Phrases to describe sport activities

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Sports play an important role in society.

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Some say that sports play an important role in society. Others, however, think that it is nothing more than a leisure activity.

While some people tend to think that playing sport is simply an activity people do for leisure, others would argue that it has a significant role to play within society. Personally, I believe that sport does have an important function in society, but can also simply be enjoyed as a leisure activity by people.

On the one hand, nobody can deny that sport is a great leisure activity. Millions of people all around the world participate in sporting activities everyday simply because of the sense of well-being and relaxation that it brings them. People play sport for numerous reasons, including, wanting to get fit or stay in shape, as a way to relax and take their mind off the stresses of daily life, and as a way to socialise and spend time with friends. These reasons would indicate that people get involved in sporting activities as a form of leisure.

However, even though most people play sport for the personal benefits, it does also serve a number of usual functions within society. Firstly, sport creates healthier societies. People who play sport are known to be happier and healthier, and less prone to certain mental and physical sicknesses, which reduces the burdens on healthcare systems. Secondly, sport brings people together and creates a sense of unity within societies. This can be witnessed when complete strangers join together to cheer on and support their countries football team. Finally, sport teaches people many important life skills and lessons, which help people to function more effectively within their society, making it a better place to live.

In conclusion, even though people may only participate in sport for the purpose of leisure, it does also bring a number of important benefits to societies as well.


§ Feel a sense of enjoyment — испытывать чувство удовольствия

Example: Whenever I play football with my friends, I feel a sense of enjoyment although I sweat a lot.

§ Have an opportunity to socialize — иметь возможность общаться

Example: Participating in a sport give you the opportunity to socialize, which means you can meet and make a new friend

· Sport is a great leisure activity. Millions of people all around the world participate in sporting activities everyday simply because of the sense of well-being and relaxation that it brings them.


§ Face the risk of injury — сталкиваться с риском травм

Example: You should be careful when playing sports otherwise you will face the risk of injury.

§ Need large investment of time — требует большой траты времени

Example: Playing a sport will need a large investment of time.


· the sense of well-being and relaxation

· to get fit = stay in shape

· a way to relax = a form of leisure

· take their mind off the stresses of daily life

· serve a number of usual functions within society

· be less prone to something

· mental and physical sicknesses

· reduces the burdens on healthcare systems

· creates a sense of unity

· life skills and lessons

Phrases to describe sport activities

1. To take up exercise: to start doing exercise — начать тренироваться/заниматься спортом

Example: I say I’m going to take up exercise all the time, but I always find an excuse to delay.

2. To train hard: to train with a lot of effort — усердно тренироваться

Example: An athletic has to train hard to achieve their goal.

3. To do judo/karate — заниматься дзюдо/карате

To play tennis/football — играть в теннис/футбол

Example: At the weekends I like to play football with friends, and sometimes I just do judo to kill my times.

4. A strong swimmer: a good swimmer

Example: My father who is a strong swimmer teaches me how to swim.

5. To get into shape: to become fit

Example: My brother does many exercises, which help him to get into shape.

6. To keep fit: to stay in good physical condition — быть в форме

Example: I try to keep fit by consuming healthy food and doing exercise regularly

7. To go jogging: to run around the street — заниматься бегом

Example: I usually go jogging with my mother in the park which is near my house in the early morning or in the afternoon.

8. To set a record: to achieve best result in sport — установить рекорд

Example: All athletics always want to set a record or get personal bests.

9. Sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport — спорт инвентарь

Example: My University spends a lot of money on upgrading sports facilities.

10. A personal best: to achieve the best result so far in sport — личный рекорд

Example: Sara trains hard with the purpose of achieving her personal bests.

11. Brisk walk: a fast walk — быстрая ходьба

Example: Doing a brisk walk is one of the best ways to maintain our health.

12. A big/huge/massive fan of: supporter or admirer who really like something — большой фан

Example: I am a huge fan of football, and my favorite club is Real Marid.

13. To be out of condition: to be not physical fit — быть не в форме

Example: Lacking of doing exercise and playing sport can lead to being out of condition.

14. An athletics meeting: an event where various athletics sports are held — соревнования по спортивной атлетике

Example: It has been my dream to go to an athletics meeting with my family to watch sports, especially football matches.

15. A football match: a game of football — футбольный матч

Example: I have never missed a football match of my favorite club.

Water sports:



water polo





jet skiing

water skiing


wind surfing


scuba diving



Racket sports:





Ball sports:


American football









Athletics sport:




pole vault

long jump

high jump


shot put


Winter sports:



ice skating


Other sports & fitness activities:



marathon (42.195 km)

cross-country running

triathlon - swim, cycle, run


mountain biking



weight training





martial arts



table tenis



horse riding

horse racing

motor racing

motorcycle racing



Advantages of doing sport:


Sport is good to prevent diseases caused by physical inactivity

Sport is good to fight against extra weight and obesity

Sport is good for training heart and muscles

Sport is good to break stressful situations

Sport is good to burn calories

Sports are a safe form of competition

Sport is good to build self-esteem and confidence

Sport is useful for academic success

Sport is good to make new friends

Competition is healthy because it pushes people to win


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