Prof. Manisali's words on my position about the Cretan origin of the Palestinians

In his historic article «Erdoğan-Biden ya da Türk-Amerikan ‘ilişkileri’» (Erdogan-Biden or Turkish-American 'relations')Prof. ErolManisalı mentioned me. The article was published in Turkey's most prestigious daily newspaper Cumhuriyet on Tuesday 18 May 2021.


Prof. Manisali wrote the following:

I remembered the story that was said to me years agoby the Turkey-friendly Greek Professor Cosmas Megalommatis, who was my guest, as a speaker at the International Kyrenia Conferences that I organized in the 1990s.Speaking about the Palestinians, he said that they will have to be forced to immigrate to Crete. "It is an island of Palestinians", he said of Crete. (*) I remember it like yesterday...


(*) I described Cosmas Megalommatis in my book “Celebrities Where My Paths Crossed”, p. 57


Miken: Hititİmparatorluğu'nunmüttefikiolanbirAhhiyavakrallığınınbaşkenti

Mycenae: capital of one Achaean (Ahhiyawa)kingdom - ally of the Hittite Empire

Микены: столица одного ахейского царства(Аххиява) - союзника Хеттской империи.


My historical analysis is nothing unknown to specialists. The Palestinians are the descendants of the Peleset; they were one of the 'Sea Peoples'. First, the Achaeans (Ahhiyawa), as allies of the Hittites, destroyed Troy. Then, the SW Anatolian Lukka confederation (the central force of the Sea Peoples) reacted. On the basis of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, the Peleset revolted against the Achaean rulers. This is exactly what prehistoric archaeologists call "the burning of Mycenaean palaces". Mycenae was of the small Achaean kingdoms. So, the Peleset first took revenge on the Achaeans. Then, with the other Sea Peoples, they attacked and destroyed Hattusha and the Hittite Empire. This was a great, historic shock. After that, the Sea Peoples attacked Syria (Amurru), Canaan and Egypt. Only Ramses III managed to defeat them: after three land and sea battles. The Sea Peoples were dispersed throughout the Mediterranean. The Peleset settled in Southern Canaan. The Ancient Hebrews called them Plishtim. From this word originates the term Philistines that we find in the Greek translation of the Old Testament.


On this basis, the return of the Palestinians to Crete would be a normal development. Cretans were never Greeks before 1913. In the Antiquity, Cretans did not participate in any major event in the South Balkans and the Aegean Sea. In the Persian Wars, the Cretans were neutral. In the Peloponnesian War, the numerous small Cretan cities-states were neutral. Cretans did not become part of the kingdom of Alexander the Great; they did not follow him in his attacks against Iran. After Alexander's death, Crete was not part of the kingdom of Macedonia! Crete belonged to Egypt and to the dynasty of Ptolemies.


Phaistos: KüçükbirGiritkrallığı

Phaistos: one small Cretan kingdom

Фестос: одномаленькоекритскоецарство


"Crete in the Roman Empire" does not mean "Crete in Greece". And similarly, "Crete in the Eastern Roman (not Byzantine) Empire" does not mean "Crete in Greece".


The complete transportation of the population of Gaza to Crete would offer Palestinians a peaceful life, an independent state, and new brethren, i.e. today's Cretans. Having common ancestors, they would also enjoy a brilliant common future.


This would be greatly beneficial to both populations. One can understand this very easily: Crete is the only big island in the Mediterranean that has no railways. Why? Because of the absolute indifference and negligence of the Athens-based government! Even Cyprus at the time of the English colonization had a small railway.


Extensive scholarly analysis about the Sea Peoples:Η_Ευρύτερη_Περιοχή_της_Ανατολικής_Μεσογείου_κατά_τον_13ο_και_τον_12ο_Αιώνα_και_οι_Λαοί_της_Θάλασσας_κείμενο_και_σημειώσεις_


Ramses III'ünLuksorBatı'dakiMadinatHabu'dakimorgtapınağı

Ramses III's mortuary temple at MadinatHabu, Luxor West

Заупокойный храм Рамзеса III в Мадинат-Хабу, Западный Луксор


MadinatHabutapınağı, kuzeyduvarı: III. Ramses Günlükleriileünlükabartmalar. DenizKavimleriileyapılansavaşlarınkapsamlıaçıklaması.Etkileyicitemsiller

MadinatHabu temple, north wall: the famous bas reliefs with the Chronicles of Ramses III. Extensive description of the battles with the Sea Peoples; impressive representations

Храм Мадинат Хабу, северная стена: знаменитые барельефы с Хрониками Рамзеса III. Обширноеописаниесражений с НародамиМоря. Впечатляющиепредставления


DenizKavimleri - Sea Peoples - Народыморя



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