B) Try this exercise with any listening material you can find: lectures, news programmes, radio talks etc.

Exercise 11. Read the two paragraphs below, then make notes in this table of the main points relating to formative and summative assessment.


Formative assessment Summative assessment


Assessment is formative when teachers use it to check on the progress of their students, to see how far they have mastered what they should have learned, and then use this information to modify their future teaching plans. Such assessment can also be the basis for feedback to the students. Informal tests or quizzes may have a part to play in formative assessment, but so will simple observation (of performance on learning tasks, for example) and the study of portfolios that students have made of their work. Students themselves may be encouraged to carry out self-assessment in order to monitor their progress, and then modify their own learning objectives. Summative assessment is used at, say, the end of the term, semester or year in order to measure what has been achieved by both groups and individuals. Here, for the reasons given in the previous section, formal tests are usually called for. However, the results of such tests should not be looked at in isolation. A complete view of what has been achieved should include information from as many sources as possible. In an ideal world, the different pieces of information from all sources, including formal tests, should be consistent with each other. If they are not, the possible sources of these discrepancies need to be investigated.
Exercise 12. Keep your notes for a week. Then, without looking back at the text, write a brief summary. Compare your answers with a partner.


Unit 1. Scientific grants


Exercise 1. Scan the words and memorize them.

foundation, n зд. фонд
basic scientific research фундаментальные научные исследования
applied scientific research прикладные научные исследования
expectation, n ожидание
challenge, n вызов, сложная задача, проблема
affect, v влиять, касаться, затрагивать, волновать
competitive, adj конкурсный
conform, v согласовывать(ся), соответствовать
guidelines, n указания, руководящие документы
tie, v связывать, соединять
relate, v относиться, иметь отношение
competitive procurement конкурсный отбор
beneficiaries of grants структуры, предоставляющие гранты
restriction, n ограничение
submission, n представление
milestone, n этап, основная веха
execution, n выполнение

Exercise 2. Explain the following words and word combinations in English:

grantee, grantor, kick-off meeting, mission, key personnel, for-profit company, performance criteria.

Exercise 3. Translate the following words and word combinations without
a dictionary:

government agency, written proposal, significant record of publications, progress and expense reports, terms of performance, ownership of products and ideas.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text below.

Scientific Grants

Scientific grants support basic and applied research. Foundations and government agencies divide scientific grants into basic and applied scientific research. Basic science studies areas of interest without the expectation of a product's resulting from the study. Applied science involves improving methods and creating new products based on the application of scientific information. Basic and applied science requires experimentation and uses
the resulting data to further knowledge in specific areas.

The government can offer several grant opportunities to advance scientific discovery and science-based solutions to challenges affecting government agencies and personnel. Some foundations, agencies and institutes fund grants for both basic and applied scientific research in their areas of interest. Grants are usually competitive and require applications that conform to their guidelines. Small business innovative research grants fund scientific and engineering solutions to needs of all federal agencies.

Private Grants

Foundations tied to educational institutions and for-profit companies fund scientific grants that directly relate to their mission or products. The process to receive foundation grants requires investigation into those with interest in your scientific area. Grants from private foundations often require meetings and presentations in addition to a written proposal. Having recognized scientists, with a significant record of publications in the field as key personnel makes getting foundation grants easier.


Most scientific grants have competitive procurements that require writing a proposal telling grantors what you want to do, the importance of the scientific activity and a description of the beneficiaries. Each organization has specific content requirements with restrictions on length, format and submission dates. Winning scientific grants address issues and populations of interest to grantors. Some grantors want objective performance criteria and a clearly defined path to making a product or future funding.


When you or your organization wins scientific grant funding, expect to sign a contract that specifies terms of performance and ownership of products and ideas resulting from executing the grant. Having a kick-off meeting with grantors or their technical representatives provides an opportunity to present detailed information on tasks and schedule as well as project milestones.
The initial meeting provides the recipient the opportunity to understand more clearly the needs and expectations of the grantor. During the project execution, grantees provide progress and expense reports. At the end of the grant-funding period, a final report may be required.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of grants are provided by foundations and government agencies?

2. What is the difference between basic and applied scientific research?

3. What organizations offer grants?

4. What is necessary to get a grant from a private foundation?

5. What do competitive procurements mean?

6. What should you write about if you want to apply for a grant?

7. Must grantees provide anything during the project execution?


Exercise 6. Match the words from box A with the definitions from box B.


1. foundation 2. applied science 3. performance 4. funding 5. recipient


a) money provided, especially by an organization or government, for a particular purpose b) an organization that is created and supported with money that people give in order to do something that helps society c) the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems d) a person or thing that receives or is awarded something: e) the way in which someone or something functions



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