Types of attributive word combinations in English and Russian.

In attr word combinations, both components are joined together with the help of syntactical subordinate connection. There are 7 types of attr word combinations:

1 prepositional attributive word combinations with agreement (concord)


This type of word combinations is typical of the Russian language where we can observe agreement in 3 categories (the cat of gender, number and case) like (большой город, большое село, большая страна)

In English there is no agreement btw adjunct & kernel word in corresponding word combinations. (large city, large lake) It is called adjoinment. In English adjunct word maybe expressed by

1 a noun in attributive function (a picture gallery, a tennis table)

In Russian such combination seldom occur. We may meet them only in constructions like (душевный человек, краса девица)

2 pronoun (in both languages) – my book, his book, моя книга, его книга.

3 participles (in both languages) a laughing girl, цветущий сад.

4numerals (in both languages) the first lesson, первый урок

There are only 2 types of agreement in English and only in the category of number, when demonstrative pronouns are used (this house, these houses, that table, those tables)

2 type of attr word combination is called prepositional attributive combination with government.

Adjunct + kernel (my brother’s book, a mile’s distance) Russian equivalent is adjective + noun (часовая поездка)

3 prepositional attributive word-combinations with adjoinment.

In this type of word combination relations are not expressed morphologically, the meaning depends upon word –order like in isolating languages, chineese (a silver spoon, a silk blouse) but (blouse silk – the meaning is different)

In russian the same example have agreement (серебряная ложка, каменная стена)

If we change the word combination we shall get predicative word combination with the same lexical meaning.

4 attributive post positional word combinations with government, where adjunct word is expressed by a noun in one of its case forms. There are several classes of this type

1- genitive class (typical of the rus language only книга брата) In English it will be prepositional with government – brother’s book or with the preposition “of”

2 -dative class, where adjunct word is expressed by a noun in dative case. It is typical of the rus language only. Письмо брату, ответ другу. In eng corresponding word combinations will have preposition “to”

3 – instrumental class, where the adjunct word is a noun, in instrumental case. In rus it is работать пилой, ходить лесом. In eng, in such cases prepositions “by or with” are used.

5 attributive post positional with adjoinment, where

1 a kernel word may denote some general notion, and adjunct word is more concrete город москва,профессор иванов. The same in eng – professor Brown

2 a kernel word is a noun and an adjunct word is a verb. Желание работать.Еру same constructions we may find in eng – the promise to marry

3 a kernel is a noun, and adjunct – is a numeral(room 3, chapter 7) In rus, we have no such combinations. (комната пятая – it will be predicative)

4 a kernel word is a verb, but adjunct is an adverb- to read fast, in rus читать быстро.

5 a kernel word is a noun, an adjunct word is an adverb (езда верхом, взгляд искоса) In eng there are no corresponding word combinations.

6 attributive post positional word combinations with government and preposition

kernel +preposition+adjunct

They are typical of the russian language only. Classes:

1 genetive class with the structure kernel+preposition «из» +adjunct word платье из шерсти

2 dative class K+ по +adjunct (любовь к музыке)

3 accusative «на, под» kernel + на, пол + adjunct

4 instrumental «за,между» разговор за обедом

5 prepositional class with «в,на» дама в очках., шуба на меху.

7 attributive post positional word combinations with adjoinment and prepositions typical of the English language only. Classes:

1 a kernel word is a noun with prepositions- about, of. (stories about dogs, the end of the street)

2 a kernel word is an adjective with prepositions –of, at, (good at sport, proud of his son.)

Typology of sentences.

In all languages, sentences have principal element, subjects and predicates. But their structure is different. Types of subjects:

1 one component subjects are expressed usually by 1 notional word in both languages. It maybe 1 a noun (in both languages) a girls plays the piano.

2 by a pronoun also (in both languages) we are students.

3 by a substantivised adjectives (a poor gathered in the street) бедные собрались.

4 present or past participle (only in russian) трудящиеся собрались)

5 numeral (in both languages) 5 is my favorite number, второй прибежал первым.

In all these above mentioned cases there is concord or agreement btw subject and predicate, in the category of number. But there are cases, when there is no agreement btw subject and predicate. When the subject is expressed by:

1- infinitive (in both languages) – to know all is to know nothing, курить здоровью вредить))))))

2 gerund (in English only) reading is my hobby.

Two component subjects.

-which consist of2 dependent words, when 1 word cannot exist without an other. It is typical of the English (there was a pause ----there+pause, or with the construction it + to say (it is useless to say)


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