XIV семинар-мастерская по переводу современной американской поэзии

«Школа Современного Перевода», февраль 2016


Семинар состоится 4 февраля 2016 года.

Место проведения: Самарский литературный музей, ул. Фрунзе 55 (вход во двор усадьбы).

Время проведения: 18.30 – 20.30.

Организаторы: переводчики Александр Уланов, Галина Ермошина, Анастасия Бабичева.

Номер контакта по вопросам участия: 89276513856 Анастасия


Барбара Гест (1920 – 2006, США) – американская поэтесса и писательница. Впервые снискала признание как представительница первого поколения Нью-Йоркской школы поэзии. За 60 лет творческой деятельности издала более 15 поэтических сборников, а также занималась искусствоведением, писала эссе и пьесы. Имеет награды за литературную деятельность.







The simple contact with a wooden spoon and the word

recovered itself, began to spread as grass, forced

as it lay sprawling to consider the monument where

patience looked at grief, where warfare ceased

eyes curled outside themes to search the paper

now gleaming and potent, wise and resilient, word

entered its continent eager to find another as

capable as a thorn. The nearest possession would

house them both, they being then two might glide

into this house and presently create a rather larger

mansion filled with spoons and condiments, gracious

as a newly laid table where related objects might gather

to enjoy the interplay of gravity upon facetious hints,

the chocolate dish presuming an endowment, the ladle

of galactic rhythm primed as a relish dish, curved

knives, finger bowls, morsel carriages words might

choose and savor before swallowing so much was the

sumptuousness and substance of a rented house where words

placed dressing gowns as rosemary entered their scent

percipient as elder branches in the night where words

gathered, warped, then straightened, marking new wands.


Энн Лаутербах (род. в 1942, США) – американская поэтесса, эссеист и профессор. Имеет порядка десяти опубликованных поэтических сборников, публикации в поэтических изданиях и периодике, а также в поэтических антологиях. Имеет призы и награды за литературную деятельность. Преподает в университете, живет в Нью-Йорке.





And here, an exaggerated arc

— see

how its grin exceeds the joke —

and the featherweight drama

liability of the newly wet

swelling the planks

The list, old among numbers, could be six, seven,

among these it could be

ideology skulking at the corner of an age

star-struck, emulating, singing along with the tune

that smell of sweet perfume

among numbers, filtered into the humid

high summer air

mouth open, lips in sync,

and the question comes up

dropped into the street below—

It could be Caravaggio

or the fleshy belief he inscribed,

dense filiation of desire, and so

a mythic arrangement is in order here, among these numbers,

a story decision on the back lot. So he comes toward her and says


would you have a look at this script?

could you cut my hair?

would you mind lowering the shade?

The answer The direction of the first bed The task

And now look, far

is near, next door is another century

whose shape reconfigures the topography of care.

It seems possible to notice a harem

gathering around the stump, wearing boas

and slacks, whispering into the dust.

Shall we address their dilemma?

The anticipated part is only part of the assignment,

part two is the repeated motif of law.

The nurse said be prepared, strip.

And we thought, given this premise, that she had seen

the thing slain and the unshared part dealt out among strangers,

those in the park, those in a boat, a few wandering across a bridge.

But this never happens in the city,

only usual begetting as the slant bends into a curl,

the curl a parenthetical remark or eyelash on the pillow of dawn.

Riots in the capital.

Europe destroyed under its canopy of culture.

This moves across the threshold into that

because the wind's fitful economy

parts only debris, laying claim to the moment

as if it were a lucky number pulled from a hat.


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