Task 2. Read and translate the tale. Find the words of reality. - Прочтите и переведите сказку (устно). Напишите, какая эта сказка.

The realias of Russian Federation nation

(Реалии народов Российской Федерации)


Task 1. Read the following realities and determine the type of translation. - Прочтите следующие реалии и определите тип перевода.

Baba Jaga – Баба Яга,

Ivan Tsarevich - Иван царевич,

Барин – barin (member of landowning gentry, landowner, gentleman, master, sir)

Барыня – barin’s wife

Баба-Яга – Baba Yaga (witch in Russian folk tales)

Борщ – borsch (soup made of beetroot and cabbage)

Валенки – valenki(felt boots)

Beyond The Thrice-Nine Lands, in the Thrice-Ten Tsardom - За тридевять земель, в тридесятом царстве;

«Vasilisa the Beautiful»- Василиса Прекрасная.

«milk-white hands»- белые руки.

«morning is wiser than evening» - утро вечера мудренее,

izba» - изба,

«sarafan» - сарафан,

«caftan» –кафтан,

«kvass» - квас.

Приёмы передачи реалий

Описательный перевод. То есть реалия, не имеющая аналога в языке, на который её пытаются перевести, заменяется её описанием, либо кратким и сразу в тексте, либо переводчик может привести целую статью из словаря, но в сноске.

Транскрипция, транслитерация. Слово остается без изменений, его лишь транскрибируют/транслитерируют. Распространенный приём при переводе имен собственных, географических названий, названий праздников и обычаев.

Калькирование. Это пословный или поморфемный перевод, то есть переводимое слово/фразу делят на части и уже с ними работают отдельно. Причём одну часть могут перевести методом описания, другую транслитерировать, также, разумеется, могут быть и другие комбинации.

Новообразование. Этот приём часто используется, например, при переводе названий фильмов, книг и т. п.

Аналоговый (приближенный) перевод. Для передачи реалии используется слово, лишь частично совпадающее с ней по значению, но в достаточной мере, чтобы передать представление о понятии, которое эта реалия обозначает.

Синонимический/дублетный перевод — выбор синонима/дублета, если в языке есть несколько равноправных исторически сформировавшихся синонима.

Task 2. Read and translate the tale. Find the words of reality. - Прочтите и переведите сказку (устно). Напишите, какая эта сказка.

Once there lived an old man and old woman. The old man said, "Old woman, bake me a bun." "What can I make it from? I have no flour." "Eh, eh, old woman! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will find enough flour. "The old woman picked up a duster, scraped the cupboard, swept the flour bin and gathered about two handfuls of flour. She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put the bun on the window sill to cool. The bun lay and lay there. Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door. Then it rolled over the threshold to the entrance hall, from the entrance hall to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard trough the gate and on and on.

The bun rolled along the road and met a hare. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up!" said the hare. "Don't eat me, slant-eyed hare! I will sing you a song," said the bun, and sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, and cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma. And I'll get away from you, hare! And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a wolf. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up," said the wolf. "Don't eat me, gray wolf!" said the bun. "I will sing you a song." And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, And I'll get away from you, gray wolf! And the bun rolled away before the wolf even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a bear. "Little bun, little bun, I will eat you up," the bear said. "You will not, pigeon toes!" And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, And I'll get away from you, big bear! And again the bun rolled away before the bear even saw it move!

The bun rolled and rolled and met a fox. "Hello, little bun, how nice your are!" said the fox. And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And cooled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma, I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, I got away from bear, And I'll get away from you, old fox!

"What a wonderful song!" said the fox. "But little bun, I have became old now and hard of hearing. Come sit on my snout and sing your song again a little louder." The bun jumped up on the fox's snout and sang the same song. "Thank you, little bun, that was a wonderful song. I'd like to hear it again. Come sit on my tongue and sing it for the last time, "said the fox, sticking out her tongue. The bun foolishly jumped onto her tongue and- snatch! - she ate it.



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