I. Health Service in the USA and Great Britain.
What are the levels of Health Service in the USA?
These are three levels of Health Servise in theUSA: family doctor; the medical instotution or hospital; and the USA Public Health Servise.
What parts does the NHS in GB consist of?
National Health Servise in GB consisit of three parts: the Local Health Authorities; the General Pracititioners; Hospitals or Specialist Servise.
What freedom of choice does health service of Great Britain provide for the patients?
People may use the National Health Servise, they can visit doctors as private patients.
What kinds of hospitals are there in GB?
The hospital servise includes generar and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infectious desease units, all forms of specialized treatment.
What services do the health centers in Great Britain provide?
Health centers provide opportunities for hospitals specialists and General Pracititioners.
What are the problems of health care system in Great Britain and the USA?
There are many problems that still exist in modern society. Children from poor families see a physician less frequently than childre from families with higher income. Death rate is higher among black people than in white adults. The homicide rate is higher more than in eight tines among black youth than in white young people aged 15-24.
7. What is "Medicare" in the USA?
Medicare is a federal program providing the free medical care for aged Americans over 65, those who in the past had the greatest medical expenses.
8. What program of medical care in the USA is called "Medicaid"?
Medicaid is a federal-state program providing free medical care for poor and aged, for blind and dependent children.
II. Cardio-vascular diseases.
Эти слова читаются так(!!!):
cardio-vascular – кАдио-вАскьюла
hypertention – ХАЙпетеншн
myocardial infarction – мАЙокадиал инфа(р)кшн
How many cavities are there in our heart?
There are 4 cavities in the heart: 2 atrias and 2 ventricls.
How many layers does the heart consist of?
The heart consists of 3 layers: the epicardium, the myocardium, the endocardium.
How many beats does the heart make in adults and in children?
In adults heart makes 70-75 beats per minute, in children it is higher – 90 beats per minute.
What are the principle physiological functions of our heart?
Our heart mantains the circulation of blood in our body.
What cardio-vascular diseases do you know?
I know such cardio-vascular diseases: hypertention, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atheriosclerosis,cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, high blood pressure, valvular heart diseases.(гипертония и повышенное давление; сердечные аритмии и тахикардия подразумевают друг друга, Yakhno об этом не знает)
What are the most characteristic complaints in myocardial infraction?
The most characteristic complaints in myocardial infraction are: severe substernal oppresion,dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, hiccups (severe substernal oppresion – обязательно!!!).
What are the most prominent symptoms of hypertension?
The most prominent symptoms of hypertension are high blood presure, fatigue, dizzines, insomnia, nervousness, palpitation and headache (high blood presure, fatigue, dizzines, insomnia – обязательно!!!)
At what age may hypertension develop in people?
Нypertension may develops in any age, but usually it develops after 40 years.
What measures should one take to prevent the development of angina pectoris?
The first is to take medecine (повезло же ей… всю жизнь принимает таблетки от angina pectoris). We must avoid exerbtion, overeating, emotional upset and have rest.
What is one of the gravest complications of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries?
It is myocardial infarction.
III. Infectious diseases.
What are infectious diseases caused by?
Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic bacteria (germs and viruses) and other microorganisms that multiply in the body and have a hurmful effect on it.
How is body's ability to resist infection called?
Body's ability to resist infection is called immunty. Immunity can be natural and acquired.
What infectious diseases do you know?
There are 4 main types of infection diseases: infection diseases of skin and mucose membrans – septicemia, gonococcus infection, toxemia; infection diseases of the respiratory tract - scarlet fever, measles, mumps, smallpox, chicken-pox, poliomyelitis; intestinal infection diseases – typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera; infection diseases of the blood – sepis.