Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together. (2 раза)
Step, step, step your feet, step your feet together. (3 раза)
Nod, nod, nod your head, nod your head together. (2 раза)
Dance, dance, dance and dance, dance and dance together. (3 раза)
Santa Claus: Well done! Thank you. А что еще вы мне приготовили?
Дети: А мы и сказки можем показать.
Показывают сценки («Три поросенка», «Репка», «Три медведя»)
Три поросенка / The three little pigs.
1st Jester
2nd Jester
Mother Pig
Father Pig
1st Man
2nd Man
3rd Man
Scene I
На сцену выходят два шута.
1st Jester: This story is about pigs: Mother Pig, Father Pig and 3 little pigs.
2nd Jester: Children pigs don’t help their parents.
Занавес открывается. Звучит музыка. Лесная полянка. Мама и папа садятся на скамейку.
Father Pig: Children! Come here! You have grown too large.
Mother Pig: You must go and build a house for yourselves.
Three Pigs: (All) Good-bye, Mum and Dad!
Mother and Father: Bye, dear children!
Звучит музыка. Поросята идут, пританцовывая, по лесной дорожке и поют:
Who’s afraid of big grey wolf, big grey wolf, big grey wolf?
Who’s afraid of big grey wolf? Tra-la-la-la-la!
Scene II
На лесную дорожку навстречу выходит первый человек, который несет охапку соломы.
1st Jester: They see a man who’s carrying some straw.
1st Pig: Good morning! May I have some straw to build a house?
1st Man: Yes, of course! Build a little house! (Дает немного соломы.)
Навстречу выходит второй человек с охапкой соломы.
2nd Pig: Hello! May I have some sticks to build a house?
2nd Man: Yes, of course! Build a house with sticks!
Навстречу третьему поросенку выходит третий человек.
3rd Pig: Good day! May I have some bricks to build a house?
3rd Man: Of course. Build a strong house with sticks.
Поросята строят домики. В это время выбегает волк, подбегает к первому домику и стучит.
Wolf: Little Pig, little pig, let me come in!
1st Pig: No, no! I cannot let you come in!
Wolf: Then I’ll puff, then I’ll huff, then I’ll blow your house down! (Дует на домик.)
Домик падает. Поросенок выбегает, бежит ко второму домику и прячется там.
Волк подбегает ко второму домику и стучится в дверь.
Wolf: Little Pigs, little pigs, let me come in!
1st Pig and 2nd Pig: No, no! We cannot let you come in!
Wolf: Then I’ll puff, then I’ll huff, then I’ll blow your house down! (Дует на домик и он падает.)
Поросята бегут в третий домик и волк за ними.
Wolf: Little Pigs, little pigs, let me come in!
Pigs: No, no! We cannot let you come in!
Wolf: So I’ll blow your house down!
1st Jester: The wolf is very tired and goes away.
Волк уходит. Поросята выбегают и поют песню.
We aren’t afraid of big grey wolf, big grey wolf, big grey wolf?
We aren’t afraid of big grey wolf? Tra-la-la-la-la!
2nd jester: My dear friends, our party is over.
The turnip
Characters: The Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, The Dog, The Cat, The Mouse.
Grandfather (sees a big turnip): | Oh, what a big turnip we have in our garden! I want to pull it out! (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! It’s too big for me. Grandmother, come here! Help me please! |
Grandmother: | All right, Grandfather, I’m coming! |
Pulling together: | One, two, three… One, two, three… It’s too big for us! |
Grandmother: | Granddaughter, help us, please! |
Granddaughter: | All right, Granny, I’m coming! |
All together: | One, two, three… One, two, three… It’s too big for us! |
Granddaughter: | Dog, Dog, help us, please! |
The Dog: | All right, Granddaughter, I’m coming! |
All together: | One, two, three… One, two, three… It’s too big for us! |
The Dog: | Cat, Cat, help us, please! |
The Cat: | All right, Dog, I’m coming! |
All together: | One, two, three… One, two, three… It’s too big for us! |
The Cat: | Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please! |
The Mouse: | All right, Cat, I’m coming! |
All together: | One, two, three… One, two, three… (Fall down) |
The Turnip (standing up): | Here I am! |
All together: | Oh! What a big turnip! |
Three bears
Characters: A Little Girl, Father Bear, Mother Bear, Baby Bear.
(Three bears are sitting at the table, drinking milk.) | |
Mother Bear: | Take your cup, Father! |
Father Bear: | Thank you, dear! |
Mother Bear: | Take your little cup, Baby Bear! |
Baby Bear: | Thank you, Mummy dear! Oh, it’s too hot! |
Father Bear: | Then let’s go for a walk! |
Baby Bear: | Yes, let’s, let’s! |
(The three Bears go out of the room. A Little Girl comes in and looks round.) | |
Girl: | Whose room can it be? (Looking at the table.) I’m hungry! (Sits down at the table and tastes the milk.) This milk is too hot for me! This milk is too cold for me! This milk is just right for me! |
(The noise of the three Bears’ steps is heard. The Little Girl hides in the little bed.) | |
(The three Bears enter the room and take their places at the table.) | |
Father Bear: | My cup is not full! |
Mother Bear: | My cup is not full either! |
Baby Bear: | And my cup is empty! (They look round.)Oh, and who is this? A little girl! |
Father Bear: | Let’s catch her up! |
Mother Bear: | Let’s eat her up! |
Baby Bear: | Yes, yes, let’s eat her up! |
Girl: | No, you won’t! (Runs away) |
(The Bears try to catch her but stumble and fall down.) | |
Mother Bear: | It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too! |
Baby Bear: | And I fell because you fell! |
Bears: | The Little Girl has run away! Oh, oh, oh! |
Santa Claus: Thank you very much for your stories. What a beautiful Christmas tree you’ve got! Let’s sing a song ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’.
Поют песню ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’.
We wish you a Merry Christmas – 3 раза
And a happy new year!
Santa Claus: Oh, it’s too late. It’s time for me to go away. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (дарит подарки) Good-bye!
Дети: Good-bye, Santa Claus!
Учитель: А теперь, ребята, давайте поздравим наших родителей!
Ученики дарят Рождественские открытки своим родителям.
Учитель: Наш праздник подошел к концу. Всем большое спасибо. Merry Christmas!