Unit 3. Learning styles and study skills


Exercise 1. Explain the following collocations in your own words:

to cope well, preferred learning opportunities, technological aids, a multi-sensory approach, a study regimen, different techniques, to maximize time.



Exercise 2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary, identify the main categories of learners and learning styles.

Learning Styles

Some students learn in a different way from others and so need to be taught in a way that makes it easy for them to learn. Where their preferred learning opportunities are not provided, students may perform less well and therefore mistakenly be assumed to be underachieving through lack of ability. The three most widely recognized categories of learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. The majority of people are visual learners, who use mainly their sight to gather information. They cope well in lessons with lots of written, pictorial, and diagrammatic styles of presentation. Visual learners struggle where there is an emphasis on giving information orally. Auditory learners prefer spoken examinations to expand on any graphical information presented to them. The use of technological aids such as voice recorders can be as effective as the teacher's voice. Kinaesthetic learners prefer to learn through activity. They enjoy movement and space. A great benefit to kinaesthetic learners is to be able to watch another person demonstrate what they need to do before trying themselves. Kinaesthetic learners enjoy hands-on activities. Most people possess elements of all three learning styles. This makes a multi-sensory approach to teaching the most likely to engage all students most of the time.

At the collegiate level, it is important for students to understand how they learn and which methods of study work best for them. Knowing your learning style allows you to work smart instead of hard so that you can develop a study regimen that is both efficient and effective and specifically tailored to suit your educational needs.

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
The common characteristics of each learning style listed below can help you understand how you learn and what methods of learning best fits you. Understanding how you learn can help maximize time you spend studying by incorporating different techniques to custom fit various subjects, concepts, and learning objectives. Each preferred learning style has methods that fit
the different ways an individual may learn best.

Common Characteristics


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