Требования учебной дисциплины


№ недели Название темы Формы обучения, кол-во часов Задания для СРО  
  Theme:Education system in Britain   Grammar:Present Perfect Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “We don’t need no education or do we?” and ex. a, b, p.67 (Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Theme:Education system in America   Grammar:Past Perfect Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “So school these days is easy” and do ex. b, c, d, p.53 (Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Theme:Education system in Kazakhstan   Grammar:Future Perfect Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “Nazarbayev University Has Grand Educational Vision for Kazakhstan” and summarize it, about Kazakhstan.com
  Theme:Our university   Grammar:Present Perfect Continuous Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “At school for 17 hours a day” and do ex. a,b,c. p40. (Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, English File, Intermediate, Oxford University Press 1997)
  Theme:Sport in our life   Grammar:Past Perfect Continuous Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “Your most exciting sporting moments” and do ex. a, b, c, d, p. 59 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig,New English File,Pre-Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Theme:Sport in our life   Grammar:Future Perfect Continuous Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “Who is the fittest?” and ex. a, b, c, d, p. 84-83 (Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, English File, Intermediate, Oxford University Press 1997)
  Theme:Leisure time   Grammar: Passive voice Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “Living without TV” and ex. a, b, c, d, p. 113 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig,New English File,Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Theme:Leisure time   Grammar:Passive voice Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “The truth about the Titanic” and ex. a, b, c, d, p. 106-107 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, English File,Intermediate, Oxford University Press 1997)
  Theme: Travelling   Grammar: Modal verbs Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the three texts “In the right place …but at the wrong time” and ex. a, b, c, p. 16 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig,New English File,Pre-Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Theme: Travelling   Grammar: Modal verbs Практ. – 3 ч. СРО –6 ч. Read the three texts “Where am I?” and ex. a, b, p. 94 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, English File,Pre-Intermediate, Oxford University Press 1997)
  Theme: History of Kazakhstan   Grammar: Sequence of Tenses Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Do grammar ex. 286-291 on pp. 63-64. (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)  
  Theme: Astana is a symbol of Hope   Grammar: Sequence of Tenses Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Do grammar ex. 286-291 on pp. 63-64. (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)  
  Theme: Customs. Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain   Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Do grammar ex. 293-296 on p.65 (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)
  Theme: Customs. Traditions and Holidays in the USA   Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Do grammar ex. 293-296 on p.65 (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)
  Theme: Getting a job   Grammar: Grammar Revision Практ. – 3 ч. СРО – 6 ч. Read the text “Form librarian to a political reporter…in a month” and ex. a, b, c, p. 78 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig,New English File,Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)
  Итого Практ. – 45 ч. СРО – 90 ч.  

Список основной и дополнительной литературы

Основная л

6.1. Основная литература:

1. Тусупбекова М.Ж., Мухтарханова А.М. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов неязыковых специальностей. 2008г.

2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Intermediate, Oxford

University Press 2006

3. Liz, John Soars, New Headway, Intermediate, Oxford University press, 2003

4. Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Total English, Intermediate, Pearson Education, 2005

5. Daily life in Britain // https://www.woodlandsjunior


6.2. Дополнительная литература:

1. R. Murphy Essential Grammar in Use Cambridge University Press

2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003

3. Stuart Redman, Vocabulary in use, Cambridge university press, 2011

4. English speaking practice online https://www.speaking24.com/

5. Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Paterson, Basic English, Oxford university press, 2006


7. Контроль знаний

Планируется проведение текущего контроля в ходе аудиторных занятий, контроль качества выполнения СРО; два рубежных контроля в форме тестирования; промежуточная аттестация в форме устного экзамена.

Текущий контроль – 20%

Контроль СРО - 20%

Рубежный контроль:

тестирование - 20%

Итоговый контроль не менее - 40%


Требования учебной дисциплины

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» является обязательной. Объем учебной нагрузки составляет 6 кредитов, из них 90 часов - практических занятий, 180 часов – СРО.

Требования дисциплины: обязательное посещение аудиторных занятий, активное участие в обсуждении вопросов, предварительная подготовка к практическим занятиям по учебно-методическому пособию и основной литературе, качественное и своевременное выполнение заданий СРО, участие во всех видах контроля (текущий контроль, контроль СРО, рубежный контроль, итоговый контроль).



Рассмотрен на заседании методической секции кафедры,

от 10. 01. 2013 г., протокол № 7



Утвержден заведующей кафедрой ____________к.п.н., доцент Сагимбаева Д.Е.




Applicant – a person who makes a formal request for something, especially for a job, a place at a college, university.

Advertising - a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service

Activist – a person who intentionally acts to bring about civic, cultural, economic, political, or social change.

Achievement – something that you have done successfully, especially through hard work or skill.

Award – a prize that somebody gets for doing something well.

Allowance – an amount of money that you receive regularly to help you pay for something that you need.



Broadcasting - the distribution of audio and/or video signals which transmit programs to an audience. The audience may be the general public or a relatively large sub-audience, such as children or young adults.


Column - a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.

Curriculum – all the subjects that are taught in school, college and university.


Degree- an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study; "he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude"


Enroll – to become or to make somebody a member of a club, school.

Exhibition - a public display of works of art or items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.


Fee – the money you pay for professional advice or service from private doctors, lawyers, schools, universities.

Fresher – a student who is in his her first year at university or college.


Grant – money that is given by the government for a particular purpose.

Graduate – a person who has a first degree from a university, to get a first degree.


Handwriting – a person`s style of writing by hand.



Ice diving - is a type of diving where the dive takes place under ice.

Ignorance – the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.


Journalist (also called a newspaperman) is a person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues, and people while striving for non-bias viewpoint.


Lecture – a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject especially as apart of a university course.


Mounting board - something that serves as a support, setting, or backing.


Newspaper - a written publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint.

Nursery – a place where small children and babies are looked after so that their parents can go to work.


Parking area - a lot where cars are parked


Qualified – having passed an exam or having the knowledge, experience in order to be able to do something.



Responsibility – obligation, duty, and/or accountability.

Reputation – the opinion that people in general have about what somebody is like.


Sovereignty – the possession or exercise of full control by a government over a territorial or area or limit.

Shooting – to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport.


Television (TV) - a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, either monochromatic ("black and white") or color, usually accompanied by sound.

Track event – a sports event that consists of running round a track in a race rather than throwing something or jumping.

Term – a period of time which a school or university year is divided.

Toboggan – a type of flat pieces of metal underneath that people use for traveling down hills on snow for fun.

Tuition – teaching, especially to a small group of people.



Windsurfing - the sport of sailing while standing on a sailboard. Also called boardsailing, sailboarding, windsailing.

Workshop – a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject6 when people share their knowledge and experience.


План практических занятий

Unit 1


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