Кафедра иностранных языков
по дисциплине Английский язык
студента группы _______ЗСМ 31________________________
Лисевский Максим Александрович
№ зачетной книжки 16 КзСМ0020
Преподаватель: ____________________________
Кол-во страниц КР ___
I. Translate the text into Russian.
All boilers operate on the common premise that heat is transferred to water to create steam which is then used to do work onboard. The water used onboard, for whatever purpose, comes primarily from the sea. In order for seawater to be safely used for steam production, the salts and other contaminants must be removed from the water to minimize scale formation and corrosion in boiler water and steam circuits. Mechanical and chemical technology is used in combination to do both. An evaporator or distiller is generally installed for the purpose of purifying the water until it contains only trace levels of minerals. Seawater also contains dissolved gases which have been absorbed from the air or formed by decaying organic matter. They can be mechanically removed by deaeration, thermally reduced by increased feedwater temperature and/or chemically scavenged.
An effective water treatment program minimizes scale and corrosion in the boiler system. Since distillation and mechanical/thermal deaeration cannot remove all of the contaminants, routine chemical treatment programs are necessary for the efficient maintenance of all steam generating and cooling system equipment.
Distillation, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis (RO) are processes which may be used for the desalination of seawater.
II. Match the terms in the column A with their definitions in the column B. Translate into Russian.
III. Delete the phrase, which is not applicable in the following statements.
1. The PRIMARY function of a waste heat boiler is to reduce engine exhaust noise/reduce engine back pressure/recover heat which otherwise would be lost/increase turbocharger efficiency.
2. Strainers are installed in boiler fuel oil service lines to absorb contaminants/collect water/decrease viscosity/remove solids.
3. Dissolved oxygen can be removed from the boiler water by frequent surface and bottom blows/dumping and refilling the boiler weekly/passing the water through absorbent filters/treating the water with chemical scavengers.
4. Function of a de-superheater is to Protect superheater from overheat /Control superheater steam outlet temperature /Increase the efficiency of the boiler /Reduce steam temperature for auxiliary uses after steam superheater.
5. Which of the following conditions is responsible for the fuel oil to atomize when using a steam atomizer in an auxiliary boiler? Expansion of the steam in the furnace./Expansion of the steam in the whirling chamber. /Expansion of the steam in the orifice plate.
IV. The words of these sentences are mixed up. Write the sentences correctly.
1. A boiler/ be/ to absorb/ should /the maximum/ designed /amount/ of/ released/ in/ the process/ heat/ of /combustion.
2. The stack/ exhaust/ is/ that /hot /the piping/ conveys/ the gasses / combustion/ away / the boiler/ to/ the outside/ from.
3. Essentially/ tubes/ superheaters /are /a bank /of/ / to heat/ the steam/ used/ saturation/ above/ the temperature.
4. In /for /order/ a boiler/ to generate/ continuously/ steam/ water/ circulate /must/ the tubes/ through.
5. Fire/Tube/consists/of/Boiler/ a shell/cylindrical/with/crown/ having/ its/ spherical/ a shape.
V. Translate into English.
1. Каждый котел отделяется от главной и вспомогательной паровых магистралей разобщительными стопорными клапанами, установленными непосредственно на котле.
2. Эти клапана должны иметь привод с верхней палубы, чтобы их можно было перекрыть в случае аварии МКО, например, при разрыве паропровода.
3. Одним из наиболее важных устройств котла является предохранительный клапан, предотвращающий повышение давление в котле свыше допустимого.
4. После того как в присутствии ответственного лица будет установлено давление срабатывания клапана, его пломбируют.
5. Уровень воды в котле контролируют при помощи водоуказательных приборов и пробных кранов (на огнетрубных котлах не менее двух).