Express the following in English basing on the resume given above.


Job Hunting


An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity. Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written.

It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page.

Although resumes are personal documents there are some basic areas of information that most resumes include:

1. Personal information;

2. Job objective;

3. Education;

4. Experience;

5. Activities and/or professional affiliations;

6. Special interests and skills;

7. References.

The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page.

After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written. This objective should be well thought out from the very beginning since it will influence the way you will write the rest of the resume. It should not be too general, e.g.: “To obtain a managerial position in a western company.” Think about your job search and career goals carefully, write them down in a way that shows you have given them much thought.

For example: “Objective: To obtain a position in telecommunication that will allow me to use my knowledge of engineering and take advantage of my desire to work in sales”.

Never include your desire to have a well-paid job in this statement. A focus on money in your resume’s first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia.

After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION. List the universities, institutes and colleges you have attended in reverse chronological order.

Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant.

If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A “red diploma” can be called “graduated with high honors” in English. Do not include your high school.

Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List you experience starting with your most recent place of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for.

Provide information about your responsibilities, emphasizing important activities by listing the most relevant to your objective. Do not use complete sentences! List your responsibilities in short statements that do not include the words “my” or “I”.

Following experience, consider including COMMUNITY, COLLEGE and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES being sure to indicate leadership positions held (i. e. committee chair person, vice president). You might briefly describe major projects undertaken, presentations given or special skills/knowledge you gained from your involvement.

SPECIAL INTERESTS/SKILLS include foreign languages and specific computer knowledge, your favourite leisure activities and travel experiences. They can provide employer with a sense of your personality.

When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, “Fluent English,” “native Russian,” “intermediate German”, and “beginning French” are all ways to describe your language abilities.

The last section of you resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for the job.

Their names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included. If you do not have space on your resume for this, write “Available upon request.” You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested.

The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively. A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details.


Name: Emily Alison Biggins

Address: 47 Putney Hill



Tel: London 475 78 65

Age of birth: 15 July 1970

Marital status: Single

Nationality: British


To secure a part-time position that offers a variety of tasks, in which to use my secretarial skills and knowledge of foreign languages.


Dates: 1987 – 1992

College: South Thames College, London.

Qualifications: Secretarial Courses; Shorthand Grade 2;

Typing Grade 3.

Dates: 1993 –1994

College: Oxleigh Secretarial College, College Road, Oxleigh.

Qualifications: Secretarial Skills Refresher Course: Shorthand

Typing (60 w. p. m.). Book-keeping Grade One.



Dates: 1995 – to present

Company: Philip Wilson Publisher Ltd.

Position: Secretary to the Sales Manager.

Responsibilities: Taking shorthand; typing and maintaining diaries, office support, etc.

Other Skills & Occupations

I now work regularly as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I also have a clean driver’s license and a good knowledge of Spanish and French. My personal interests include classical literature reading, independent travel, modern jazz and swimming.


References are available on request.


Express the following in English basing on the resume given above.

1. Каково полное имя Эмили (автора резюме)?

2. Где она живет?

3. Какой у нее номер телефона?

4. Сколько ей лет?

5. Каково ее семейное положение?

6. Кто она по национальности?

7. Почему её интересует именно это рабочее место?

8. Какое образование она получила, и где?

9. Какую специальность она получила?

10. Где она работает?

11. На какой должности она работает?

12. Каким языком она владеет?

13. Каковы ее личные интересы?

14. Есть ли у нее отзывы с последнего места работы?



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