National Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe Since 1973


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National Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe Since 1973


A. Migration of workers and refugees has long been an integral part of the European continent’s history. Nonetheless, Europe’s appreciation of migration as a serious societal and governmental concern is relatively recent. Among the countries with a colonial history, migration became 1) …….. at the time of the independence of these Asian, African, and South American nations. North-Western European countries furthermore 2) …….. sizeable labour migration from Southern Europe, Turkey, and Northern Africa. This occurred from the 1950s into the 1970s, though it was long considered merely an issue of labour 3)……. and demand, and not one posing social or other challenges. Only after the economic 4) …….of the mid-1970s did migration, or rather the restriction thereof, become a topic of debate. Integration of these migrant workers and their children is an issue that took longer to arrive on the political 5)......... In some countries this happened from the late 1970s; in others it came about only decades later.

From the 1990s onwards, the European countries bordering the Mediterranean, which had primarily been suppliers of labour for the growing 6) ….. of North-Western Europe, themselves became attractive destinations for migrants. 7) ….. in their economies and living conditions opened the way for the arrival of considerable numbers of workers from Central Europe, Northern Africa, and Latin America. A precondition for membership of the (then) European Economic Community was enactment of stringent migration controls; hence 8)……. issues long took a secondary place.


a) recession b) improvements c) an issue d) supply e) witnessed f) integration g) agenda h)economies


B. The Communist Eastern Bloc had been cordoned off from the rest of the world until 1989 and had thus seen very little migration since the end of the Second World War. The main exceptions consisted of “guest workers” from socialist developing countries. These workers resided in isolation from the native populations. Vietnamese migrants remained and these days are a clear presence in the eastern parts of Germany and the Czech Republic. During the 2000s labour migration developed from farther east, such as the Ukraine, to Central Europe, while the nationals of these new destination countries themselves benefited in varying numbers from the freedom to go and work elsewhere in the European Union (EU).

From the early 1990s, refugees and asylum seekers became an issue of great urgency in North-Western Europe. Many states in this region felt overburdened and took steps to restrict asylum seekers’ access to their territories and to limit asylum seekers’ eligibility, thus shifting the burden to other member states. Since then, political consensus has emerged within Europe on the need for a joint approach towards asylum seekers and refugees, but so far national interests have persisted, and European solidarity on this issue has remained incomplete. More successful has been the development of EU-wide policies on migration for the purpose of family reunion and on the rights of long-term resident third-country nationals. EU law in the field of general integration policies is not on the political agenda but the Union has made efforts to stimulate social cohesion and integration of immigrants and minority groups by means of “soft” law.


progress appear insist restrict encourage


С. In short, European countries’ experiences with immigration have been diverse and related to geographical location, economic context, political history, and also to notions of nationhood, national belonging, and organization of government. Beyond these, European political integration has created an additional level of policy development, supplementing and sometimes challenging national policymaking either by subsidizing local initiatives to foster the integration of immigrants which would otherwise remain unfunded (e.g., by national governments) or by limiting objectives that are at odds with EU law (e.g., restricting nations’ power to limit the rights of third-country nationals). These issues are explored further in the next two sections. The first addresses Europe’s four main types of migratory experiences. The second discusses the integration policies applied in the context of these experiences. The chapter seeks to clarify how the concept of integration is used in policy formulation and policy practice, in line with the second question guiding this book: What are the main factors driving the kinds of relations observed between local governments and immigrant organizations?

Among the first immigrants that European countries witnessed in modern times were members of the colonial middle classes who came to the “motherland” to work or to study. Their numbers grew considerably when the colonies gained independence. These members of the middle classes felt uneasy under their postcolonial governments or expected a more secure future upon resettling in Europe. Although at some point these European countries of destination imposed restrictions on such resettlement, it was generally understood that these migrants belonged to the nation and that the nation had a moral obligation towards them. Even though migrants still arrive from these countries as family migrants today, postcolonial migration was predominantly from the 1950s to the late 1970s.


4. найдите в тексте словосочетания соответствующие на русском языке

предварительные условия, национальная принадлежность, проживать в изоляции, воссоединение семей, иметь нравственные обязательства, ввести ограничения, получить независимость, ограничивать права, предпринять шаги, рассматривать отношения


5. переведите на английский язык

Начиная с 2015 года, когда миграционный кризис достиг своего пика, Европейский Союз принял ряд мер для лучшего контроля внешних границ и миграционных потоков. В результате этих действий число случаев нелегального въезда в ЕС снизилось более чем на 90% Начиная с 2015 года, когда миграционный кризис достиг своего пика, Европейский Союз принял ряд мер для лучшего контроля внешних границ и миграционных потоков. В результате этих действий число случаев нелегального въезда в ЕС снизилось более чем на 90%

ЕС и его государства-члены активизируют усилия по созданию эффективной, гуманной и безопасной европейской миграционной политики. Европейский Совет играет важную роль в этих усилиях, устанавливая стратегические приоритеты.

Исходя из этих приоритетов, Совет ЕС определяет направления действий и предоставляет мандат для переговоров с третьими странами. Он также принимает соответствующее законодательство и определяет конкретные программы.

За последние годы Совет ЕС и Европейский Совет приняли ряд эффективных мер для решения проблемы миграции. Государства-председатели Совета ЕС также активировали механизмы комплексных мер реагирования на политический кризис. Они содержат конкретные методы координации политических ответных мер на кризисы путем объединения усилий основных участников

ЕС разработал ряд норм и механизмов для управления легальными миграционными потоками для лиц, ищущих убежище, высококвалифицированных работников, студентов и исследователей, сезонных работников и воссоединения семей.

Что касается других миграционных потоков, в ЕС существуют общие правила рассмотрения ходатайств о предоставлении убежища. В 2015 году Совет ЕС принял решение о перемещении тысяч просителей убежища из Греции и Италии. ЕС также заключает соглашения о реадмиссии для возвращения нелегальных мигрантов


PS. Отдельным блоком, который Вы получите после выполнения этого, будет представлена грамматика по следующим темам – 1) Страдательный залог, 2) Модальные глаголы


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