Date: March 18,19 2017
Novosibirsk, 2016-11-01 issue-1
St application: 2016-09-20
License L# 171104- EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- ER-041
C12265, C12266
Att.: Mrs. Elena Efimova
Dear President(s),
This license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules
And regulations.
No American rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.
See approved rules for that purpose.
Responsible Club: NP CLC INFINITI (RU-0300)
Special/Breed Shows: British, Sphynx, Peterbald, Siamese
Mrs. Galina Kamenskaya, Russia (AB, WCF)
Mrs. Tatyana Esina, Russia (AB, WCF)
It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose,
Is allowed to judge on this exhibition.
Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be recognized.
You may organize special breed shows (at least 15 cats). These special breed shows are not permitted to be
called "ring" or to be performed as ring.
The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 3 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules.
All other rings need the permission of the office.
You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules
For the BIS.
The winners of the BIS for the 4 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to
Participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.
Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages
Of the show catalogue.
Only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid
For WCF awards.
ALL SHOWS MUST BE LICENSED and licenses must be printed in the show catalogues.
Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual
In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and
Cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the
Native language of the country.
In WCF exhibitions cats cannot be judged more than once per day even in combined exhibitions with
Two or more WCF-clubs, under penalty of rules.
An electronically copy of this show catalogue with all results must be sent to the Chairman of the Show
commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after the date of exhibition.
The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not
Comply with these resolutions.
In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:
International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue
On each showday.
A change of the place or the date requires new C-numbers.
If you need to invite other judges please send the amended show-application at least 6 weeks before the date
Of the exhibition.
If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license manager before the planned date.
This license will become invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its
Validity for non prolongation of patronage.
We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.
Best regards,Marina Khodusova
WCF show licensing management
WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.
President Anneliese Hackmann
Geisbergstr. D-45139 Essen Germany
phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724
fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747
email: wcf@wcf-online.de
General Secretary
Tatjana Cernova
Hapsalas 15-31 LV-1005 Riga Latvia
mobile: +371-291 234 30
email: general.secretary@wcf-online.de email: mrscernova@inbox.lv
(Appointed by the Council) Alexandru Elian
013753 Bukarest Romania phone: +40-744-60 60 57 email: treasurer@wcf-online.de
Extended Board
1st Vice-president
Anna Rudakova
ul. Moskovskaya, 13a 440031 Penza Russland
phone: +7 8412 66 0130
mobile: +7 902 352 7153 email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de
2nd Vice-president (Appointed by the Council) Dr. Johan H. Lamprecht 7550 Durbanville South Africa
phone: +27-21-976 99 65
Assistant to the Secretary General Pavel Rudov email: solitomagis@gmail.com
Chair persons of the Commissions
Licenses for exhibitions
Licenses for exhibitions for Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgisistan, Aserbaidschan Marina Khodusova
Novosibirsk / Russla
mobile: +7-913-954 18 12 email: wcf.show.license@gmail.com
Licenses for exhibitions for all other countries Gisela Danisch Germany email: WCF@gmx-topmail.de
Email: show results: show.results@wcf-online.de
Cattery registrations Doris Reiter Essen/Germany email: wcfgermany@aol.com
Permissions and other matters WCF Office Essen/Germany email: wcfev@aol.com
Tanja Krause
D-45139 Essen
phone: +49-151 165 869 88 email: wcf@wcf-online
Nicole Schäfer D-45136 Essen
Татьяна Есина (WCF AB) Россия
Галина Каменская (WCF AB) Россия
НП КЛК «ИНФИНИТИ» - президент Ефимова Елена Геннадьевна
+7(911)786 01 70 e-mail: infiniticlc@mail.ru
Председатель выставки- Ефимова Елена Геннадьевна
Секретарь выставки: Горбачева Наталья Михайловна
18 марта | 19 марта | |
09.00 Вет.осмотр Регистрация 11.00 Торжественное начало выставки Начало экспертизы 12.00 WCF –ring Adult 13.00 Обед экспертов 14.00 Экспертиза 16.00 Breed –show 17.00 Best in Show | 10.00 Начало выставки Экспертиза 12.00 WCF-ring Junior 13.00 Обед экспертов 14.00 Экспертиза 15.00 Breed –show 16.00 Best in Show Выдача дипломов и розеток после окончания Best in Show 2 ДНЯ |
1.После регистрации проверьте, правильно ли зарегистрирован ваш питомец!!! Если есть ошибки обратитесь в секретариат, с 12дня до Besta в первый день!!! Регистрация и вет контроль ОБА ДНЯ!!!
2. Опоздавшие без уважительной причины и предупреждения к концу регистрации к экспертизе не допускаются, экспонентский взнос не возвращается!!!
3. Дипломы выдаются только после окончания Best in Show в воскресенье. Для тех кто уезжает в субботу: дипломы высылаются заказными письмами.
4. Категорически запрещено!!! курить в зале, распитие спиртных напитков, хамское поведение, осуществлять торговли без разрешения Оргкомитета, входить в зал с животными, не участвующими в выставке, вести анти-рекламу,
Выражаем огромную благодарность компании Балт-С за прекрасные призы, подарки и сотрудничество!!!
Выражаем Огромную Благодарность Компании ROYAL CANIN, за предоставление Призового Фонда!!!!
Огромное Благодарность Компании «Пушок»
Огромная благодарность Компании Cat Step и ZooVologda!!!!
Спасибо нашим новым Спонсорам Компаниям Киттен(игрушки для домашних животных) и Тепловичок(коврики с подогревом).
Огромное спасибо еще одномунашему спонсору ЗооЛик интернет зоомагазин!!!!
Спасибо большое компании Сass Piss!!!!
Длинношерстная группа