Переведите следующие названия на русский язык, используя транскрипцию/транслитерацию. К каким группам принадлежат названия? Что вам известно об этих организациях?
The Irish Independent, The Economist, The Moscow Times, Windows, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Citroën, Peugeot, FordFocus, Boeing, the Louis Berger Group, Inc., Government Humanresource Services Company Limited, Google, Microsoft, Lehman Brothers, Wall Street, Alitalia, Air-France KLM, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, General Motors, Heathrow, British Airways, Downing Street, China National Petroleum Co., Toyota Motors Co., Nissan Motor Co., Mitsubishi Motors. Co., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Ltd., Fannie Mae, Pagani Automobili, Siemens AG, Arcelor Mittal`s, Samsung Electronics, Bertelsmann AG, Pentagon, Hamas, Hizbullah, Greenpeace, the Senate.
Переведите следующие названия на русский язык, используя калькирование. К каким группам принадлежат названия? Что вам известно об этих организациях?
The White House, University of London, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU, Germany), the Free Democratic Party (FDP, Germany), University of Pennsylvania, the Social Democratic Party (SDP, Germany), the European Union, African National Congress/ANC, Canadian Museum of Human Rights, the International Committee of the Red Cross, Europe Against drugs (EURAD), the Labour Party, The Church of London, National Museum of Scotland, the Oval Office, the European Commission, Dartmouth College, the Finance Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, the Metropolitan Opera orchestra, the International Criminal Court, the Department of Transport (DfT), the State Department, University of Rochester, Lousiana Museum of Modern Art, National Portrait Gallery, Design Museum, Royal Opera House,
Переведите следующие наименования на русский язык. Какие приемы перевода необходимо выбрать для передачи имен на русский язык? Что вы знаете об этих организациях/проектах и т.п.?
Irish Farmers Association, THE International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, South Stream, the European Tour, the Hong Kong Open, the Ryder Cup, the World Cup, Australian Masters, the Tennis Masters Cup, the European Championship, the International Olympic Committee, America`s central bank, the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange, Deutsches Technik Museum, Kunsthalle Duesseldorf, the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation, the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, the World Health Organisation, the International Police Organisation, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the International Monetary Fund
Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите приемы перевода имен собственных. Что вам известно об этих именах?
1. Medical sources in the Gaza Strip said… 2. Hamas demands a lifting of Israel`s economic blockade. 3. Physicians for Human Rights, a campaign group, said that the health crisis and cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe are so bad that they should be investigated by the International Criminal Court. 4. By-elections for 29 seats in Thailand`s parliament turned out well for the ruling coalition led by the Democrat Party of Abhisit Vejjajiva, the prime minister. 5.The army, meanwhile, claimed to have recaptured the whole of the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. 6.… the European Commission spoke of taking legal action. 7.Elsewhere in Europe, Greece`s credit rating was downgraded, and Ireland,Portugal and Spain were put on notice that theirs might be, too. 8. Deutsche Bank gave warning that it expected to make a loss after taxes in the fourth quarter of?3.9 billion for all of 2008. Commerzbank. Its local rival, reached agreement recently with the government for more state aid. 10. It`s share price is fallen to less than 1 on the New York Stock Exchange. 11. Alitalia began operating as a private company, and was boosted by Air-France KLM taking a 25% stake in a “strategic partnership”. 12. Satyam Computer Services recently revealed a huge accounting fraud. 13. Abbott Laboratories agreed to buy Advanced Medical Optics, the biggest producer of equipment used in laser-vision surgery. 14. Siemens, Europe`s biggest engineering group, has held talks with sovereign wealth funds from the Gulf, Russia and other regions in an attempt to expand its long-term investor base.
Выпишите из текста имена собственные. Переведите их на русский язык. Определите приемы перевода.
By Judith Judd
Shakespeare did it. School-leavers and university students do it. Now even princes, prime ministers and professors of English are breaking the rules of grammar. Even the Prince of Wales does not always speak the Queen's English.
Their failings are highlighted today by Professor John Honey, former professor of education at Leicester Polytechnic and now professor of English at Osaka International University in Japan. Professor Honey, a long-standing critic of education standards in Britain and a champion of standard grammar, has spent 15 years noting the mistakes of the famous.
His main concern, elaborated in an article called "A new rule for the Queen and I" in the journal English Today, is the pronoun case.
He points out that, under existing rules, the pronoun changes if it is the object rather than the subject. For example, we say "my wife and I went" but "he dislikes my wife and me".
Though Dr Johnson was a stickler for the correct use of the pronoun, Shakespeare, Thackeray and Dickens were not. Professor Honey wants the rules changed because so many well-known people are breaking them. He cites as examples:
> Baroness Thatcher (Oxford graduate): "It is not for you and I sitting here to condemn...".
> Sir Rhodes Boyson (Ex-headmaster and former education minister): "The Labour party have taken the Red Rose as their emblem [but] I don't think they asked permission of we Lancastrians before they did it".
> Professor Brian Cox (professor of English at Manchester University and chairman of a government working party on English): "Philip Larkin expressed nervousness about allying himself to we jackbooted characters".
> The case of the Prince of Wales is more complicated. In an interview with the BBC when asked if he had been faithful to his wife, he replied: "Yes, until it had become clear that it had irretrievably broken down, us both having tried".
Professor Honey suggests that the Oxford English Dictionary recognizes the use of "us" and a participle in what is technically called an absolute construction. On the other hand, the prince might have mixed up "we both having tried" and "both of us having tried".
Professor Cox said last week: «The view of all modern linguists is that the concept of correctness as absolute is foolish because our notions of correctness keep changing».
Peter Bassett, of the Queen's English Society, countered: "You would not find a single soul among our members who would support a change in the rules. Words still have a specific meaning. Unless people use them correctly there will come a time when we don't know what we mean".
Professor Honey suggests an alternative rule for optional use by academics, politicians, exam candidates and, of course, by you and me/I.
Выпишите из англоязычного газетного аутентичного текста названия организаций, объединений, компаний, брендов, торговых марок и т.п. (25 единиц). Переведите их на русский язык. К каким группам принадлежат имена собственные? Какие приемы перевода вы использовали?