E Learn the active vocabulary.

a tenure to bring into service; performance of duties to engage in; a civil occupation to place emphasis on

a lower (middle) rank to measure competence; entry by examinations to make appointments

F Make a summary of the text.


G Are the requirements to civil servants in Russia similar to those in other countries?

H Make a list of traits which are peculiar to civil servants. Compare it with the lists of your partners.

Civil Service in Great Britain

The Civil Service carries out the practical and administrative work of government. Civil servants are politically impartial employees, who carry out the policies of the government departments under the control of elected ministers.

In general use, the term “civil servant” in the United Kingdom does not include all public sector employees; although there in no legal definition, the term is usually defined as “a servant of the

Crown working in a civil capacity who is not the holder of a political (or judicial) office”. As such, the Civil Service does not include government ministers (who are politically appointed), members of the British Armed Forces, police officers, local government officials, members of a National Health Service, or staff of the Royal Household.

There are two other separate Civil Services in the United Kingdom, one for Northern Ireland and another for foreign affairs known as Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service.

Like all servants of the Crown, civil servants are legally barred from standing for election as Members of Parliament or any other political office. Also, members of the Senior Civil Service are barred from holding office in a political party or publicly expressing controversial political viewpoints, while less senior civil servants at an intermediate level must generally seek permission to participate in political activities.

The Civil Service has no separate responsibility. The duty of a civil servant is to the minister in charge of the department where they are serving. A change of minister does not involve a change in staff. About half of all civil servants provide services direct to the public. These include paying benefits and pensions, running employment services, staffing prisons, issuing driving licences, and providing services to industry and agriculture. Around one in five are employed in the Ministry of Defence and its agencies. The rest are divided between central administrative duties, support services, and services that are largely self-supporting.

In June 2006 a current Civil Service Code was introduced which outlines the core values and standards expected of civil servants. The core values are defined as integrity, honesty, objectivity, and impartiality. The Civil Service Commissioners’ Recruitment Code is based on the principle of selection on merit

on the basis of fair and open competition. As Minister for the Civil Service, the Prime Minister is responsible for central coordination and management of the Civil Service. He is supported by the Head of the Home Civil Service, who chairs the Civil Service Management Board.


A Answer the questions:

a) What is the role of civil servants?

b) Who controls the work of civil servants?

c) What services do civil servants provide to the public?

B Read the text. Formulate the key idea of each paragraph.


C For sentences 1-7 choose the variant (a, b), which fits best according to the text.

1. Civil servants carry out the policies of the government departments under ………………………

a) the supervision of Members of Parliament.

b) the control of elected ministers.

2. The term ‘civil servant’ in the UK ……………….……………

a) does not cover all public sector employees.

b) includes all public sector employees.

3. Civil servants are legally barred from ………………..……….

a) holding office in a political party.

b) taking part in recruitment based on some kind of competition.

4. The duty of a civil servant is to ………………………………

a) the Prime minister.

b) the minister in charge of the department where they are serving.

5. A change of minister of the department where civil servants are serving ……………………..……

a) does not mean changing in staff.

b) involves a change in staff.

6. The document which outlines the core values and standards expected of civil servants is ……………

a) Civil Service Act.

b) Civil Service Code.

7. Minister for the Civil Service is supported by ………………...

a) the Head of the Home Civil Service.

b) the Queen.



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