Дайте (на английском языке) краткое описание как вы понимаете, что такое государственное управление в РФ.

Группа 16 ВГбЗ


Методические указания студентам:

1. Базовые требования к контрольной работе:

· титульный лист, выполненный по стандартной форме с информацией о студенте/ тке (на отдельной странице);

· интервал 1,5 при кегле 14;

· Шрифт – Times New Roman;

· в случае рукописного исполнения контрольной работы, подчерк должен быть разборчивый и читаемый.

· список используемой литературы и источников.

Контрольная работа должна быть представлена за неделю до сдачи экзамена.


1.1. Переведите (письменно) текст на русский язык:

Public administration

In most countries the civil service does not include local government or public corporations, such as, in the United Kingdom, the National Coal Board. In some countries, however—particularly those unitary states in which provincial administration is part of the central government—some provincial staffs are civil servants. In the United States, all levels of government have their own civil services, federal, state, and local, and a civil service is specifically that part of governmental service entered by examination and offering permanent tenure.

Certain characteristics are common to all civil services. Senior civil servants are regarded as the professional advisers to those who formulate state policy. In some countries entry requirements for a career in the higher civil service stress qualifications in technical fields such as accounting, economics, medicine, and engineering. In other countries legal training is deemed appropriate, and in others no specific technical or academic discipline is required among candidates for senior posts. Whatever their precise qualifications, senior civil servants are professional in the sense that their experience of public affairs is thought to provide them with the knowledge of the limits within which state policy can be made effective and of the probable administrative results of different courses of action. Civil servants in every country are expected to advise, warn, and assist those responsible for state policy and, when this has been decided, to provide the organization for implementing it. The responsibility for policy decisions lies with the political members of the executive (those members who have been elected or appointed to give political direction to government and, customarily, career civil servants). By custom, civil servants are protected from public blame or censure for their advice. The acts of their administration may, however, be subject to special judicial controls from which no member of the executive can defend them.

Civil services are organized upon standard hierarchical lines, in which a command structure rises pyramid-fashion from the lowest offices to the highest. This command implies obedience to the lawful orders of a superior, and in order to maintain this system the hierarchy of offices is marked by fixed positions, with well-defined duties, specific powers, and salaries and privileges objectively assessed. In some countries there may be direct appointment to higher office of persons not previously employed by the service, but even then a recognized system of internal promotion emphasizes the nature of the hierarchical pyramid.


What is this text about? Give the summary of the text in English.


Дайте (на английском языке) краткое описание как вы понимаете, что такое государственное управление в РФ.



1. Заполните пропуски. If it … I’ll watсh TV.

A) rains

B) will rain

C) will be raining

D) rained


2. Заполните пропуски. I know he doesn’t play the piano but…play?

A) did he use to

B) used he to

C) did he use

D) did he used


3. My room is… in our flat.

A) the most comfortable

B) most comfortable

C) more comfortable

D) the comfortablest


4. „To stay up“ means

A) not to go to bed

B) not to be sitting

C) not to leave one‘s home

D) to remain away from home


5. „Look after yourself!“ means

A) Берегите себя!

B) Посмотрите назад!

C) Следите за своими манерами!

D) Убирайте за собой грязную посуду!



6. Find the right translation of „После обеда он зашел к нам и предложил прогуляться“.

A) After dinner he called on us and proposed a walk.

B) After the dinner he came to us and proposed to walk.

C) After dinner he called us to propose going on foot.

D) After dinner he entered to us and offered a walk.


7. Exclude the word that doesn’t belong to the group:

A) clothes

B) fork

C) spoon

D) knife


8. Закончите предложение. She is going to be late if the bus…

A) doesn’t arrive

B) won’t arrive

C) wouldn’t arrive

D) did not arrive


9. Will you try to find out what time… the train…at the station?

A) –; arrives

B) does; arrive

C) is; arriving

D) will; arrive


10. Заполните пропуски. They never think about other people. They only think about …

A) themselves

B) yourselves

C) ourseleves

D) myself


11. Заполните пропуски. He fell off the ladder but he didn’t hurt…

A) himself

B) yourself

C) itself

D) oneself


12. Заполните пропуски. John’s room is… of all the rooms in the hotel, but he can afford it.

A) the most expensive

B) most expensive

C) the most dear

D) so expensive


13. Find the word that doesn’t belong to the group.

A) door

B) carpet

C) rug

D) mat


14. Заполните пропуски. We… (meet) Joan at the party. She… (wear) a red dress.

A) met, was wearing.

B) meet, dressed

C) met, dressed

D) are meeting, was wearing.


15. Заполните пропуски. What… she do? She’s a dentist.

A) does

B) is

C) did

D) doesn’t


16. The English for „oживленная улица” is

A) a busy street

B) a lively street

C) an animated

D) a busy way


17. “Меня угнетает жара” should be translated

A) I feel oppressed with the heat.

B) I’m feeling oppressed with the heat.

C) I feel myself oppressed with heat.

D) I feel oppressed with a heat.


18. Вставьте предлог. Ann is never late … work.

A) for

B) on

C) between

D) into


19. Дополните: We want to let a room, and the rent is five pounds…

A) a week

B) on a week

C) in a week

D) to a week

20. Вставьте предлоги. She arrived… the offices of The Echo…twenty past nine and went up to the advertising department…the second floor.

A) at; at, on.

B) in, at, in

C) at, at, in

D) ––, on, on.

II. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form:

Damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, translate, write

1. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

2. Cheese _________________________ from milk.

3. The roof of the building _______________________________in a storm a few days ago.

4. There’s no need the building……………………………….in a storm a few days ago.

5. You __________________________________________ to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?

6. A cinema is a place where films _______________________________

7. In the United States, elections for President ______________________ every four years.

8. Originally the book ___________________________________ in Spanish and a few years ago it ____________________________ into English.

9. We were driving along quite fast but we ________________________ by lots of other cars.


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