The Inspiration of Mr. Budd

Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
betray v o give information about sb/sth to an enemy betray sb/sth (to sb)   He was offered money to betray his colleagues изменять, предавать, продавать
to hurt sb who trusts you, especially by not being loyal or faithful to them   SYN cheat I have never known her to betray a confidence не оправдывать (надежд, доверия); подводить
to ignore your principles or beliefs in order to achieve sth or gain an advantage for yourself     He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals обманывать, соблазнять
to tell sb or make them aware of a piece of information, a feeling, etc., usually without meaning to betray sth / yourself SYN give away His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide выдавать, открывать (тайну, секрет)
pace v to walk up and down in a small area many times, especially because you are feeling nervous or angry pace sth off/out   She paced up and down outside the room шагать, расхаживать, прохаживаться
stammer v to speak with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping, before saying things correctly   SYN stutter She was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker заикаться, говорить заикаясь запинаться, произносить с остановкой
tint v to add a small amount of colour to sth tint sth (with sth) SYN colour The sun tinted the clouds with red and purple слегка окрашивать; подцвечивать
to change the colour of sb’s hair with a tint
uppermost adj (formal) higher or nearer the top than other things     the uppermost branches of the tree самый верхний; высший
more important than other things in a particular situation   SYN predominant, prevalent These thoughts were uppermost in my mind главный, господствующий, превалирующий, преобладающий
to be a match for sb/sth a person or thing that combines well with sb/sth else     Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other вещь или предмет, подходящие к другой или составляющие с ней пару: партия; пара
to be in a position of advantage the situation that sb is in, especially when it affects what they can       быть в привилегированном положении
to be the ruin of sb something that causes a person, company, etc. to lose all their money, job, position, etc.     Gambling was his ruin гибель; крушение (надежд и т. п.); падение
to commit sth to memory to learn sth well enough to remember it exactly     She committed the instructions to memory заучивать, запоминать, учить наизусть; вверять что-л. памяти
to have a fancy for sth to be interested in sth       любить, увлекаться чем-л.  
to set a mark on sb/sth to have an effect on sth/sb       иметь влияние на кого-л/что-л


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accelerator n the pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to control the speed of the engine   SYN gas pedal He eased his foot off the accelerator педаль газа, газ, акселератор
avalanche n a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain     alpine villages destroyed in an avalanche лавина, обвал
aware adj knowing or realizing sth aware (of sth) | aware (that …) SYN cognizant, conscious, mindful, observant ANT blind, heedless, ignorant, insensible, unaware, unmindful   As far as I’m aware, nobody has done anything about it знающий, осведомленный, сведущий, сознающий    
noticing that sth is present, or that sth is happening   She slipped away without him being aware of it
interested in and knowing about sth, and thinking it is important   Young people are very environmentally aware
awareness n knowing sth; knowing that sth exists and is important; being interested in sth awareness (of sth) | awareness (that …)   There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved осведомленность, информированность
babble n/v the sound of many people speaking at the same time   SYN prattle, talk, chatter a babble of voices лепет, болтовня
talking that is confused or silly and is difficult to understand   SYN mutter, mumble I can’t listen to his constant babble бормотание
to talk quickly in a way that is difficult to understand babble (away / on) SYN chatter They were all babbling away in a foreign language лепетать; бормотать; болтать
blink v when you blink or blink your eyes or your eyes blink, you shut and open your eyes quickly blink sthƒaway /back in the blink of an 'eye on the blink=broken   I’ll be back before you can blink мигать; щуриться
to shine with an unsteady light; to flash on and off     Suddenly a warning light blinked мерцать
blot out to cover or hide sth completely     Clouds blotted out the sun закрывать, скрывать, покрывать
to deliberately try to forget an unpleasant memory or thought     He tried to blot out the image of Helen’s sad face вычеркивать; стирать, уничтожать
cajole v to make sb do sth by talking to them and being very nice to them cajole sb (into sth / into doing sth) | cajole sth out of sb SYN coax He cajoled me into agreeing to do the work льстить, обхаживать; обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, дезориентировать
compelled adj forced to do sth; to make sth necessary     I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book заставленный, вынужденный
causing a particular reaction     He spoke with an authority that compelled the attention of the whole crowd


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concede v to admit that sth is true, logical, etc. concede sth (to sb) | concede sb sth SYN acknowledge, admit, allow, confess ANT dispute It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases Признавать
to give sth away, especially unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth   The President was obliged to concede power to the army уступать право; отказываться от права; передавать право
to admit that you have lost a game, an election, etc. concede (defeat) SYN lose, yield After losing this decisive battle, the general was forced to concede проигрывать; пропускать
cripple v to damage sb’s body so that they are no longer able to walk or move normally   SYN disable He was crippled by polio as a child получать травму (конечности), травмировать (конечность) (особ. ногу)
to seriously damage or harm sb/sth   SYN impair The pilot tried to land his crippled plane портить, приводить в негодность; наносить ущерб
curse n a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry curse (sb/sth) (for sth) SYN oath, swear word He muttered a curse at the other driver бранное слово, брань, ругательство
a word or phrase that has a magic power to make sth bad happen   SYN oath, imprecation The family thought that they were under a curse проклятие
something that causes harm or evil be cursed with sth SYN evil, misfortune the curse of drug addiction беда, напасть, бедствие
defy v to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc.   SYN disregard I wouldn’t have dared to defy my teachers to defy public opinion не обращать внимания, не придавать значения; манкировать, игнорировать
to be impossible or almost impossible to believe, explain, describe, etc. defy belief, explanation, description, etc.      
deserted adj with no people in it   SYN godforsaken, desolate, abandoned, derelict, uncared-for, uninhabited, unmanned deserted streets заброшенный; захолустный; безлюдный
left by a person or people who do not intend to return   SYN abandoned a deserted village покинутый, осиротелый, несчастный, оставленный
detached adj showing a lack of feeling   SYN indifferent She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical беспристрастный; независимый, объективный
not influenced by other people or by your own feelings   SYN impartial: a detached observer бесстрастный, невозмутимый


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
dim adj not bright take a dim view of sb/sth SYN obscure, shadowy, gloomy ANT bright, clear the dim glow of the fire in the grate тусклый, неяркий; слабый
that you cannot remember or imagine clearly SYN vague dim memories неясный, непонятный, смутный
not intelligent SYN dim-witted He’s very dim плохо соображающий, недалекий
not giving any reason to have hope; not good   Her future career prospects look dim скептический, пессимистический
disdain n the feeling that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention disdain (for sb/sth) SYN contempt, scorn to treat sb with disdain презрение, пренебрежение
ditch v (informal) to get rid of sth/sb because you no longer want or need it/them   SYN abandon, discard, jilt He ditched his girlfriend бросать, покидать
doze v to sleep lightly for a short time doze off   She dozed off in front of the fire дремать, клевать носом, находиться в полусонном состоянии
evidence n the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true evidence (of / for sth) | evidence (that …) | evidence (to suggest, show, etc.) SYN testimony, proof There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place доказательство, подтверждение; свидетельство
the information that is used in court to try to prove sth turn King’s / Queen’s evidence (BrE) (US turn state’s 'evidence)   I was asked to give evidence улика; свидетельское показание
fatal adj causing or ending in death fatal thread — нить жизни fatal shears — смерть fatal end SYN lethal a fatal accident / blow / illness/ dose/ step/ wound губительный, пагубный, смертельный, летальный, смертоносный, вызывающий смерть
causing disaster or failure   SYN inevitable, unavoidable It would be fatal to hesitate неминуемый, неизбежный, роковой, фатальный, неотвратимый
fathom v to understand or find an explanation for sth fathom sb/sth (out) SYN inquire into, to fathom out It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death of a child понимать; исследовать; разузнавать; выяснять, расследовать
fender n part of a car that is above a wheel       крыло (автомобиля)
headlights a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a vehicle to dim (one's) headlights   He dipped his headlights прожектор, огонь, фара, фонарь, лампочка
hog v to use or keep most of sth yourself and stop others from using or having it     to hog the road заграбастать, прибрать к рукам


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lurid adj too bright in colour, in a way that is not attractive   SYN wan, livid   мертвенно-бледный
shocking and violent in a way that is deliberate   SYN gruesome, terrible, ominous The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder страшный, зловещий, угрожающий
numb v to make a part of your body unable to feel anything, for example because of cold     His fingers were numbed with the cold вызывать онемение/окоченение
to make sb unable to feel, think or react in a normal way, for example because of an emotional shock   SYN stun We sat there in silence, numbed by the shock of her death поражать, ошеломлять
oncoming adj coming towards you   SYN approaching Always walk facing the oncoming traffic надвигающийся, приближающийся
onslaught n a strong or violent attack onslaught (against / on sb/sth) | onslaught (of sth) SYN attack, assault The town survives the onslaught of tourists every summer бешеная атака, нападение
rear n the back part of sth     There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane задняя сторона; задняя часть
rocket n a spacecraft in the shape of a tube that is driven by a stream of gases let out behind it when fuel is burned inside     he rocket was launched in March 1980 ракета
rove v (formal) to travel from one place to another, often with no particular purpose   SYN roam A quarter of a million refugees roved around the country скитаться; странствовать; бродить, путешествовать
if sb’s eyes rove, the person keeps looking in different directions       блуждать
scuffle n a short and not very violent fight or struggle scuffle (with sb) SYN fight, tussle Scuffles broke out between police and demonstrators драка, стычка, потасовка
skid v to slide sideways or forwards in an uncontrolled way   SYN side-slip The car skidded on the ice and went straight into the wall заносить (об автомобиле)
slack off to do sth more slowly or with less energy than before       ослаблять свое рвение, напряжение и т. п.
spout out to send out sth, especially a liquid, in a stream with great force; to come out of sth in this way spout (off / on) (about sth) SYN pour, flow The wound was still spouting blood бить струей, хлынуть, литься потоком
startled v to surprise sb suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them   SYN frighten, shock It startled me to find her sitting in my office испугать; поразить, сильно удивить
swerve v (especially of a vehicle) to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sb/sth     The bus suddenly swerved into his path отклоняться от прямого пути, сворачивать в сторону; отклонять, сворачивать (from)


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
terrified adj very frightened terrified (of sb/sth) | terrified (of doing sth) | terrified (that …)   She was terrified at the thought of being alone ужасный, вселяющий ужас, пугающий
thriving adj being successful, strong, healthy, etc.   SYN flourish a thriving industry преуспевающий, процветающий
vicious adj violent and cruel vicious circle порочный круг SYN brutal a vicious criminal злой ужасный
full of hatred and anger   She wrote me a vicious letter
aggressive and dangerous   a vicious dog
(informal) very bad or severe   a vicious headache
vindictive adj trying to harm or upset sb, or showing that you want to, because you think that they have harmed you vindictive damages — штрафные убытки SYN spiteful He accused her of being vindictive мстительный
well n the space in front of the judge in a court, where the lawyers sit       места адвокатов

Take the Witness

Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
adjourn v to stop a meeting or an official process, especially a trial, for a period of time     The court adjourned for lunch закрывать (заседание); расходиться
adversary n a person that sb is opposed to and competing with in an argument or a battle   SYN opponent formidable adversary worthy adversary противник, враг; антагонист, неприятель, соперник
antagonist n a person who strongly opposes sb/sth   SYN opponent   антагонист; соперник; враг, противник
cocky adj too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other people       самоуверенный, самонадеянный; дерзкий; нахальный, наглый
comeback n if a person in public life makes a comeback, they start doing sth again which they had stopped doing, or they become popular again     an ageing pop star trying to stage a comeback возвращение (к характерному виду деятельности)
(informal) a quick reply to a critical remark   SYN retort It is sometimes totally impossible to find any suitable come-back to the remark ответ; язвительное замечание; остроумное высказывание
convene v to arrange for people to come together for a formal meeting   SYN summon A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident вызывать, приглашать (в суд)
cross-examination to question sb carefully and in a lot of detail about answers that they have already given, especially in court     The witness was cross-examined for over two hours перекрестный допрос
cross-questioning to question sb thoroughly and often in a way that seems aggressive       перекрёстный допрос
day-dream n pleasant thoughts that make you forget about the present   SYN eyesight, perception, sight, dream, vision She stared out of the window, lost in a daydream видение, мечта
defendant n the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person   SYN accused, prisoner at the bar to arraign a defendant — привлекать обвиняемого к суду ответчик; обвиняемый, подсудимый
deplete v to reduce sth by a large amount so that there is not enough left     Food supplies were severely depleted резко уменьшать количество или объем чего-либо
elicit v (formal) to get information or a reaction from sb, often with difficulty elicit sth (from sb) SYN extract I could elicit no response from him извлекать; вытягивать, допытываться; вызывать, выявлять (from)


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
frantic adj done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized   SYN hectic They made frantic attempts to revive him безумный, неистовый, яростный
unable to control your emotions because you are extremely frightened or worried about sth   SYN beside yourself   Your parents must be getting frantic by now
fresh adj made or experienced recently   SYN recent, new, raw Let me write it down while it’s still fresh in my mind новый, только что появившийся
full of energy   SYN fit, keen, lively, active, energetic, unworn, unwearied I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feeling as fresh as a daisy свежий, бодрый, энергичный; освеженный, отдохнувший
rude and too confident in a way that shows a lack of respect for sb or a sexual interest in sb fresh (with sb) SYN impudent, rude, cheeky, pert, saucy, sassy, brazen, insolent, snotty, smart-alecky, flippant, bold, brassy, obtrusive, meddlesome Don’t get fresh with me! дерзкий, развязный, наглый, нахальный
impersonal adj lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant     Business letters need not be formal and impersonal лишенный человеческих чувств, тепла, душевности
not referring to any particular person     Let’s keep the criticism general and impersonal беспристрастный, объективный
induce v to persuade or influence sb to do sth   SYN prompt, impel, cajole, coax, persuade, urge, wheedle ANT discourage, hinder, repel, subdue Nothing would induce me to take the job заставлять, побуждать, склонять, убеждать
to cause sth     drugs which induce sleep вызывать; стимулировать; приводить
mutter v to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth mutter (sth) (to sb / yourself) (about sth) SYN murmur, mumble She just sat there muttering to herself бормотать; говорить тихо, невнятно
to complain about sth, without saying publicly what you think mutter (about sth) SYN grumble Workers continued to mutter about the management ворчать (against, at - на)
pat v to touch sb/sth gently several times with your hand flat, especially as a sign of affection pat sb / yourself on the back SYN clap, tap She patted the dog on the head похлопывать, шлепать
sneer v to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak sneer (at sb/sth) SYN mock He sneered at people who liked pop music говорить, выражаться презрительно или насмешливо; насмехаться, глумиться


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
transcript n a written or printed copy of words that have been spoken     a transcript of the interview дубликат, копия
well-spotted having a regular pattern of round dots on it     a black and white spotted dress крапчатый, пятнистый
baby talk he words or sounds a baby says when it is learning to talk; the special language adults sometimes use when talking to babies       детская речь, детский лепет; сюсюканье; чересчур упрощенная речь или письмо
fresh as a daisy full of energy     I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feeling as fresh as a daisy прекрасна как роза; свеж как огурчик
a good crack a good joke     He’s a person who enjoys a drink and a bit of crack острота, шутка; "шпилька", едкое замечание, "наезд"
a pretty kettle of fish a completely different situation or person from the one previously mentioned       беспорядок, суматоха
to be after sb/sth         преследовать кого-л.; стараться получить что-л.
to be immune from protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it   SYN exempt No one should be immune from prosecution пользующийся неприкосновенностью, иммунитетом (from)
to drag sth out to make sth last longer than necessary   SYN prolong Let’s not drag out this discussion; we need to reach a decision растягивать (рассказ и т. п.); тянуть, медлить; вытянуть (информацию)
to get sb on the run to make sb trying to avoid being captured     He’s on the run from the police обратить кого-либо в бегство; заставить кого-либо спасаться бегством; нанести сокрушительный удар
to hit one’s stride to begin to do sth with confidence and at a good speed after a slow, uncertain start       преодолевать что-л. без усилий; считать что-л. естественным, легко переносить что-л.; относиться спокойно к чему-л.
to take one’s cue from to copy what sb else does as an example of how to behave or what to do     nvestors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling dollars  
to testify on behalf of sb to make a statement that sth happened or that sth is true, especially as a witness in court as the representative of sb or instead of them or in order to help sb testify (against / for sb) testify (to / about sth)   to testify upon a trial — свидетельствовать в суде давать показания, свидетельствовать, показывать от лица, от имени (кого-л.)
to think sth up (informal) to create sth in your mind   SYN devise, invent Can’t you think up a better excuse than that? придумывать, выдумывать


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
primacy n the fact of being the most important person or thing   SYN primogeniture first place pre-eminence precedence superiority a belief in the primacy of the family превосходство
evince v (formal) to show clearly that you have a feeling or quality   SYN prove, display He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family ясно показывать; делать очевидным; выказывать, проявлять; демонстрировать
shattering adj very shocking and upsetting   SYN slashing, destructive, smashing The news of his death came as a shattering blow резкий, сокрушительный
very loud   SYN deafening    
lure v/n (disapproving) to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward   SYN entice The child was lured into a car but managed to escape завлекать, соблазнять
the attractive qualities of sth   SYN temptation, seductiveness Few can resist the lure of adventure соблазн; привлекательность, притягательность, соблазнительность
voracious adj wanting a lot of new information and knowledge   SYN avid a voracious reader Ç a boy with a voracious and undiscriminating appetite for facts жадный; ненасытный
contrive v to manage to do sth despite difficulties   SYN devise, invent, think out She contrived to spend a couple of hours with him every Sunday evening придумывать, изобретать; разрабатывать
to succeed in making sth happen despite difficulties   SYN manage I decided to contrive a meeting between the two of them суметь, умудряться, ухитряться
feeble adj not effective; not showing determination or energy a feeble argument / excuse / joke   Don’t be so feeble! Tell her you don’t want to go незначительный, ничтожный; невнятный; слабовольный, слабохарактерный
suggestiveness n sth that is reminding you of sth or making you think about sth     music that is suggestive of warm summer days напоминание
sth that is making people think about sex     suggestive jokes намек на непристойное
buoyant adj cheerful and feeling sure that things will be successful   SYN cheerful, merry, lively They were all in buoyant mood бодрый, жизнерадостный
(of prices, business activity, etc.) tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success a buoyant economy / market buoyant sales / prices ANT depressed a buoyant demand for homes оживленный
helter-skelter adj done in a hurry and in a way that lacks organization   SYN hugger-mugger confusedly a helter-skelter dash to meet the deadline беспорядочно, как попало, кое-как


Word Definition Active Unit Syn./ Ant. Examples Translation
morbid adj having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death     He had a morbid fascination with blood болезненный, ненормальный; психически нездоровый; с отклонениями
ideational adj forming ideas, thinking       формирующий мысли, идеи
discard v/n to get rid of sth that you no longer want or need discard sb/sth (as sth) SYN cast, shed, slough, scrap, junk ANT keep, maintain preserve, retain, save The room was littered with discarded newspapers избавляться от чего-л.
a person or thing that is not wanted or thrown away, especially a card in a card game       никчемная вещь, ненужный предмет; отходы; изгнанник, изгой
dribble v to pour sth slowly, in drops or a thin stream dribble sth (into / over / onto sth) SYN drizzle, trickle Dribble a little olive oil over the salad капать, течь тонкой струйкой
fling n/v a short period of enjoyment when you do not allow yourself to worry or think seriously about anything     He was determined to have one last fling before retiring разгул, неограниченное удовлетворение своих порывов, прихотей
a short sexual relationship with sb fling (with sb)      
to say sth to sb in an aggressive way fling sth (at sb)   They were flinging insults at each other  
vortex n a very powerful feeling or situation that you cannot avoid or escape from   SYN whirlpool, eddy They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion водоворот; вихрь, воронка
exponent n a person who supports an idea, theory, etc. and persuades others that it is good   SYN proponent She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career представитель, сторонник, истолкователь
a person who is able to perform a particular activity with skill     the most famous exponent of the art of mime исполнитель, мастер
smear n/v a story that is not true about sb that is intended to damage their reputation, especially in politics     He was a victim of a smear campaign необоснованное обвинение
to rub writing, a drawing, etc. so that it is no longer clear; to become not clear in this way   SYN smudge The last few words of the letter were smeared делать изображение нерезким, размытым
to damage sb’s reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true   SYN slander The story was an attempt to smear the party leader бесчестить, позорить
arbitrary adj (of an action, a decision, a rule, etc.) not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan and sometimes seeming unfair arbitrary signs and symbols   The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary произвольный, случайный; капризный


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