Questions Industrial Design

My speciality - «Industrial Design»

I am a third year student of the machine-building faculty of the Kama State Academy for Engineering and Economics. Our Academy trains specialists for many branches of industry and economy. As for me, my future speciality is Industrial Design. I find it very interesting and study with great pleasure.

Industrial Design is an exciting and rapidly growing field with a broad range of career options. The practice of industrial design combines aesthetics and technology in the total design in industry, which includes programming, planning, finishing materials, fabrics etc.

Professional training is carried out during six years according to three stages. On the first introductory stage students study artistic creative work and principles of geometric body formation. The second, the longest stage is devoted to a special training and includes acquaintance with the methods of designers' practical work. Here theoretical training in the sphere of the Humanities and Technical Sciences is held. The third stage is testing the abilities of a student and preparation to a professional independent activity - project-planning.

In the process of learning such subjects as Composition, Colouristic, Ergonomics, Drawing and Painting are regarded as the basis of Design. Students study them during four years. The major subjects are Designing and Modeling. Moreover, our study is based on the usage of computer equipment -from defining colourgraphic texture of a surface to a three-dimensional reflection of the model on a computer display in the mode of man-computer dialogue with ergonomic data.


Industrial design is both an art and a science that involved the adaptation of natural and human-made environments to the cultural, social, physiological, psychological, economic, historic, and behavioral activities of people.

The professional industrial designer is qualified by education, experience, and examination to enhance the function and quality for the purpose of improving the quality of life, increasing productivity, and protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public. In the contemporary world of business, the industrial designer plays an integral part in projecting with increased experience for individual contracting.

Having received knowledge in the sphere of Technical Aesthetics and having mastered the principles of “Computer Assisted Design and Artistic Modeling” graduates of our speciality successfully solve problems of improving all the spheres of human activity, connected with quality improvement of output and society humanization.


Questions Industrial Design

1. What is your speciality?

My speciality is Industrial Design. The role of an industrial designer is to create and execute design solutions for problems of form, usability, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, and sales.


2. What do you specialize in?

Industrial design is the use of a combination of applied art and applied science to improve the aesthetics, ergonomics, and usability of a product, but it may also be used to improve the product's marketability and production so the students of our speciality specialize in improving all the spheres of human activity, connected with quality improvement of output of society humanization.


3. What professional disciplines do you study?

We study such professional disciplines as Figure, Academic Painting, History of Arts (History of Art Culture), Descriptive Geometry and Prospect, Bases of Composition, Designing, Modeling, History and Methodology of Design.


4. What are the major subjects of your speciality?

The major subjects of my speciality are Designing and Modeling.


5. How is professional training carried out?

Professional training of speciality "Design" is carried out during 5 years according to 3 stages.


6. What is the first stage of training?

On the first introductory stage students study artistic creative work and principles of geometric body formation.


7. What is the second stage of training?

The second, the longest stage is devoted to a special training and includes acquaintance with methods of designers' practical work. Here theoretical training in the sphere of the Humanities and Technical Sciences is held.


8. What is the third stage of training?

The last, the third stage is testing the abilities of the student and preparation to a professional independent activity - project-planning.


9. What are the main categories of design?

The main categories of design are Image, Function, Morphology, Technological Shape and Aesthetic Value, that translates an idea into a project for something useful, whether it is a car, a building, a graphic, a service or a process.


10. What is the practice of design? What is the theory of design?

The practice of design is artistic design. The theory of design is technical aesthetics.


11. What is the main method of design? The main method of design is artistic and imaginative modeling, focused on products or three-dimensional realization of ideas of graphic designers, service designers, industrial designers.

12. What does «industrial design» mean?

Industrial design is both an art and a science that involves the adaptation of natural and human-made environments to the cultural, social, physiological economic, historic, and behavioral activities of people.


13.What approach does the industrial design program provide?

The Industrial Design program provides an approach based on the premise that a

successful interior designer must be sensitive to both aesthetics and practicality,

and must be aware of the designer's potential impact upon the total environment.


14.When was first the term «industrial design» appeared?

The first use of the term "industrial design" is often attributed to the designer Joseph Claude Sinel in 1919, but the discipline predates 1919 by at least a decade.


15. What does the origin of industrial design lie in?

Its origins lie in the industrialization of consumer products.


16. What can you tell about the history of industrial design?

The Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and the Bauhaus school set up in Germany which aim was to unite art with technology by educating designers and architects to combine creative design with modern industry, to integrate traditional crafts and industrial mass-production techniques and to put Germany on a competitive footing with England and the United States.


17. What can be the objects of industrial design?

Some designers may concentrate in manufacturing design, and others may further specialize by focusing on particular goods, such as furniture, electronic goods, everyday appliences, automobiles and other techniques.


18. What do industrial designers prepare for clients?

With a client's tastes, needs, and budget in mind, industrial designers prepare drawings and specifications for non-load bearing interior construction, furnishings, lighting, and finishes.


19.Do industrial designers use computer in their work?

Increasingly, designers use computers to plan layouts, which can easily be changed to include ideas received from the client.


20. What must an industrial environment be?

To be successful an industrial environment must: serve the needs, function, and

requirements of its users, provide a sense of place within both public and private spaces for group and individual activity, be appropriate and sustainable in terms of use, maintenance, and conservation of resources.


21. What are the aims of the professional industrial designer?

The professional industrial designer:

• analyzes the manufacturing needs, goals, and safety requirements

• integrates findings with knowledge of industrial design

• formulates preliminary design concepts that are aesthetic, appropriate, and functional, and in accordance with codes and standards

• develops and presents final design recommendations through appropriate presentation media

• prepares working drawings and specifications


22. What are the secondary aims of the professional industrial designer? The professional industrial designer:

• collaborates with professional services of other licensed practitioners in the technical areas of mechanical, electrical, and load-bearing design

• prepares and administers bids and contract documents as the client's agent.

• reviews and evaluates design solutions during implementation and completion.


23. What additional skills will you need to succeed in industrial design?

To succeed in industrial design, you will also need communication skills, and an ability to work well with others.


24. What should every design project conform to?

Industrial designers must act to conform to Federal, State, and Local laws.


25. How is computer used in your study?

The study is based on maximal usage of computer equipment - from defining

colour graphic texture of a surface to a three-dimensional reflection of the model on

a computer display in the mode of man-computer dialogue with ergonomic data.


26. What may a graduate of your speciality look forward? A graduate of our speciality may look forward to career opportunities mainly in industry and in other sectors, including residential, retail, corporate, public and private sectors in general.



Моя специальность - "Промышленный дизайн"


Я - третий студент года способности машиностроения Академии государства Камы для Разработки и Экономики. Наша Академия обучает специалистов для многих отраслей промышленности и экономики. Что касается меня, моя будущая специальность - Промышленный дизайн. Я нахожу это очень интересным и учусь с большим удовольствием.

Промышленный дизайн - возбуждение и быстро растущая область с широким диапазоном вариантов карьеры. Практика промышленного дизайна комбинирует эстетику и технологию в полном проекте в промышленности, которая включает программирование, планирование, заканчивая материалы, ткани и т.д.

Профессиональное обучение выполнено в течение шести лет согласно трем стадиям. На первой вводной стадии студенты изучают артистическую творческую работу и принципы геометрического формования корпуса. Второе, самая длинная стадия посвящена специальному обучению и включает знакомство с методами практической работы проектировщиков. Здесь теоретическое обучение в сфере Гуманитарных наук и Технических Наук проведено. Третья стадия проверяет способности студента и подготовки к профессиональной независимой деятельности - планирование проекта.

В процессе изучения таких предметов как Состав Colouristic, Эргономика, Рисунок и Живопись расценены как основание Проекта. В течение четырех лет студенты изучают их. Главные предметы Проектируют и Моделируют. Кроме того, наше исследование основано на использовании компьютерного оборудования - от определения colourgraphic структура поверхности к трехмерному отражению модели на компьютерном показе в способе диалога компьютера человека с эргономическими данными.


Промышленный дизайн - и искусство и наука, которая вовлекала адаптацию естественной и сделанной человеком окружающей среды к культурным, социальным, физиологическим, психологическим, экономическим, историческим, и поведенческим действиям людей.

Профессиональный индустриальный проектировщик квалифицирован по образованию, опыту, и экспертизе, чтобы увеличить функцию и качество с целью улучшения качества жизни, увеличения производительности, и защиты здоровья, безопасности, и благосостояния общественности. В современном мире бизнеса индустриальный проектировщик играет неотъемлемую часть в проектировании с увеличенным опытом для индивидуального заключения контракта.

Получив знание в сфере Технической Эстетики и справлявшийся с принципами “Компьютера Помогал Проекту, и Артистическое Моделирование” дипломированные специалисты нашей специальности успешно решают проблемы улучшения всех сфер человеческой деятельности, связанной с повышением качества гуманизации общества и продукции.




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