Internal Combustion Engine

Б1. Б.5 Иностранный язык (английский)

Методические указания к выполнению аудиторной и самостоятельной работы

Направление подготовки 23.03.03 Эксплуатация транспортно-технологических машин и комплексов


Квалификация выпускника: бакалавр

Форма обучения: заочная


Уфа 2016

УДК 811

ББК 81.2

Рекомендовано к изданию методической комиссией кафедры иностранных языков Башкирского государственного аграрного университета, протокол № 1 от 31 августа 2016 г.


Составители: д-р филол.н., доцент О.Н. Новикова, ст. преподаватель Р.А. Исмагзамова, канд.филол.наук, ст.преп. А.Р. Мустафина



Рецензент: канд. филол. н., ст. преп. И.В. Эделева



Ответственный за выпуск: зав. кафедрой ин. языков, д-р филол. н., доцент О.Н.Новикова


Предлагаемые методические указания предназначены для подготовки бакалавров заочной формы обучения 2 курса направления 23.03.03 Эксплуатация транспортно-технологических машин и комплексов. Методические указания содержат тексты из аутентичных источников и состоят из двух частей: 1) популярные тесты об автомобилях и изобретателях и 2) части автомобиля и их работа. Общий объем текстов – более 30 тысяч печатных знаков, 20800 – в первой части и более 10000 – во второй части. Студенты должны прочитать 5000 печатных знаков текста, поэтому им рекомендуется взять равное количество из первой и второй частей. К текстам первой части даны задания на проверку понимания.

Составители надеются, что тексты будут доступны для понимания и интересны по содержанию.



Part 1 A Handmade Car The Mini Story Airbags Fuel Cells The Car of the Future Brand DNA Aluminium-the Car Maker’s Metal of the Year? GDI Engines Instrument Panel The Smart Built to Order What’s in a Name? The Road we Travelled Internal Combustion Engine The Most Unpopular Men in London Michelin Rolls-Royce Henry Ford and his Inventions Interesting Facts about the Automobile Part 2 Automobile Automobile Engines Car Body Fuel and Lubrication Cooling System Brakes Trucks Buses Traffic Safety Traffic Control Bibliography Electronic resources        


Part 1

A Handmade Car

The Morgan is a unique car: it is made in Britain by a family-owned company and it is handmade.

Each Morgan is made individually. Modern materials and up-to-date manufacturing technology are combined with 100-year-old skills. There are no assembly lines because each stage of the manufacturing is done by highly-skilled craftsmen. For example, the wooden frame is made in the same way as the first Morgan in 1909, upholsterers make the leather seats, and sheet metalworkers make the panels by hand.

In contrast to all these traditional skills, Morgan engineers make precision mechanical components using modern Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machinery so a Morgan driver has a state-of-the-art engine in a traditionally-made car.

It takes a long time to make a car by hand. The Morgan factory produces about 500 cars a year. Buyers put their name on a waiting list and then wait for the factory to tell them that their car is finished. The shortest wait is about two years – and sometimes the wait is five years. Like proud parents to be, people on the waiting list can visit the factory to see their car being made and to talk to the craftsmen doing the work.


Text 1.1

1)Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Где производят машину Морган?

2. Почему нет конвейера на этом производстве?

3. Какое производство не изменилось с 1909 года?

4. Двигатель делают старинным способом?

5. Сколько времени ждут заказчики свою машину?

2)Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. cемейная компания

2. современная производственная технология

3. каждая ступень производства

4. кожаные сиденья

5. супер-современный двигатель

6. сделать автомобиль вручную

7. список ожидания

8. будущие родители

The Mini Story

There are 2,500 employees at the plant and the working environment is good. The car assembly line is designed ergonomically to be easy to use and comfortable for the operators. For example, the car is raised, lowered, and turned through 90 degrees so the workers can do their jobs comfortably and easily. Old-fashioned, noisy, compressed-air tools have been replaced with quieter and more accurate electric tools.

The first Mini was first made in 1959 and since then over five million people have owned one. BMW, a German car manufacturer, now owns the Mini and the newest model is being manufactured at an advanced production system in Oxford, England.

During the 1990s approximately 500 million pounds were spent to change an old Oxford car factory into a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant. The Oxford plant now produces around 100,000 Minis a year.

In Britain in the 1960s the only really cool car was the Mini. Everybody wanted one. It starred in advertisements and films and was as famous as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Anyone who was young, rich, famous and fashionable had to be photographed sitting on, in or just near the car. And anyone who was poor, unknown and not very fashionable wanted this car too. They were small and cheap and suited the mood of the post-war generation who had more money and freedom than their parents had ever had. (1146)

Text 1.2

1)Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Когда был сделан первый Мини?

2. Что особенного на заводе Мини в Оксфорде?

3. Сколько новых Мини выпускается каждый год?

4. Сколько людей работает на заводе Мини?

5. Почему новый завод лучше для рабочих?

2)Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. рабочая обстановка

2. легкий в использовании

3. бесшумные и более точные электроприборы

4. производитель автомобилей

5. богатый и знаменитый

6. соответствовать настроению

7. послевоенное поколение

1.3 Airbags

Until recently ago most of the progress made in auto safety was in front and rear accidents, even though 40% of all serious injuries from accidents are the result of side impacts, and 30% of all accidents are side-impact collisions.

Many car makers have reacted to these statistics and new standards of the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) by making doors, door frames and floor and roof sections stronger. But cars that now offer side airbags represent a new type of occupant protection.

Engineers say that designing effective side airbags is much more difficult than designing front airbags. This is because much of the energy from a front-impact collision is absorbed by the bumper, hood and engine, and it takes almost 30 to 40 milliseconds before the impact reaches the car's occupant. In a side impact, only a relatively thin door and a few inches separate the occupant from another vehicle. This means that door-mounted side airbags must begin deploying within 5 or 6 milli­seconds.

The seat-belt airbag is intended to give back-seat passengers the same level of protection as front-seat occupants. The air-bag is incorporated in the rear-seat seat belt and inflates forward on impact.

Airbags, though, do not always save lives; they sometimes kill people who are too small or are in the wrong position when the airbags deploy. To prevent this from happen­ing, car makers and suppliers are developing occupant-sensing systems. The three leading technologies for smart airbags are weight-sensing in the seat, position sensing within the car, and camera monitoring. These detec­tion systems can automatically deactivate the airbags if the situation is dangerous. (1426)

Text 1.3

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Почему сложнее сконструировать эффективные боковые подушки безопасности, чем передние?

2. Что отделяет пассажира одного автомобиля от другого при столкновении?

3. Где расположены подушки безопасности для пассажиров задних мест?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. боковые столкновения

2. защита пассажира

3. эффективные подушки безопасности

4. бампер, капот и двигатель

5. пассажир автомобиля

6. такой же уровень защиты

7. спасают жизнь

8. изготовители автомобилей


Fuel cells

The use of fuel cells promises a reduction in environmental pollution from car exhaust emissions, and the end of our dependence on oil for fuel.

A fuel cell produces an electric current and heat by converting hydrogen and oxygen into water. When many cells are combined into a stack, enough energy is produced to power a 50 kW engine.

The oxygen required comes from the air, but hydrogen is not so readily available. Pure hydrogen could be stored on-board the car, but this would use too much space. Alternatively, car makers could use reformer technology to convert gasoline or methanol into hydrogen, but this would reduce the efficiency of the cell.

For drivers there are many practical considerations. Fuel cell-powered cars are neither as fast nor as quiet as gasoline- or diesel-powered cars. At present there are very few hydrogen fuelling stations, so refuelling could be a problem. Fuel cell cars have a shorter range, so drivers will have to refuel more often. If a tank of hydrogen is stored on board, there are problems of space and safety.

Fuel cell cars are very expensive to develop and produce, which means they will also be expensive for the customer. Many drivers will not pay extra for 'green' car technology, especially if it is not as convenient as the current system. Nevertheless, the race started to produce the first fuel cell-powered family car. (1148)


Text 1.4

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. В чем преимущества от использования топливных элементов?

2. Каким образом топливный элемент производит ток?

3. В чем недостатки автомобиля, работающего на топливном элементе, по сравнению с автомобилем, работающем на бензине?

4. Для покупателя такой автомобиль дешевый или дорогой?


2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. зависимость от нефти как топлива

2. занимать слишком много пространства

3. понизить эффективность элемента

4. более короткий пробег

5. не так удобна как существующая система

6. загрязнение окружающей среды


1.5 The car of the future

It is a cold winter morning but your car is waiting for you, warm and comfortable, at exactly the temperature you like. You open the door by pressing your finger against the lock and your car greets you with a friendly 'Hi, how are you?' You sit down and the computer reminds you of your schedule. You start the car. You now have a joystick, steering-by-wire, braking-by-wire. The old mechanical parts of the past are gone. As you back out of your driveway, warning sensors warn you about objects and pedestrians in your way. Using voice commands you programme your route, check your emails and dictate answers, ask for local and international news, look up phone numbers, and play music.

The car also looks after your health. Sensors in your seat and armrest tell you your weight and blood pressure, while sensors in the dashboard notice if you are drowsy and vibrate the joystick to wake you.

Many of the old worries associated with driving are gone. Traffic jams don't happen any more because your car automatically avoids crowded roads. Collision avoidance sensors prevent accidents. Speeding tickets are also a thing of the past - sensors pick up signals from traffic signs and automatically adjust your speed or stop your car. And breaking down is no longer a problem. Your car diagnoses any potential faults or worn parts and warns you and the service station. When you arrive at the service station, the spare parts are already waiting for you.

Your car can even park itself. Just stop at any parking space (your car knows, of course, if parking is permitted here) and operate the automatic parking system. The car scans the size and shape of the available space and then reverses in.



1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Как вы открываете дверь автомобиля?

2. Как вы программируете свой маршрут?

3. Что произойдет, если вы начнете засыпать за рулем?

4. Почему уйдут в прошлое штрафные талоны?

5. Каким образом будет происходить парковка?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. напомнить о распорядке дня

2. запросить местные и международные новости

3. следить за здоровьем

4. вес и давление крови

5. пробки

6. запасные части


1.6 Brand DNA

Every car has a brand DNA which makes it distinctive and instantly recognizable. When you see a BMW or Rover, for example, you know exactly what it is. The importance of national culture in brand DNA is critical, even though global takeovers, mergers, and partnerships are constantly reshaping the car industry. Volvo, based in Sweden, is now owned by an American company, and Britain's Jaguar, Rolls-Royce, and Bentley are no longer British-owned. Chrysler, that most American of manufacturers, is now part of a German company. Spain's Seat and the Czech car maker Skoda are owned by Germany's Volkswagen. And General Motors has controlled Sweden's Saab for a number of years.

Brand DNA consists of corporate identity and an unmistakable design which is influenced by culture. 'Britishness' or 'Frenchness' is important. But how can 'Americanness' or 'Italianness' be defined by a few hundred pounds of sheet metal bent over a frame and set down on four wheels?

To Fiat, Italian means 'sporty'. "People buy Italian cars because they look Italian," said Richard Gadeselli, head of corporate affairs for Fiat Auto S.p.A. "Even the humble Seicento (Fiat's smallest car) has a sporty feel. In everything we design, we try and strive for that. If we took the badges off, people would say, 'I don't know what that is, but it feels Italian'."

Similarly, Japanese design is unmistakably Japanese because of its purity and simplicity. Akira Fujimoto, chief editor of Japan's Car Styling magazine, says that the level of detail is the key to Japanese design. "With an American car, you can see the differences at 300 metres. With a Japanese car, you see the differences at three metres. Japan is a small country so there's no need to see the differences from far away."

Peter Horbury, chief designer for Volvo Cars, although British himself, says he believes the Swedish essence of Volvo is something the company should keep even if it is owned by Ford Motor Co. But what is Swedishness? "Sweden is known as a caring society," he said. "Swedish cars are safe, practical, and functional and have a timeless quality."


Text 1.6

Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. отличительный и мгновенно узнаваемый

2. глобальные поглощения

3. безошибочный дизайн

4. британский дух

5. листовое железо

6. выглядеть по-итальянски

7. стремиться к этому

8. снять эмблемы

9. подобным же образом

10. чистота и простота

11. издалека

12. шведская сущность


1.7 Aluminium - the car maker's metal of the year?

In 1996, series production of the A8 began. The A8 is the first luxury limousine made of aluminium, and the Audi plant in Neckarsulm produces 20,000 vehicles a year. The A8 combines high strength with low weight. At only 1,690 kilos, the A8 3.2 is the lightest car in the luxury class. The third-generation Audi Space Frame now has fewer components than its predecessors, which makes it easier to build the car in large quantities.

Other car makers are also starting to take aluminium seriously. As engine sizes have increased, cars have become more top-heavy. Using aluminium for the bonnet and front wings helps to get a better weight distribution between front and rear axles. Another advantage of aluminium is that it is cheaper to recycle than steel. This will be an important consideration in the future when the EU introduces tougher recycling regulations.

But there are drawbacks to using aluminium. Replacing steel with aluminium is expensive; an aluminium body costs twice as much as a steel one. Not only are aluminium production processes expensive, they are also difficult to implement. Because aluminium is more brittle and tears more easily than steel, it can only be formed when it is in an unhardened state. Furthermore, the aluminium used for the outer parts of the car, such as the wings and the doors, needs to be thicker than steel because it doesn't have the same stiffness. The dent-resistance of aluminium is also less than that of steel.

On the plus side, aluminium doesn't rust like steel, and in car crashes it has a higher energy absorption rate, which increases the car's active safety.


Text 1.7

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Сколько Ауди производится на заводе ежегодно?

2. Что отличает А8?

3. Почему Ауди третьего поколения легче производить в больших количествах?

4. Что дает использование алюминия для капота и боковых крыльев?

5. Что дешевле переработать сталь или алюминий?

6. Приведите 2 недостатка алюминия перед сталью.

7. В чем преимущество алюминия перед сталью?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. класс люкс

2. предшественники

3. распределение веса

4. более жесткие ограничения по переработке

5. трудно претворить в жизнь

6. внешние части автомобиля


1.8 GDI Engines

When developing a new motor-vehicle engine, engineers are faced with the dilemma of more power or less fuel. The goal is to combine high power output and low fuel consumption. Increasing fuel efficiency helps motorists to save money and also reduces CO2 emissions. Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines can reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%, thereby producing 20% lower emissions.

How does it work?

GDI engines use a new combustion control method that injects gasoline directly into the cylinders, where it mixes with oxygen from air drawn in from the outside. Conventional spark-ignition engines mix air and gasoline in the intake manifold before injecting the mixture into the cylinder.

The GDI engine produces a finer mist of gasoline in the cylinder which leads to cleaner burning and more power. It also has a shaped piston crown to swirl the finely atomized gasoline into a tight cloud near the tip of the spark plug. This stratified charge of fuel and fresh air near the source of ignition is the process behind GDI's low fuel consumption.

GDI engines will become more important in the future because of the need to reduce fuel consumption and because of growing environmental concerns.


Text 1.8

Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. двигатель моторизованного транспортного средства

2. низкое потребление топлива

3. понижать потребление топлива

4. впрыскивать бензин

5. мелко-распыленный бензин

6. более чистое горение

7. свеча зажигания

8. заряд топлива

9. низкое потребление топлива

10. растущая озабоченность об окружающей среде

Instrument Panel

Navigation aids, telema­tics equipment, audio system features, and the standard instruments are all fighting for space on the instrument pane (IP). This creates a challenge for interior designers and engineers who need to keep the IP simple so that the driver is not distracted by too many buttons and instruments. Customers also equate a spacious interior with luxury - another reason why the IP shouldn't look overcrowded.

Designers deal with the problem in various ways. They reduce the size of 'space-eaters' such as heating and cooling systems, or even remove them completely from the IP by putting them under the seat or in the boot. They also put many functions, such as station pre-set buttons for audio systems, on touch screens. Touch screens save space on the IP but there is still the danger of overcrowding the screen, which could distract the driver and thus cause an accident. Another problem is the position: the touch screen needs to be located high on the dashboard so that the driver can use it easily while driving. But if it is too high it can be hard to read because of reflections and the sun 'washing out' the screen.

Some engineers see voice recognition as a way to get rid of many manual controls and to simplify the IP. But voice recognition can also be overused. There needs to be an optimal balance between visual displays and voice instructions, so that the driver can deal safely with all the information he or she receives.


Text 1.9

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Что создает проблему для создания интерьера?

2. Какие у покупателя требования для интерьера?

3. Как дизайнеры справляются с проблемой нехватки места?

4. Какая опасность для водителя, если сильно заполнить сенсорный экран?

5. Для чего хотят установить голосовую связь?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. отвлекать

2. просторный интерьер

3. система охлаждения

4. багажник

5. переполнение

6. обесцветить экран

7. ручной контроль

8. безопасно

1.10 The smart

Over the last ten years people have got used to the sight of very small cars parked in tiny parking spaces, smart is one of the world's youngest car makes and yet the smart fortwo is such a distinctive car that it has already been included as an exhibit in the Museum of Modern Art in New York - one of only six cars to attain this distinction.

In April 1994, the Micro Compact Car AG was founded in Switzerland as a Joint venture between Mercedes-Benz and Swatch. Nicolas Hayek, the inventor of the Swatch watch, brought his idea for an ultra-short small car, and Mercedes-Benz contributed expertise and experience from more than a hundred years of building cars.

Engineers devised a car which is not only extremely mobile and efficient, but also very economical. Its other key feature is safety.

After starting development in 1994, the smart fortwo celebrated its premiere at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1997. Production in Hambach, France, started in July 1998, and in October sales took off in other European countries. In 1998, smart became a 100% subsidiary of what was then Daimler-Benz AG (today Daimler Chrysler AG).

There is no doubt that the smart fortwo is a leader in urban mobility. All smart vehicles embody the same brand values and have the same 'DNA': innovation and functionality. They appeal to people who are sporty, independent, and young at heart; people who love clever solutions and are open to new ideas. 36-month or 25,000-mile warranty.


Text 1.10

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1) Сколько автомобилей являются экспонатами в музее современного искусства в Нью-Йорке?

2) Совместное предприятие каких компаний было создано для производства микро-автомобилей?

3) Что является ключевой особенностью этого автомобиля?

4) Когда запустили производство автомобиля?

5) Кому нравятся такие автомобили?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. Крошечное парковочное пространство

2. модель автомобиля

3. исследование и опыт

4. мобильность в городе

5. дочерняя компания (филиал)


Built to Order

Almost every car is produced to the customer’s specific requirements – a built – to – order car.

As soon as a car is ordered and a delivery date agreed, weekly and daily production schedules are created and sent to outside suppliers and the company's own pre-assembly stations. This is to make sure that all the necessary components arrive on time.

First of all, a small data carrier is attached to the floor pan in the body shop. This data carrier contains all the customer's specifications and communicates wirelessly with control units along the production line. In the body shop the floor pan, wheel arches, side panels, and roof are welded together by robots to make the frame of the car. The add-on parts - the doors, boot lid, and bonnet - are then mounted to make the body-in-white.

The finished body shell then goes into the paint shop where the data carrier determines the colour. In final assembly, the interior and exterior parts (for example the front and rear bumpers, headlights, windscreen, and other windows) are fitted. After quality control and a final check, the finished car can be released. It is now ready for delivery to its new owner.


Text 1.11

Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1) особые требования покупателя

2) дата доставки

3) производственный график

4) поставщики

5) необходимые составные части

6) кузовной цех

7) покрасочный цех

8) лобовое стекло

9) капот

10) готовый кузов

11) конечная сборка

12) готов к доставке

13) контроль качества

1.12 What’s in a name?

Have you ever thought about car names? Do they actually mean anything? And do you know what the name of your car means?

For example, you may think 'Rover' is just a name. But there is never just a name in marketing. A rover is a wanderer - someone who likes to travel around. So the name suggests mobility, freedom, having fun, and going wherever you want to go. These were important qualities when Rover cars first came on the market.

Marketing departments of car companies spend a lot of time and money thinking up names for cars. The names should be a reflection of the brand, product, and target group. The car you drive tells the world about your status, how much money you have, and the socio-economic group you belong to (or want to belong to). Good car names are catchy and fit the product, such as the Beetle' or the 'Mini'.

The name should also appeal to a global audience. Also, the name should not mean anything bad in another language. (This was why Rolls-Royce decided not to use the name 'Silver Mist' for one model: “mist” means animal manure in German!)

American car makers like to give their SUVs names that remind people of the Wild West, full of adventure and danger. Did you know that 'Wrangler' is another word for cowboy? Or that 'Maverick' means an unbranded cow that has strayed from the herd? People who own SUVs seldom drive them off-road, but they enjoy the feeling of excitement that the name creates. (1187)

Note: SUV(англ. Sport Utility Vehicle) – маркетинговый термин для автомобиля, имеющего кузов «универсал» и увеличенный дорожный просвет. В устной речи называют внедорожником или джипом.

Text 1.12

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Что означает слово «ровер»?

2. Что должно отражать название автомобиля?

3. Что о вас говорит окружающему миру ваш автомобиль?

4. Учитывают ли благозвучность названия автомобиля в других языках?

5. Каков синоним у слова wrangler?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. на самом деле

2. важные качества

3. запоминающийся

4. означать что-то плохое в других языках

5. производители автомобилей

6. напоминать людям о диком западе

7. ездить по внедорожью


The Road we Travelled

When first introduced, cars offered a freedom that no other transport could provide. Until World War I, more than one third of the motor cars in the United States were electric. These were safer and easier to start than petrol cars. The first petrol-powered vehicle with an electric starter was the 1911 Cadillac. This new electric invention meant that electric cars were replaced by petrol-powered cars which could go further and faster.

During the 1920s, cars became the principal way of getting around. About 20% of the population owned a car. By 1930, there were twice as many roads as there had been ten years earlier – the car was changing people’s lifestyles. People who lived in the country especially benefited because they were no longer isolated. The US Post Office began free rural delivery and farm children went to larger schools by car or school bus. Cars changed life for city people too, encouraging the growth of suburbs. People used their cars to drive to work and to go shopping. They took drives at weekends and drove to national parks and resorts for their holidays.

In the 1960s, because of the increasingly large numbers of cars, the social costs began to be recognized. In cities, cars created traffic, noise and accidents, but worst of all they produced air pollution. The 1970s saw the beginning of “clean air” campaigns, and Air Quality Standards were introduced to try to reduce car pollution. Since then, the new danger to the environment has created a new interest in the electric car, which is cleaner, safer and more environmentally friendly.


Text 1.13

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Какими были автомобили в США до 1 мировой войны?

2. В чем преимущество бензинового двигателя перед электрическим?

3. В какие годы автомобиль стал наиболее популярен в США?

4. В чем выиграли сельские жители от появления автомобиля?

5. Что вызывает интерес к электрическим машинам в наши дни?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. первое бензиновое транспортное средство

2. новое электрическое изобретение

3. школьный автобус

4. рост пригородов

5. общественные затраты

6. загрязнение воздуха

7. опасность для окружающей среды


Internal Combustion Engine

The principal of the internal combustion engine has not changed in the last 100 years. The engine takes in fuel and air which is compressed in a combustion chamber. Then this mixture is ignited by a spark plug to produce an explosion, which moves the piston in the cylinder. The up and down motion of the piston in the cylinder is converted into rotational motion by the crankshaft. The rotational force generated by the engine is known as torque.

The size of the engine determines the power. The more cylinders there are, the more powerful the engine. This power is transmitted through the clutch, the gearbox, the propeller shaft (in rear-wheel and four-wheel drive), and the axles to the wheels. The position of the engine can vary, but generally speaking it is mounted at the front. In some sports cars, the engine is mounted at the rear (e.g. Porsche) or in the middle (e.g. Ferrari or Lamborghini) because of weight distribution.


Text 1.14

1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и запишите их.

1. Что не изменилось за последние 100 лет?

2. Что определяет мощность двигателя?

3. Где в основном размещен двигатель?

4. Почему в спортивных машинах двигатель может размещаться сзади или посередине?

2) Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания и запишите их.

1. двигатель внутреннего сгорания

2. забирать топливо

3. смесь

4. движение поршня вверх и вниз

5. сцепление

6. спереди, сзади, посередине

7. распределение веса


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