Test on Theoretical grammar (3-4 year)

The noun

1. Analyze the meaning of the "of-Genitive". What are the corresponding Russian word forms? Do possible substitutions for's inflections (for example, of my sister – my sister’s):

The last letter of my mother in law; the rooms of the daughter and the son; love of his children; a man of experience and culture; a jar of marmalade; the population of England; every point of business life; to run the risk of concealment; the first shock of reality; the beating of her heart; the latest record of the champion; Minister of Labour; cause of quarrel; lack of principle; influx of workers; to the astonishment of the people; point of view; the properties of substance; results of experiments; the presence of Florence; the desperate determination of running away; the image of the actress; the smiling face of Mr. Brown; finished reading of the book; the voice of Julian; the picture of her mother.

The verb

2. What time (present, past, future) does the action denoted by the verb refer to?

When they returned home, she had arrived back from her shopping and was putting away the products. I'll be seeing my 1 partner this afternoon. He put on his coat and went out. Hasn't he been yet? Have you spoken to him about coming to see me? I'm sending the car for him early in the morning. If you are good to Julia, she'll give you a photo of herself. He has had his car » for a year. I've been thinking...what shall I do? Who are you waiting for? She is not expecting anyone. We have just been talking about you. He was enjoying himself.

3. Consider the following oppositions and account for the difference between the verb forms belonging to Continuous/Non-Continuous, Perfect/Non-Perfect.

The clock struck half past two/The clock was striking two: where was she? As soon as we talk about anything interesting/you complain we are talking shop. This is the same castle with its huge towers which still stand/The castle is still standing, and you can see its old walls. I'll be visiting my granny this weekend/ When I come down to my home town, I'll visit my classmates. He was having struggle in his own world/ He had a car of his own. I know he has lived all his life here/No, he has been living in Brazil. We'll have been staying here for a month next week/ I expect we'll stay with my friends.

4. Make as many active-passive transformations as possible.

He showed me her photo. They will offer her a good job. The students asked the professor many questions. They are going to give her lovely presents. The police are still looking for him. Pupils had finished tests before the bell rang. Her mum always tells her to behave well. They explained to her where to find the bank. They teach English in most secondary schools. He has talked over this problem with her this morning. He has been examining the students for three hours already. Actors were / performing the play brilliantly.

5. Translate into English. Put the Passive voice wherever necessary.

Эти новости были только что переданы по радио. Над чем они смеются? Его разыскивают с прошлого месяца и до сих пор не нашли. Ожидают, что эти данные будут опубликованы в завтрашней газете. На эту книгу часто ссылаются. Я не знала, какие упражнения нам задали для домашней работы. Надеюсь, об этом факте больше не упомянут. К тому времени как вы вернетесь, будет принято решение. Все эти вопросы затрагиваются в следующей главе. Об этом фильме сейчас так много говорят.

Non-finite forms of the verb

6. Name the grammatical categories in which the verbals differ. Translate the sentences into Russian:

I don't know how to learn it. I'm glad to have learned that. You should be learning it just now. They seem to have been learning it for years. He must have been learning it since the morning. This is the lesson to be learnt. This rule ought to have been learnt before. He has just finished repairing his car. He objected to his car being repaired. He denied having repaired his car. After having been repaired his car looked fantastic. He took the car without being repaired.

They were quarrelling. They have just been quarrelling. While quarrelling they shouted all the time. Having quarrelled, they split up. I heard them quarrelling. Why are you always quarrelling? The friends quarrelling at times will soon make up.


7. Translate into English:

Ответ на вопрос, девушка в шляпе, наблюдать за играющими детьми, взлетает через минуту, плитка шоколада, обязанности директора, брюки в полоску, пришел проверить, жертвы катастрофы, интерес читателей к журналу, доставляющее удовольствие путешествие, собрание было перенесено, очарование женщины, она - доктор, старик в очках, встреча слушателей с лектором, в сегодняшней вечерней газете, вино из винограда, задержался из-за плохой погоды.


8. Name the principle and secondary parts of sentence and give an example of the simple sentence with them. Point to each part to the sentence.

9. Name the difference between the compound and the complex sentences and give your examples.

10. Write down three sentences in direct speech and change them into indirect speech. Use different tenses.


1. Бархударов Л.С. Очерк по морфологии современного английского языка. - М., 1975.

2. Бархударов Л.С, Штелинг Д.А. Грамматика английского языка. – М., 1965.

3. Каушанская В. Л. Грамматика английского языка. – М.: Старт, 2000. – 320 с.

4. Ягодникова О.Г., Кишко С.Н. Грамматика английского глагола в таблицах. Наклонения. – Симферополь: ЧернгоморПРЕСС, Таврия, 2006. – 176с.

5. Blokh М.A course in theoretical English grammar. – M., 1983.

6. Ilyish B. The structure of modern English. L., 1971.

7. lofic I.L., Chakhoyan L.P. A course in Engiish grammar. – M., 1967.

8. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. A course in English grammar. – M., 1963.

9. Morokhovskaya E.J. Fundamentals of theoretical English grammar. – Kiev, 1984

10. Volkova L.M. Theoretical grammar of English: Modern approach. – K.: Освіта України, 2010. – 256с.


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