I. Words and expressions to be remembered:
1. production - производство, добыча
2. well - скважина
3. to bail оut - вычерпывать
4. deep - глубокий
5. to deepen – углублять
6. bed – залежь, пласт
7. quantity - количество
8. to recover - добывать
9. crust - коpа
10. purpose - цель
11. equipment - оборудование
12. shallow - мелкий
13. technique - технология
14. gushing - фонтанирование
15. level – уровень
16. to flow out - вытекать
17. to escape - исчезать
18. to spread - распространяться
19. to permit - разрешать
20. emergency – крайность, критическое положение
21. pressure - давление
22. cause - причина
23. to prospect – исследовать
24. petroleum – bearing – нефтеносный
25. prospecting – разведка
26. to allow – разрешать
27. accident - авария, несчастный случай
II. Read and translate the following words:
labour, quantity, improvement, structure, earth, purpose, type, equipment, technique, emergency.
III. Read and translate the text:
Production of petroleum and Gas
At first petroleum was produced by primitive methods: it was bailed out of wells dug to a depth of 10 to 30 miters and more. Wells were deepened until petroleum-bearing beds were reached. Later on, these primitive methods gave way to the industrial production of petroleum.
Beds are located at depth from 1 to 3 kilometers and over. Modern deep petroleum and gas wells reach depth up to 5 or 6, and sometimes, to 7 kilometers. Wells from 10 to 15 kilometers depth are to be drilled for studying the structure of the Earth's crust. Wells are necessary not only for the production of petroleum and gas they must also be drilled for prospecting purposes.
This has led to the development of various types of drilling equipment for drilling shallow, medium-depth, deep and super deep wells.
During the early stages of drilling, the petroleum production technique itself was primitive: wells were drilled until they started gushing. If no gushing resulted, time was given for the petroleum to rise to a certain level in the well. At first, the hydrocarbon gases, which flowed out of the well, were allowed to escape into atmosphere.
Improvement in the drilling techniques led to improved methods of petroleum production. Today no free gushing of petroleum and gas is permitted. In modern practice, this can only be the result of an accident or of a very high pressure in the petroleum and gas deposit.
IV. Answer the questions:
1. How was petroleum produced at the beginning of our century?
2. Were the wells deep at that time?
3. What improvements were made in drilling later?
4. What kinds of wells can we drill now?
5. What are wells necessary for?
6. What can you say about modern practice of drilling?
V. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:
deep, well, permit, bail out, petroleum, study, escape, emergency, gushing, modern, up-to-date, research, hole, recover, oil, allow, deposit, disappear, flow.
VI. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:
deep, modern, surfaсе, high, old, shallow, low, subsurface, escape, forbid, at last, permit, appear, at first, accident, large, start, stop, incident, small.
VII. Open the brackets using Passive Voice and translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. At first petroleum (to produce) by primitive methods.
2. Now petroleum (to produce) by modern methods.
3. First wells (to drill) to a depth of 10 to 30 meters.
4. Now wells (to drill) to a depth of many kilometres.
5. At first, the hydrocarbon gases (to allow) to escape into the atmosphere.
6. Today no free gushing of petroleum and gas (to permit).
VIII. Translate into English:
1. Раньше нефть добывалась примитивными методами.
2. Бурильщики тратили много сил и времени, чтобы добыть нефть.
3. Позднее, устаревшее оборудование 6ыло заменено современным.
4. Современные нефтяные и газовые скважины достигают глубины до 7 и даже 15 км.
5. Современное оборудование позволяет бурить мелкие, глубокие и сверхглубокие скважины.
IX. Speak on:
1. Production of petroleum by primitive methods in early days.
2. The improvements of wells drilling methods.
3. The necessity of drilling wells.
4. Petroleum production technique in drilling wells in eаrlу days аnd nowadays.
Lesson Seven
Methods of Drilling
I. Words and expressions to be remembered:
1. to suggest - предлагать
2, peninsula - полуостров
3. approximately - приблизительно
4. percussion drilling - ударное бурение
5. chisel-shaped bit - остроконечное долото
6. rоре – веревка, канат, трос
7. deep - глубокий
8. to replace – заменять
9. to pull out - поднимать (зд.), извлекать
10. hole - скважина
11. to rotate - вращать
12. pause - пауза
13. multi-stage turbine - многоступенчатая турбина
14. string – колонна труб (бурильных)
15. power – мощность, энергия
16. bottom of the string - конец колонны бурильных труб
17. to provide - обеспечивать
18. drilling fluid - буровой раствор
19. rock - горная порода
20. directional well - направленная скважина
21. to look for - искать
22. cuttings - шлам
23. drill pipe – бурильная труба
24. rotary table – роторный стол
25. circulation – циркуляция
26. off-shore drilling – шельфовое бурение
II. Read and translate the following words and word combinations:
apply, application, special application, drill, drilling, directional drilling, rotary drilling, region, start, rotate, protect, replace, system, surface, cause, length, deep (deeper, deepest), fast (faster).
III. Translate into English:
ученый, родиться, скважина, долото, труба, колонна, вращать, глубокий, быстро, поверхность, время, заменять.
IV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participle:
I. When reading a book he always made notes.
2. When speaking English he never makes mistakes.
3. When drilling a well the bit is making progress all the time.
4. Drilling fluid circulation provides the power required to rotate the turbine.
5. Rotary table is one of the main rotating elements of the drilling rig.
6. Air drilling is a method involving the use of compressed air instead of fluid.
V. Read and translate the text:
Methods of Drilling
The idea of drilling wells was born in the middle of the last century. In Russia it was suggested by engineer F.A.Semenov, and it was he, who started drilling oil wells on the Apsheron peninsula.
In the USA the first wells for petroleum were drilled approximately at the same time by E.Drake. The drilling of oil wells was also started at the same time in Canada, Germany, Romania and Italy.
In the early days of oil industry all wells were drilling by the, percussion system, in which chisel-shaped bit travelled up and down at the end of the rope and made the hole deeper.
At the beginning of the 20th century this method had been replaced by rotary system, in which different sorts of a bit rotates at the end of a pipe crushing rock at the bottom of the hole while fluid brings the cuttings to the surface. When drilling by this method the bit is making progress all the time, except for a short pause to add another length of a drill pipe at the rotary table as the well gets deeper, or until the bit has to be pulled out and replaced.
Turbo-drill is applied in rotary drilling whereby the drilling bit is rotated by a multi-stage turbine positioned just above the bit at the bottom of the string. The power required to rotate the turbine is provided by the drilling fluid circulation.
Turbo-drill is applied for drilling harder rocks. The special application where turbo-drill is particularly valuable is for drilling directional wells and off shore drilling.
Now researchers are looking for ways to drill faster and deeper. Later our scientists have developed a multistage turbo-drill. The first turbo-drill was designed by M.A.Kapelyushnikov.
VI. Answer the questions:
1. Who suggested the idea of drilling wells in Russia?
2. When was the first oil well drilled?
3. What method of drilling was in use in the early days of oil industry?
4. What are the most progressive methods of drilling now?
5. Who designed the first turbo-drill?
VII. Translate into English:
1. Первая нефтяная скважина была пробурена в России на Апшеронском полуострове в середине прошлого века.
2. Долгое время для бурения скважин использовали канатно-ударный метод.
3. Наиболее прогрессивный метод бурения - роторный, заменил ударный способ.
4. Турбобурение – разновидность роторного.
5. Первый турбобур был сконструирован советским инженером Капелюшниковым.
VIII. Translate into Russian without a dictionary:
1. Percussion or cable drilling was a slow procedure.
2. Wells made by percussion drilling were of comparatively low depth, not more than several hundred meters.
3. Cable tools were suitable for drilling medium hard rocks.
4. The early rotary procedure has hardly changed over years.
5. It is rarely possible to drill more than 60 feet per day with the percussion system while under favourable circumstances up to 2000 feet can be drilled by rotary system for 8 hours.
6. In order to drill the engine rotates the table which rotates the string and therefore the bit.
7. Rotary bits are seriously limited because they transmit only 25 to 50 h.p. to the rock.
8. Drilling engineers with the aid of bit manufacturers have increased the penetration rate (скорость проходки) many times.
9. Air drilling involves the use of compressed air instead of fluid to force cutting from the bottom of the hole to the surface.
10. Lasers can be used to drill through rock.
IX. Speak about:
1. Percussion drilling.
2. Rotary drilling.
3. Turbodrilling.
Lesson Eight
I. Words and expressions to be remembered:
1. to deepen – углублять
2. to determine - определять
3. drag bit – лопастное долото
4. roller bit – шарошечное долото
5. to crush - разрушать
6. two-wing bit – двухлопастное долото
7. clay – глина
8. rolling cone – шарошечное долото на роликовых подшипниках
9. diamond bit – алмазное долото
10. advantage – премущество
11. surface – поверхность
12. require – требовать
13. drilling speed – скорость бурения
14. especially – особенно
15. by means of – посредством
16. frequent – частый
17. replacement – замена
18. sinking – проходка
19. to bite – вгрызаться, въедаться
20. to shear – срезать
21. to cut – резать
22. to bore – бурить, сверлить
23. service – служба, (зд.) эксплуатация
24. due to – благодаря
25. to set - устанавливать
II. Read and translate the text:
All oil wells are drilled by means of a bit. A bit is a tool which bites into ground and progressively deepens the well.
The properties of the rock to be drilled determine the type of a drilling bit to be used. Depending on how they operate on the rock, drilling bits are classified as drag or cutting blades, and as roller bits.
Drag bits shear or cut the rock. Roller bits have a crushing action. Two and three-wing bits are used for drilling in soft clays, clay shells and other rocks, which are not particularly hard.
Roller bits are designed with two, three and more rolling cones, each of them can rotate independently. Three-roller bits are mostly used for drilling hard rocks.
Diamond bits are widely used for boring wells. Their advantage as compared with ordinary bits lies in their longer service due to hardness of the diamonds set in their surface. Diamond bits do not require frequent replacement, and their drilling speed, especially in sinking deep wells, is much higher than that of bits without diamonds. Not many years ago a rock bit would last only 6 to 12 hours before wore out. Now rock bits serve for two or three days on normal depth wells.
III. Answer the questions:
1. What is a bit?
2. In what way are the bits classified?
3. What are two or three-wing bits used for?
4. What does the advantage of a diamond bit lie in?
IV. Read and translate the words:
bit, roller bit, drag bit, two-wing bit, three-roller bit, diamond bit, ordinary bit, sinking, crush, cut, shear, clay shales, rock, hard.
V. Translate into English:
свойство, зависеть, использовать, мягкий, твердый, независимо, скорость, служба, требовать, преимущество.
VI. Translate the words of the same root:
advantage - disadvantage, deep – deepen - depth, hard – hardness, serve -service, cut - cuttings, rotate- rotation, operate - operation.
VII. Use the proper words in the following sentences:
1. All oil wells are drilled by means of …
2. Three roller bits are... for drilling used
hard rocks. designed
3. Roller bits are … with two, three and a bit
more rolling cones. wells
4. Diamond bits are widely used for boring …
VIII. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitive:
1. The properties of the rock to be drilled determine the type of the drilling bit to be used.
2. The bit is to be replaced from time to time.
3. In order to replace the bit the driller must lift it to the surface.
4. This bit is too dull to crush the hard rock.