resistant – resistance, rotate – rotation, require – requirement, mix – mixture, advantage – disadvantage, penetrate - penetration.


V. Read and translate the text:


Drilling fluids

A mud fluid is used with the rotary system of drilling. The drilling fluid is pumped from the surface down the inside of the rotary drill string discharged through the bit and returned to surface via the annular space between drill pipe and hole.

According to drilling requirements, drilling fluids can vary from simple mixtures of clay and water to the more complex systems.

The drilling fluids serve to cool and lubricate the bit, bring drill cuttings to the surface, consolidate the sides of the drilled hole, prevent formation damage, control surface pressures.

There are two basic types of mud systems: oil-base and water-base systems. Each system has advantages and disadvantages. Major advanta­ges of a water-base mud are: 1. environmentally cleaner than oil muds; 2. generally obtain better penetration rates and 3. usually requires less pressure to circulate.

The major advantages of oil-base systems are: 1. temperature stability; 2. contamination resistance; 3. protection of tubular goods; 4. formation stability.

A water-base system is generally the first choice primarily be­cause of lower initial costs and fewer environmental problems.

Oil muds may cost more initially but usually have a lower daily cost.

The drilling fluid can be extremely important when coring and maу strongly influence the formation evaluation programme.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is a mud fluid used for?

2. What are drilling fluids?

3. For what purpose are they used?

4. What are the two basic types of drilling fluids?

5. What are the major advantages of water-base mud?

6. What are the major advantages of oil-base mud?

7. When are drilling fluids extremely important?


VII. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions:

буровой раствор, смазывать, охлаждать, суточная стоимость, предотвратить разрушение пласта, два основных типа буровых растворов, ocновные преимущества, основные недостатки, устойчивость к температуре и загрязнению, давление, контролировать давление, затрубное пространство, че­рез, отбор керна.


VIII. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions:

1. A mud fluid is used with the (procession of drilling, the rotary drilling).

2. The annular space is the spасе between (the drill pipe and the hole, surface and the hole).

3. Drilling fluids serve (to heat, to cool) the bit.

4. A water-base system is generally the first choice because of (high, low) initial costs and (more, fewer) environmental problems.

5. Oil mud may cost (less, more) initially but usually has a lower daily cost.

6. Drilling fluid can be extremely important when (losing, coring).


IX. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participle:

1. A mud fluid is used with the rotary system. It is pumped into the hole.

2. Drilling equipment is very important in oil industry.

3. The drilled well was not far from the settlement.

4. The well drilled by rotary rig is much cheaper than that drilled by percussion system.

5. Drilling fluid can be important when coring.


X. Translate into English:

1. Буровые растворы очень важны в бурении (mud, fluid, important).

2. Буровой раствор закачивают в скважину через вращающуюся бурильную колонну (pump, via, drill string).

3. Буровой раствор необходим для охлаждения и смазки долота, выноса шлама на поверхность (necessary, lubrication, cooling, to bring…to the surface).

4. Существует несколько типов буровых растворов (several).

5. Существует два основных типа систем буровых растворов: система на водной основе и на нефтяной (major, there are...).

6. Каждая система имеет свои преимущества и недостатки (advantage).

7. Обычно отдают предпочтение растворам на водной основе из-за их невы­сокой первоначальной стоимости (the first choice, because of, initial cost).

8. Буровые растворы очень важны при отборе керна (соring).

9. Растворы на водной основе циркулируют при невысоком давлении (low pressure, under).

10. Растворы на нефтяной основе защищают трубы от разрушения (to protect, tubular goods).


XI. Speak on:

1. Drilling mud.

2. Advantages of oil-base system.

3. Advantages of water-base system.




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