Unit 17
Before you read
1. Discuss these questions with your partner.
What does the world “silviculture” come from?
What aspects does silviculture include?
Pronunciation guide
3 Read the text and define the main aspects of silviculture.
Just as agriculture is the cultivation of fields, so silviculture (from the Latin sylva, meaning forest) is the cultivation of forest. Silviculture refers to the establishment and management of trees for wood production. The potential to manipulate tree and forest growth so as to enhance their value or the benefits they provide makes silviculture the most powerful tool of the farm forester. For example, as a result of careful pruning a tree that might otherwise only be of value for firewood can be turned into high value veneer or sawlog. Alternatively, a regrowth native forest dominated by just one tree species could be thinned to promote regeneration thereby enhancing its biodiversity.
Until the 18th century silviculture was rudimentary and rarely practiced. The foresters of western Europe during the Middle Ages were mainly game wardens who patrolled hunting reserves for feudal landlords. Trees were treated as a readily available natural resource to be exploited without much regard for their replacement. Exploitation is still the rule in much of the world, particularly in the Tropics and in the boreal forests.
A silvicultural regime is a series of management interventions imposed on trees or forests over time, from establishment through to harvest and regeneration. Initially, decisions must be made about initial spacing, layout and establishment methods. Later the owner must decide about the time and timing of thinning, pruning, fire, grazing and harvesting. Choosing to let nature take its course is also a silvicultural decision. However, not intervening in a forest’s growth pattern is rarely the most appropriate strategy for achieving farmers’ preferred outcomes.
Forest growth is largely determined by how the mix of plants in the forest responds to the soil and climate in which they are growing. Silvicultural design and intervention enables farmers to direct this growth in an attempt to maximize the economic, environmental or aesthetic value of the forest. There are six aspects of silviculture that forest growers need to consider:
what to grow – the forest genetic composition.
preparing the site for the forest – modification of the physical environment.
spacing and thinning after establishment – managing the competition between trees.
pruning – treatment of individual trees.
managing pests, weeds,diseases and fire – forest protection.
harvesting timber and other forest products – harvesting options and techniques.
Key Words
4 Check if you know the key words.
5. Match the words with their translation.
1)silviculture (n) a) дерево, древесина; лес
2)wood (n) b) фанера
3)forest (n) c) лес,
4)to exploit (v) d) лесоводство
5)veneer (n) e) уборка урожая, сбор
6)to promote (v) f) состав
7)harvest (n) g) обрезка сучьев
8)composition (n) h) продвигать, способствовать
9)pruning (n) i) разрабатывать
10)to intervene(v) J) вмешиваться
Grammar: Connectors (Коннекторы)
6. Complete the sentence using the word from the box.
For example, |
According to the text, the word “silviculture” comes from the Latin “silva”.
…based on the same principles, native forest silviculture is a special case.
There is six aspects of silvisulture that forest growers need to consider…., forest protection.
Exploitation is still the rule in much of the world, … in the boreal forests.
Forest growth is …determined by how the mix of plants in the forest respond to the soil.
Until the 18th century silviculture was rarely practiced, … the need for fuel, wood and lumber gave rise to silvicultural practices.
7. Choose the correct form.
A silvicultural regime is a series of management interventions, such as / as establishment and regeneration.
Initially/ Finally, decisions must be made about initial spacing, layout and establishment methods.
Later/Instead of the owner must decide about the time and timing of thinning, pruning, fire, grazing and harvesting.
Such as/ According to the text, there are six aspects of silviculture that forest growers need to consider.
We need to consider forest protection (also/too).
Managing the competition between trees is (as well/ also) one of the most important aspects.
Test yourself
8. Read the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false or they don’t have the information.
Until the 18th century silviculture was rarely practiced. (t)
The silvicultural systems employed for harvesting mature trees can be grouped in four categories.
Exploitation is still the rule in much of the world, particularly in Europe.
Silviculture refers to the establishment and management of trees for wood production.
Most commercial tree species do best under full sunlight and must be grown in stands of even age.
Pruning means forest protection.
The owner must decide about the time and timing of thinning, pruning, fire, grazing and harvesting.
Speaking: Silviculture
9. Explain the following terms:
Use expressions:
According to the text…
It goes without saying that…
It is well-known fact that…
As far as I know…