Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (-ed, V2, did)


1. Переведите письменно текст.

Types of Definitions

In the process of preparing a report or essay scientists must often define their terms. Some of the definition types used in professional and academic writing are described below.

1. A formal definition. Itassigns an object to a genus or class.

Example: Craps (крэпс) is a gambling game played with two dices.

2. An explication. It explains the meaning of key words in a formal definition.

Example: A dice is a small cube marked on each side with a number of small dots, varying from 1 to 6.

3. An operational definition. It refers objects to a location or situation where the phenomenon can be observed.

Examples: Craps is a gambling game often played in casinos.

If you drive along a highway and another car passes you, you will experience the Doppler Effect.

4. An analysis. It separates a whole object into its component parts.

Examples: Craps is a dice game (игра в кости) in which the players make wagers (ставки). Players may wager money against each other (playing "street craps") or a bank (playing "casino craps", also known as "table craps", or often just "craps").

Air is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, neon, and helium.

5. An example. It suggests that one member of a class of objects conveys an accurate impression of the entire class.

Example: Craps is an example of a gambling game.

The maple is an example of a deciduous tree.

6. Graphics. They give a pictorial representation of an object with lines, dots, arrows, etc.

7. Comparisons and contrasts. They describe ways in which objects or concepts are similar to or different from one another.

Examples: Both chess and craps are games; but chess is not a gambling one.

Both the maple and the pine are trees; but the former is deciduous, the second coniferous.

8. Elimination. Itindicates that something is not clear so the definition is not finished.

Examples: Craps is not only a game.

Clear-cutting is not the removal of only a few trees in a forest area.

9. An etymology. It explores the origin and historical development of a word.

Example: Craps, origin 1375-1425, late Middle English, Middle Dutch. 1835-45 Americanism, 18th century E slang.

10. History. It records the events in the development of something.

Example: Craps developed from a simplification (упрощение) of the early English game of "hazard" (опасность). Its origin is complex and may date to the Crusades (крестовые походы), later being influenced by French gamblers (игроки). What was to become the modern American version of the game was brought to New Orleans by Bernard Xavier Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville (Бернар Ксавье Филипп де Мариньи де Мандевиль), a gambler (картежник) and politician descended (происходить родом) from wealthy colonial Louisiana landowners (землевладельцы).

The use of different types of definitions helps us to make our speech and written works.more scientific and at the same time easy for the understanding of ordinary people.


1. Translate into English: готовить доклад, писать эссе, термин, определение, описывать, пример, игра – играть, ключевые слова, наблюдать феномен, делить на составные части, создавать впечатление, сравнение, происхождение и историческое развитие.


2. Make as many questions as you can to the following sentences: Craps is a gambling game. History records the events in the development of something.


Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs): can, may, must


3. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, may или can. 1. I know I... help my sister about the house. 2. I … not swim. 3. Robert … play the piano. 4. … I sit here? 5. Who … help me with this task? 6. … I use your pen? 7. I have a terrible headache. - I think you... see a doctor. 8. You … keep this book till Monday. 9. Ann … cook well. 10. Ann,... I ask you a question? - You certainly may. 11. You... always observe traffic rules on the road. 12. You... not put so much sugar in your tea. 13. Dan,... I do anything for you? 14. Peter … drive a car. 15. You … take any book you like.

Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite. 1. They (go) to the University by bus. 2. My friend (study) French. 3. She (paint) well. 4. Our classes (begin) at 9 o’clock.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

Образец: I (we, you, they) don’t study. – He (she, it) doesn’t study.

1. Lena studies at the Institute. 2. Tom and Nick play football well.

6. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

Образец: Where do you study? Where does he study?

1.I get up at 6 o’clock. 2. My father works at the hospital. 3. We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. 4. My friends go to the seaside in summer.

Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (-ed, V2, did)

7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple. 1. Mary (go) to the concert yesterday. 2. My father (know) Physics very well. 3. They (study) French at the University. 4. She (read) many books in English. 5. Some years ago they (live) in Paris. 6. She (write) an interesting article.


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