Ferrous Metals. Cast Iron.

Перечень заданий для выполнения УСР

Студентов инженерного факультета

По учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»


Технология машиностроения»

В 1 семестре 2014/2015 учебного года

группа ТМ-11

Преподаватели Зубрицкая Людмила Степановна,

Чайковская Елена Валерьевна

№ п/п Название темы Кол-во часов Методическое обеспечение Формы контроля
  Свободный день студентов, их увлечения   Гуминская, О. П. Мой выходной: методич. рекоменд. для самост. раб. студ. всех специальн. / О. П. Гуминская. – Барановичи: РИО БарГУ, 2008 – С. 15-16 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Из истории инженерного искусства   Бгашев, В.Н., Долматовская Е.Ю. Английский язык для студентов машиностроительных специальностей: / В.Н. Бгашев, Е.Ю. Долматовская—М.: «Астрель. АСТ», 2008. — 380 с. (Учебник). – С.79-84 Письменный перевод текста; выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Чёрные металлы и сплавы   Гайдук, М.О. Английский язык. Конструкционные материалы: методич. рекоменд. для ауд. и самост. раб. студ. инж. специальн. дн. и заочн. формы получ. обр./ М.О. Гайдук. – Барановичи: РИО БарГУ, 2010 – С. 24-27 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту подготовка аннотации к тексту (на русском языке)

Материалы для выполнения УСР 1

Read and translate the text.

What People Do In Their Spare Time

At weekends in England people like to relax. You can relax in many different ways. Some people like to stay at home with their families, and others like to go out and enjoy themselves. Young people enjoy going out to pubs, to the cinema or to night clubs. Many young people also like to play different kinds of sports. Tennis is very popular in England in the summer when you can play outdoors. Other popular sports are badminton, football, basketball and cricket. Cricket is a very traditional English game. It is played a lot at schools and in villages in the summer.

If you have children, you often go on day-trips to the seaside or take your children to amusement parks or perhaps to the zoo. In summer, many parents like to take their children on picnics in the countryside, especially if they live in a big city. It is nice to get away from the noise and the traffic at weekends and relax in the country.

If you have a house in the country, you probably spend a lot of your time in the garden. Gardening is another very traditional English pastime. People are very proud of their gardens and spend many hours trying to grow beautiful flowers and rare bushes.

English people usually have about 5 weeks’ holiday a year, apart from public holidays like Christmas and Easter. Many people like to go abroad for their holidays because the English weather is not always sunny. People want to lie in the sun and swim in the sea. So they cross the Channel and go to France, Spain or Italy. Some people fly, but a lot of people drive in their cars to the beaches in southern Europe. However, many people also enjoy staying in Britain and visiting other regions of their own country. They like going to the seaside in the south of England or the Lake District in the north. Many people also go to Scotland. It all depends on what you enjoy doing. You can relax in many different ways in England.


I. Answer the questions.

1. How do people relax at weekends in England?

2. What sports are popular in England?

3. Where do people spend their holidays?


II. Say whether these statements are true or false, and if they are false, say why.

1. In England people prefer to stay at home with their families and they don’t go out.

2. It is nice to get away from the noise and relax in the country.

3. English people usually have about 6-weeks’ holiday a year.


III. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following

1. Молодым людям нравится выходить в бары, кинотеатры, ночные клубы.

2. Люди гордятся своими садами и проводят многие часы, пытаясь вырастить красивые цветы и редкие кустарники.

3. Многие люди любят выезжать за границу во время отпуска, поскольку погода в Англии не всегда солнечная.



Материалы для выполнения УСР 2


Письменный перевод текста ”The Engineering Profession”, выполнение упражнений 16, 17 с. 84, письменно ответить на вопросы к тексту с. 84.

Материалы для выполнения УСР 3

Ferrous Metals. Cast Iron.

As it is known, metals can be divided into ferrous and non-ferrous. The former contain iron and the latter do not contain it. It is to be noted that pure iron* is ductile, soft and relatively weak. It is not normally used as an engineering material because of its low strength. That is why iron has to be combined with other elements such as carbon, silicon, phosphorus, etc. The two most important forms of ferrous metals are cast iron and steel which are both alloys, and mixtures of iron and carbon. And carbon is the most important of all elements present in ferrous alloys*. Steel and cast iron differ in the quantity of carbon content: iron-carbon alloys with more than approximately 2% by weight of carbon are cast irons.

Cast iron is the cheapest of all the ferrous metals. Cast iron is a general term to be applied to iron-carbon alloys containing more than 2% of carbon. Cast iron without the addition of alloying elements is weak in tension and shear, strong in compression and has low resistance to impact.

Grey cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon in which the carbon is present in free or graphite state. Grey cast iron has its term because of special colour of its fracture; it is soft, easily machined* and only moderately brittle. It is used for the parts not to be subjected to great tensile stresses.

However, many castings* that were formerly made of grey cast iron are now made of malleable iron because malleable castings do possess a degree of toughness and this is probably why they have been so named. Malleable iron castings can be made much thinner in section. But they are seldom used in the form they come from the moulds *, as they are hard and brittle and therefore they should be annealed*. Malleable iron is the most easily machined of all the ferrous metals.

Malleable iron before annealing is usually spoken of as the “white” iron. White iron is difficult to machine because most of the carbon present is in chemical combination with iron. It is desirable to use it in those machines which require some resistance to abrasion*. The tensile strength of white cast iron is about 30,000pei (pounds per square inch).

Vocabulary to the text:

1. pure iron - чистое железо;

2. ferrous alloys - железистые сплавы;

3. machined - подвергнутый механической обработке;

4. castings - отливка;

5. moulds - литейная форма;

6. annealed - отожжённый;

7. abrasion - шлифовка.


I. Answer the questions to the text “Cast iron”.

1. What is the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?

2. What properties does pure iron possess?

3. Why is cast iron more useful for industrial purposes?

4. What kind of alloy is grey cast iron?

5. Does it differ in any kind of properties from cast iron? And from pure iron?

6. What is “white” iron?

7. Why it is desirable to use “white” iron in machines that require resistance to abrasion?


II Choose the correct ending to the following statements.

1. Ferrous metals contain …

a. iron b. steel c. copper

2. Pure iron is …

a. soft and weak b. ductile and elastic c. heavy and hard

3. Cast iron and steel are alloys of ….

a. manganese and iron b. iron and carbon

c. ferrum and copper

4. Cast iron is … of all the ferrous metals.

a. the most expensive b. the most popular c. the cheapest

5. Grey cast iron has got its name because of special ….

a. taste, colour and weight b. colour, shape and structure

c. colour and fracture

6. Grey cast iron is usually used for the parts do not to be subjected to great ….

a. high and low temperatures b. tensile stresses

c. tension and load

7. “White” cast iron is usually malleable before …

a. casting b. annealing c. melting

8. “White” cast iron is desirable to use in these machines which require some

a. resistance to abrasion b. heat resistance

c. resistance to wear


III Prove the sentences with the help of the text

1. Pure iron is seldom used as an engineering material.

2. It is usually combined with other chemical elements.

3. Steel and cast iron differ from each other by their chemical composition.

4. Carbon is the basic alloying element.

5. Grey cast iron is a specific kind of ferrous alloys.

6. Malleable iron is the most workable alloy.

7. “White” iron requires special environment to use.




№ п/п Название темы Кол-во часов Методическое обеспечение Формы контроля
  Свойства цветных металлов   Методические рекомендации Гайдук М.О. «Английский язык. Конструкционные материалы» стр. 29-30 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Пластмассы   Методические рекомендации Гайдук М.О. «Английский язык. Конструкционные материалы» стр. 36-38 Письменный перевод текста; ответы на вопросы к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Композитные материалы   Методические рекомендации Гайдук М.О. «Английский язык. Конструкционные материалы» стр. 42-43 Подробный письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме
  Основные виды металлообработки   Агабекян, И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для технических вузов: / И. П.Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко —Ростов н/Д.: «ФЕНИКС», 2007. — 350 с. (Серия «Высшее образование»). – С.159-163 Письменный перевод текста, выполнение упражнений к тексту; монологическое высказывание по теме

Материалы для выполнения УСР 1

1. Read the translate the text



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