V. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb GIVE with necessary particles.



I. Match the phrasal verb GIVE with its meanings.

1) give out a) бросить; перестать заниматься

2) give up b) уступать, признать поражение

3) give in c) выделять, испускать (запах, свет)

4) give away d) перестать работать (о механизме)

5) give back e) объявлять; провозглашать

6) give out f) сдавать (документы, работу)

7) give off g) вернуть одолженную вещь

8) give in h) раздавать бесплатно; выдать секрет

II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verb GIVE. Use the necessary particles.

1) She …… smoking when her doctor told her that she would fall ill if she didn’t.

2) At the end of the exam, …… your papers to Miss Grant, who will pass from desk to desk.

3) I have to …… these skates to Franz before his hockey game.

4) Hurry to that furniture shop – they …… a television with every sofa purchased.

5) I found a box of some strange substance in the river. It …… a strange odor, so I left it where it was and called the police.

6) Your son is a wonderful student and even helps me …… worksheets to the whole class at the start of every lesson.

7) We wanted to keep Debbie’s birthday party a secret, but Hank has a big mouth and …….

8) They …… perfume samples at the department store.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verb GIVE.

1) Rescue teams say they are not losing hope for three climbers missing in wintry conditions on Mt. Hood in Oregon.

2) The worst job I ever had was distributing leaflets to passengers in the tube.

3) He pretended that he was not frightened, but his staring eyes told the truth.

4) The robber went to the police station and capitulated.

5) The car emits too much smoke, so the police told him not to drive it anymore.

6) The date of the election will be announced on the news tonight.

7) He submitted his homework to the teacher on the very last day.

8) Friday nights are dedicated to reading magazines and books.

IV. Use the right particles to complete the following sentences.

1) What are you doing with my diary? Give it …… immediately!

2) I gave …… trying to understand John’s new ideas.

3) In a few years I’m planning to give my collection of stamps …….

4) I can’t multiply seventeen by twenty-three in my mind, I give …….

5) We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday, so don’t give our surprise …….

6) Why don’t you give …… your old toys? Poor children must need them more than you.

7) The stew gives …… a strange smell. I’m not eating it.

8) It was a very old machine. It’s not surprising that it has given …….

9) I still have your book at home. I must remember to give you it …….

10) As people arrive, you should give …… these questionnaires for them to fill in.

V. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb GIVE with necessary particles.

1) В доме отключили электричество, поэтому телевизор не работает.

2) Трудно бросить курить без посторонней помощи.

3) Я не знаю, кто распускает эти слухи.

4) Доклад будет представлен к следующему месяцу.

5) Она перестала кататься на лыжах, после того как сломала ногу.

6) Не могли бы вы вернуть мне мои документы?

7) Когда ты собираешься вернуть эту книгу преподавателю?

8) Я получаю дополнительный заработок, раздавая листовки на улице.

9) НЛО испускал ослепительные лучи (blinding rays).

10) У машины отказал двигатель, когда мы ехали на конференцию.







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