Rusk Seed, Inc.
400 National Highway
Decatur, Illinois 62525
John L. Davis, President
Autocomp. Inc.
8100 South Jackson Street
Detroit, MI 48220
April 15, 2010
Dear Mr. Davis:
We recently purchased $ 250, 000 worth of automated material-handling equipment from your company. This equipment was purchased from you because of the fine reputation you have for quality and service to your customers.
Producing goods to sell to others requires precise workmanship and extensive testing. You want the performance of the merchandise to satisfy your customer. There are times, however, when a small production or design error goes undetected.
We look forward to doing business with your company in the future.
Yours Sincerely,
Victor Boyd,
Victor Boyd (подпись)
Plant Manager
Материалы для выполнения УСР 2
1. English-Russian Vocabulary.
admit (v) | допускать, принимать |
capable (a) | способный, умелый |
chase (v) | охотиться |
condition (n) | условие |
consumer (n) | потребитель |
discharge (v) | загружать, увольнять |
discourage (v) | мешать |
exist (v) | существовать |
fall (n) | падение |
![]() | фрикционная безработица |
hire (v) | нанимать |
improve (v) | улучшать |
income(n) | доход |
inevitable (a) | неизбежный |
investment (n) | капиталовложение |
local (a) | местный |
manual (a) | ручной |
occur (v) | случаться, происходить |
opportunity (n) | возможность |
![]() | платеж, плата, взнос |
rapid (a) | ![]() |
reason (n) | причина |
reduce(v) | уменьшать |
regard (v) | принимать во внимание |
require (v) | требовать |
seek (v) | искать |
shortage (n) | нехватка, дефицит |
stock (n) | фонд, запас |
structural unemployment | структурная безработица |
suggest (v) | предлагать |
unemployment (n) | ![]() |
Translate the text
We say that unemployment exists where people capable and willing to work are unable to find suitable paid employment. But where an economy is adapting to changing conditions, there will always be some persons unemployed as they change jobs or as seasonal work comes to an end.
Unemployment may occur for many different reasons. There will always be some people changing jobs. In certain occupations, e. g. unskilled labour in the construction industry, workers are not employed regularly by one employer. When a contract is completed labour is not required. Occasionally workers are discharged when a factory is being reorganized.
Unemployed workers usually register at the local employment exchange from which employers can hire them. The unemployed are paid certain benefits.
Employment insome industries such as building, fruit picking is seasonal incharacter. Seasonal employment can be reduced outof “season” and admitsuch persons as students and housewives during the busy period. Sometimesthere are unemployed workers of a particular occupation in one part of tin-country but a shortage of the same type of work in other parts. Thus today there is a surplus of unskilled and manual labourers in the north of England, whereas firms in the London area have vacancies unfilled. Two main reasons can be suggested for this type of unemployment - ignorance of opportunities, and immobility of labour.
Workers may be in “between jobs”. Some of them are looking for better jobs, others are seeking better salaries. Young people search for their first jobs. This is called frictional unemployment. This type is usually short-term and regarded as inevitable.
Unemployment may also be caused by important changes in the structure of consumer demand and in technology. As a result some workers find that their skills and experience are unwanted by these changes. This type of employment is more long-term and regarded as more serious. It is known as structural unemployment.
The full-employment or natural rate of unemployment ranges between 5 and 6 per cent.
3. Give antonyms to the following words.
Unemployment, important, to be able, to find, skilled, regularly.
4. Match English and Russian equivalents.
1. changing conditions a. искать работу
2. seasonal work b. структурная безработица
3. to seek better salaries c. изменяющиеся условия
4. to search for a job d. фрикционная безработица
5. consumer demand e. сезонная работа
6. frictional unemployment f. искать боле высокий оклад
7. structural unemployment g. потребительский спрос
5. Insert the right word.
(demand, occur, structural, employment, seasonal).
1. Unemployment exists where people are unable to find suitable paid....
2. Unemployment may... for many different reasons.
3. Employment in some industries such as building, fruit picking is... in character.
4. Unemployment may also be caused by important changes in the structure of consumer... and in technology.
5.... unemployment is more long-term and regarded as more serious.
6. Complete the sentences.
1. Unemployment exists where....
2. Unemployed workers usually register at....
3. Seasonal employment is....
4. Fractionalunemployment is....
5. Structural unemployment is....
7. Insert the necessary prepositions: from, for, in, at, of, by.
1. Unemployment may occur... many different reasons.2.... certain occupations, for example, unskilled labour... the constructionindustry, workers are not employed regularly... one employer.3. Unemployed workers often register... local employment exchange...which employers can hire them.4. There is a surplus... unskilled and manual labourers... the north...England.5. Two main reasons can be suggested... this type... unemployment.6. Some workers are looking... better jobs.7. Young people search... their first jobs.
8. Put the verb in brackets in the required tense form.
1. An individual who (to be) currentlyunemployed and (to look for) work is counted as unemployed. 2. Unemployment (to peak) last year and since then (to go) down. 3. The International Monetary Fund (to carry) out a study last year. 4. He (to be) out of work for three months. 5. Unemployment (to increase) steadily this year. 6. She (to work) in the company since it began.
9. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What types of unemployment can we distinguish?
2. Why is frictional unemployment regarded as inevitable?
3. What causes structural unemployment?
4. What is the national rate of unemployment?