№ 1
$$1 Ecology is a science that studies: interaction between organisms and environment.
№ 2
$$1 The term “Ecology” was introduced by: E. Heckel.
№ 3
$$1 “Nature knows better” was proposed by: B. Commoner.
№ 4
$$1 The term “environment” means: outside the organism in which an organism lives and which affects it.
№ 5
$$1 Autecology– is ecology of…: individual organisms.
№ 6
$$1 Demecology – is ecology of..: populations.
№ 7
$$1 Synecology – is ecology of…: communities.
№ 8
$$1 Structure and functions of biosphere are studied by: global ecology
№ 9
$$1 The physical area in which an organism lives is its: habitat.
№ 10
$$1 The position of an organism defined by its role in a biological community: niche.
№ 11
$$1 Term “Ecosystem” was introduced by: A. Tansley.
№ 12
$$1 Ecosystem is: an ecological unit that includes biotic and abiotic factors.
№ 13
$$1 The community includes: all the populations in an area.
№ 14
$$1 Succession is a process where: a community changes over time.
№ 15
$$1 Find an abiotic factor in an ecosystem: sunlight.
№ 16
$$1 Find biotic factor in an ecosystem: pollination of flowers by insects.
№ 17
$$1 Land temperature and precipitation are chief determinants of …: the earth’s biome.
№ 18
$$1 “Organism growth is limited by the resource in the shortest supply”. This law is described by: J.Liebig.
№ 19
$$1 “Each environmental factor has limits of its positive influence on the organism”. This principle is described by: V. Shelford.
№ 20
$$1 The term “tolerance” means: limits of organism’s stability to effect of ecological factors.
№ 21
$$1 Ecological factor that limits viability of organisms is: critical.
№ 22
$$1 Eyrobionts are organisms with: a large range of tolerance to an ecological factor.
$$1 Stenobionts are organisms with: a narrow range of tolerance to an ecological factor.
№ 24
$$1 Xerophytes are organisms that: are adapted to drought and environmental water shortage.
№ 25
$$1 Find homeothermic organisms: mammals.
№ 26
$$1 Poikilothermic are organisms with: a body temperature depending on environment temperature.
№ 27
$$1 Species that are localized and may have just one population that inhabit only a small area are called: endemic.
№ 28
$$1 Population growth rate is: individuals number change in a population over specific period of time.
№ 29
$$1 Find the statistic characteristic of population: population number.
№ 30
$$1 Find the dynamic characteristics of population: population growth rate.
№ 31
$$1 The carrying capacity of a population does not include the statement: the population exhibits J-shaped growth curve.
№ 32
$$1 Population growth is exponential when: the birthrate reaches its biotic potential.
№ 33
$$1 The S-shaped curve is typical of a population that: is regulated by density-dependent factors.
№ 34
$$1 The industrial revolution, agricultural revolution and others helped to…: the rapid increase of human population.
№ 35
$$1 The population with rapid growth includes the following age groups: most of the population is pre-reproductive or reproductive.
№ 36
$$1The volcanic eruption is an example of: natural disaster.
№ 37
$$1 The area of the Earth occupied with living things is called: biosphere.
№ 38
$$1 The term “Biosphere” was introduced by: E. Zuess.
№ 39
$$1 The author of the study about biosphere is: V. Vernadsky.
№ 40
$$1 The term “Noosphere” was introduced by: Le Rois.
№ 41
$$1 Noosphere – is an evolutionary step of biosphere that: is transformed by conscious human activity.
№ 42
$$1 Environment that is changed by people is: “Second nature” or “Quasi-nature”.
№ 43
$$1 Anthropogenic sources of pollution are: automobile exhausts, mining and industrial activities, the combustion of fossil fuels, electric power plants and motor vehicles.
№ 44
$$1 Competition, predation, and symbiosis are types of: biotic relationships.
№ 45
$$1 Interspecific competition is relationship between: members of different species.
№ 46
$$1 Type of biotic relationship when one species benefits and other one has neither harm nor profit: commensalism.
№ 47
$$1 An interaction between two species in which species benefit each other is: mutualism.
№ 48
$$1 Two species, that occupy a very similar niche are likely to be: competitors.
№ 49
$$1 The major producers found in aquatic ecosystems are called: phytoplankton.
№ 50
$$1 The following is not correctly matched: heterotroph – autotroph, herbivore - autotroph (это например, нужно выбирать из вариантов)
№ 51
$$1 Define the right order of components in the trophic chain “tree – hare – fox”: producer – primary consumer – secondary consumer.
№ 52
$$1 Plants in an ecosystem play the following role: synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds.
№ 53
$$1 Primary productivity is the energy contained in the trophic level of: producers.
№ 54
$$1 Nitrogen in the atmosphere is captured by…: nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
№ 55
$$1 Organisms that use ready food are called: heterotrophs.
№ 56
$$1 Find the heterotrophic organism: wolves.
№ 57
$$1 Find an autotrophic organism: plant.
№ 58
$$1 The wolf and the fox are on the same trophic level because both animals: eat herbivore organisms.
№ 59
$$1 Consumers, those eat producers are: herbivores.
№ 60
$$1 Consumers, such as wolves, that eat other consumers are: carnivores.
№ 61
$$1 Consumers, such as humans, that eat both producers and other consumers are called: omnivores.
№ 62
$$1 Amount of energy passing from one trophic level to the next one is: 10%.
№ 63
$$1 The main characteristic of biomass pyramids of freshwater or marine is to be: inverted.
№ 64
$$1 According to number’s pyramids, a quantity of organisms at a higher trophic level: decreases.
№ 65
$$1 Find the nonrenewable resources: fossil fuel, mineral, oil, gas. (это пример, выбирайте по вариантам)
№ 66
$$1 Find the renewable resources: water, plants, animals or natural chemical or physical processes (sunlight, wind). (это пример, выбирайте по вариантам)
№ 67
$$1 Organic garbage that is a subject to decay by microorganisms is called: biodegradable.
№ 68
$$1 Factors that specifically cause abnormalities during embryo development are called: teratogens.
№ 69
$$1 Herbicides are chemicals that kill undesirable organisms such as: plants.
№ 70
$$1 Factors that damage genetic material of organisms are: mutagens.
№ 71
$$1 The global warming is primarily caused by: increasing the amount of greenhouse gases.
№ 72
$$1 Distribution of gas concentrations in the atmosphere in descending order is: nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, argon 1%, and carbon dioxide 0, 04%.
№ 73
$$1 Scientists predict the global average temperature will rise by 2025 and by 2100 to: 1% and 3% correspondingly.
№ 74
$$1 To reduce greenhouse effect it should be done: to use alternative sources of energy.
№ 75
$$1 Alternative sources of energy include: sun, wind, waves.
№ 76
$$1 The greenhouse gases are the following:water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (N2), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs);
CO2, CFCs, CH4, NO, NO2, tropospheric ozone;
№ 77
$$1 The heights of troposphere and stratosphere above the Earth: 10-15 km; 15 – 55 km.
№ 78
$$1 To stop ozone layer depletion it should be done: recycle and replace freons.
№ 79
$$1 Loss of ozone has serious effects in people because ultra-violet radiation can cause: skin cancer and eyes damage.
№ 80
$$1 Chemical compounds cause acid rain: nitrogen and sulfur dioxide.
№ 81
$$1 Acid rain occurs as: mist, fog, sleet, snow, gas and dry dust particles.
№ 82
$$1 The pH of acid rain is: below 5.
№ 83
$$1 Acid rain is harmful because it can: dissolve nutrients and toxic metals.
№ 84
$$1 The primary reason of acid rain is: Burning of fossil fuel.
№ 85
$$1 The major component of photochemical smog is: tropospheric ozone (urban ozone or “bad ozone”) – secondary pollutant.
№ 86
$$1 The main physical reason of the photochemical smog is: the atmospheric temperature inversion.
№ 87
$$1 To prevent or reduce waste it should be done: to use recycled materials whenever possible.
№ 88
$$1 Biological magnification is the process of: increasing concentration of hazardous wastes through food chains.
№ 89
$$1 The primary cause of species extinction is: destruction of habitats.
№ 90
$$1 Industries contribute to habitat damage and destruction if they: pollute water.
№ 91
$$1 Land area of the Earth occupied by the forest is: about 25%.
№ 92
$$1 Land area of the Earth occupied by the rain forest is: about 5%.
№ 93
$$1 The world amount of fresh water is: 3%.
№ 94
$$1 The amount of the earth’s water supply available to land organisms is: less than 1%.
№ 95
$$1 The main reason of acid rain is: burning of fossil fuel.
№ 96
$$1 Eutrophication of water is accompanied with: intensive algae propagation.
№ 97
$$1 The main source of water pollution is: petrochemical industry.
№ 98
$$1 Industries can help to mitigate problems with water supply by: recycling water during industrial operations.
№ 99
$$1 The largest landscape zone of Kazakhstan is: desert.
№ 100
$$1 External cost is: harmful environmental or social cost borne by people not directly involved in buying or selling a product.
№ 101
$$1 Ecological footprint (of a country or each person) is: the average amount of productive land and ocean needed to supply with food, energy, water, housing, transportation, and waste disposal.
№ 102
$$1 The main reason of Aral Sea catastrophe is: careless use of water for irrigation.
№ 103
$$1 A special protected territory that is completely removed from an economical use is: zapovednik (Reserve or Refuge).
№ 104
$$1 The numbers of plants and animals species included in the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan are: 404 and 309, respectively.
№ 105
$$1 Indicate the name of Kazakhstan’s “zapovednik” among the following list: Aksu Jabagly, West-Altai, Korgalzhyn, Markakolsky, Naurzymsky, Ustyurt;
№ 106
$$1 Indicate the name of Kazakhstan’s national park: Altyn Emel, Bayan-Aul, Burabay, Karkaraly, Katon-Karagay, Kokshetau, Sairam-Ugamsk, Buyratau, Charyn, Zhongar-Alatau, Ile-Alatau, Kolsay Lakes;
№ 107
$$1 Percentage of Kazakhstan’s soil that is undergone to desertification: about 70%.
№ 108
$$1 The main anthropogenic cause of desertification is: excessive livestock grazing.
№ 109
$$1 The natural reason of desertification is: wind and water erosion.
№ 110
$$1 Erosion is the loss of soil that results from: abiotic factors.
№ 111
$$1 The organic part of the soil that helps it to retain its moisture and nutrients is: humus.
№ 112
$$1 Term “Sustainable development” referred to ecology was first introduced at: Earth Declaration on environment and development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
№ 113
$$1 The primary body responsible for nature protection in Kazakhstan is: Ministry of Environment Protection.
№ 114
$$1 Sustainable use of natural resources means that they should be: ensured the durability of them for future generations.
№ 115
$$1 The basic nature protection law of Kazakhstan is: Ecological Code.
№ 116
$$1 The basic national current document about environment safety of Kazakhstan: Concept of Ecological Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004-2015.
№ 117
$$1 The International basic document about ozone layer safety is: Montreal Protocol.
№ 118
$$1 The International basic document about greenhouse gases control is: Kyoto Protocol.
№ 119
$$1 The International Convention on control of persistent organic pollutants is: Stockholm convention.
№ 120
$$1 The International Convention about wildlife protection is: Convention on Biological Diversity.
№ 121
$$1The intraspecific competition is the: competition among members of the same species.
№ 122
$$1 A population that is growing exponentially in the absence of limiting factors can be illustrated by: J-shaped curve.
№ 123
$$1 T hree functional groups of an ecosystems are: producers, consumers, decomposers.
№ 124
$$1 Global biogeochemical cycles are: processes by which inorganic material move from the atmosphere.
№ 125
$$1 The range of conditions to which an organism is adapted is called its: range of tolerance.
№ 126
$$1 The … is all the members of a species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group: population.
№ 127
$$1 Herbivores and carnivores are on the: second, third trophic level.
№ 128
$$1 Polar, tundra, taiga, desert and etc. there are several kinds of: land biomes.
№ 129
$$1 The 2nd and the 3rd stages of demographic transition are characterized by: low death rate and high birth rate.
№ 130
$$1 Biologists recognize 2 general types of food chains. They are: grazer, decomposer.
№ 131
$$1 The law of minimum was discovered by the: J. Liebig.
№ 132
$$1 Growth rate = crude birth rate – crude death rate.
№ 133
$$1 … is the specific region in which an organism lives: habitat.
№ 134
$$1 Population growth rate is: individuals number change in a population over specific period of time.
№ 135
$$1 What is Synecology? The ecology of communities.
№ 136
$$1 All the members of the species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group it’s: population.
№ 137
$$1 Sustainable development means that: our generations’ economic development must not risk the ability of future generations to foster their own economic development.
№ 138
$$1 When term “biosphere” was proposed? 1875.
№ 139
$$1 …is an area of the earth where life exists: biosphere.
№ 140
$$1 Abiotic factors are: the nonliving components of an ecosystem.
№ 141
$$1 … are the organisms that are adapted to drought and environmental water shortage: xerophytes.
№ 142
$$1 Find out nonrenewable resource: fossil fuel, mineral, oil, gas. (это пример, выбирайте по вариантам)
№ 143
$$1 Organism with body temperature depending on environmental temperature it’s: poikilothermics.
№ 144
$$1 Difference between J-shaped and S-shaped curve: J-shaped curve – occurs indefinitely at an ever-increasing rate, S-shaped curve – occurs because of environmental resistance.
№ 145
$$1 Population Density is: a number of individuals per unit area.
№ 146
$$1 All the members of a species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group it’s: population.
№ 147
$$1 The subject of demography is: the factors that affect rates of birth, death on population.
№ 148
$$1 How many ecological groups has an ecosystem? 3.
№ 149
$$1 Two species cannot occupy the same niches for long according what rule? The competitive exclusion principle.
№ 150
$$1 Biome is: one of several immense terrestrial regions, each characterized throughout extent by similar plants, animals, climate, and soil type.
№ 151
$$1 Herbivore is anorganism that feeds exclusively on: plants.
№ 152
$$1 Position of organism in a food chain is called: trophic level.
№ 153
$$1 Term “biosphere” was produces by: E. Zuess (1875).
№ 154
$$1 From Greek “noos” means: consciousness.
№ 155
$$1 How many tons of carbon dioxide are added to the atmosphere each year? 7 Billion.
№ 156
$$1 Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by: infrared radiation escaping from the Earth’s surface and radiates it back to Earth, acting much like the glass in a greenhouse;
Plants, autotrophs;
№ 157
$$1 Poikilothermic are organisms with: a body temperature depending on environment temperature.
№ 158
$$1 If a body temperature of organism depends on environment temperature, it is called: poikilothermic organism.
№ 159
$$1 The area of the earth occupied with living things is called: biosphere.
№ 160
$$1 In the stratosphere ozone exists as a layer: from 15 to 55 km above the earth, where it forms an important barrier against harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays from the sun.
№ 161
$$1 …. exists as a layer 15 to 55 km above the earth, where it forms an important barrier against harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays from the sun: Stratospheric ozone.
№ 162
$$1 Organism, such a plant, producers its own food generally via photosynthesis is called: Autotroph (producer).
$$1 The organisms with body temperature not depending on environment temperature is called: homeothermics.
№ 164
$$1 The two-part process in plants and algae involving the capture of sunlight and its conversion into cellular energy and amino acids from carbon dioxide, water and energy from sun is called: Photosynthesis.
№ 165
$$1 The chemical or physical factor that determines whether an organism can survive in a given ecosystem is: abiotic factor.
№ 166
$$1 Factors that affect populations regardless of population density is called: density-independent factors.
№ 167
$$1 Principle of tolerance limits was discovered by: V. Shelford.
№ 168
$$1 The biological balance between an organism and its environment is called: homeostasis.
№ 169
$$1 Ecological factors are divided into… groups: 3.
№ 170
$$1 Biotic factors are divided in … groups: 3.
№ 171
$$1… is a kind of relationship when one organism feeds directly upon another living organism (prey): predation.
$$1 … isa kind of relationship when one organism feeds on another living organism (host) or steal resources from it without killing it: parasitism.
№ 173
$$1 In some interactions, called…, one species benefits and the other apparently suffers no harm: commensalistic
№ 174
$$1 In … interactions both species benefit: mutualistic.
№ 175
$$1 Symbiosis – is a type of … relationship between different species in close association with one another: nonantagonistic.
$$1 … is the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems: biological diversity.
$$1 … is a kind of antagonistic relationship within a community. A struggle between two or more groups for a limited resource: competition.
$$1 … (in general) is anything used by organisms to meet their needs: Resource.
$$1Limiting factor is: a chemical or physical factor that determines whether an organism can survive in a given ecosystem.
№ 180
$$1 … is the age structure that is illustrated as a pyramid with the length of each tier showing the number of males (left side) and number of females (right side) in a particular age group of individuals: population pyramid.
$$1 The term …. refers to the movement of people into country: immigration.
$$1 The term … refers to the movement of people out of the country: emigration.
$$1Crude Birth rate (Natality) is the number of births per? people in a population: 1000.
$$1 Crude Birth rate (Natality) is: the number of births per 1000 people in a population.
$$1…. Is the number of deaths per 1000 people: mortality.
$$1Growth rate isequal 15\1000. This means that every: 15 people join the world population for every 1000 people in the population.
$$1 … in a given population depends on the following: the birth rate: Birth rate.
- the age at which women and men get married
- their educational levels
- whether the woman works after marriage
- the number of children woman and her husband want
- their cultural values and religious beliefs.
$$1… is the number of organisms the Earth can support: carrying capacity.
$$1 …is determined by resource availability, including food supplies and the environment’s capacity to absorb and detoxify wastes: the carrying capacity of the Earth.
$$1Doubling time = 70/growth rate (%).
$$1 … is the maximum reproductive rate of an organism, unlimited resources and ideal environmental conditions: Biotic potential (in natural environment).
№ 193
$$1…is an organism’s place in the ecosystem: where it lives, what it consumes, what consumes it, and how it interacts with all biotic and abiotic factors: the ecological niche.
$$1 … begin with plants and algae: grazer food chains.
$$1 … begin with dead material: decomposer food chains.
$$1 Carbon cycle is the cycling of carbon between: organisms and the environment.
$$1…is a specific nutrient and energy pathway in an ecosystem in which bacteria and fungi consume dead plants and animals as well as animal wastes: decomposer food chain.
$$1 …are the processes by which inorganic materials move from the atmosphere or soil into living organisms and back again: global biogeochemical cycle.
$$1 Two main processes in the oxygen-carbon cycle are: photosynthesis and metabolism.
$$1Atmospheric carbon dioxide absorb by:: infrared radiation escaping from the Earth’s surface and radiates it back to Earth, acting much like the glass in a greenhouse.
$$1 … are submitted only renewable by resources of substances, energy and information which are taking place under the control alive organisms: resources of ecosphere.
$$1 … in which except for a part of resources of the ecosphere, seized by the man and pulled out from the biotic circulation, enter and nonrenewable resources extracted from depth: resources of technosphere.
$$1 …is a strategy to reduce resource use by returning used or waste materials from the consumption phase to the production phase of the economy: recycling.
$$1 … are the biotic and abiotic factors that tend to decrease population growth and help balance populations and ecosystems, offsetting growth factors: reduction factors.
$$1Two environmental impacts of anthropogenic factor are: depletion problems, pollution problems.
$$1 “Quasi-nature” is: an environment changed by human.
$$1…cannot be self-regulated for a long time. It includes cultural landscapes, for example: gardens, parks, pasture etc: “ Quasi-nature” or “Second nature”.
$$1 “Art-nature” is: environment created by people. It includes factories, plants, houses, cities
$$1Find out the “art-nature”: смотреть по вариантам;
Art-nature is environment created by people. It includes factories, plants, houses, cities. (определение в помощь)
$$1Air, water and soil pollutants are classified: by the medium they contaminated.
$$1Solid and liquid waste obtained in processing and chemical industry, the waste of consumption, agricultural waste, chemical waste, emergency emissions, atmospheric emissions of poison substances are: The basic sources of ground pollution.
$$1 … are chemical wastes in factories and plants and releasing them into the air or water or storing them incorrectly: industrial sources of pollutions.
$$1… of pollutions are chemicals called pesticides that are manufactured by farmers to control insects other pests: agricultural sources.
$$1 …are chemicals that kill undesirable plants: herbicides.
$$1…are chemicals that kill undesirable fungi: fungicides.
$$1…are chemicals that kill undesirable insects: insecticides.
$$1 …are chemicals (or radiation) that damage or alter genetic materials in cells: mutagens.
$$1 …is substances that cause cancer: carcinogens.
Вопрос №219
$$1… is chemicals or the other factors that specifically cause abnormalities during embryonic growth and development: teratogens.
$$1 …of pollutions are household wastes (solid) and sewage (liquid): domestic sources.
$$1To prevent sewage from flowing into rivers and lakes it is need to: develop sewage treatment facilities.
$$1 Mechanism that explains atmospheric heating caused by increasing carbon dioxide is called: Greenhouse effect.
$$1 ….is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of an ecosystem: Pollution.
$$1 …are those are directly poisonous to humans and other life forms: toxic waste.
$$1 …are those are capable of harming people and the environment (acidic resins, arsenic, heavy metals, organic solvents, pesticides and radioactive materials: hazardous waste.
$$1 …are that result from some effect acting on primary pollutants (tropospheric ozone, acid rains, photochemical smog): secondary pollutant.
$$1 …is any several naturally occurring or anthropogenic gas that heat escaping from the Earth’ surface, causing the atmosphere to heat up: Greenhouse gas.
$$1 Pollution is: an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of an ecosystem.
$$1Influence of human activities to global warming by the following: industry, agriculture, deforestation.
$$1 When and where was adopted Frame convention on climate change: 1992, Rio de Janeiro.
$$1 …is a state when water becomes so over-enriched with nutrients that organisms such as algae and phytoplankton multiply: Eutrophication.
$$1…is an organism that eats both plants and animals: omnivore.
$$1. Movement of people across state and national boundaries to set up new residence is called: migration.
$$1Economic system that to meet human needs while protecting the life-support system of the biosphere is called: Sustainable economics.
$$1… is a long-term process of change in organisms cause by random genetic changes that favor the survival and reproduction of the organism possessing the genetic change: Evolution.
$$1 Call the Prevention measures of pollution from waste: Reuse, Replace, Recycle, Re-invent.
$$1 …is a by-product of modern atmospheric pollution – secondary pollutant (pH is bellow 5): Acid Rain.
$$1 …causes vision reduction and irritation of eyes, nose throat: Dry smog.
The main physical reaction is: the atmospheric temperature inversion.
$$1 …at ground level, it is poisonous to life: Tropospheric ozone.
$$1 … is an international political agreement about ozone layer protection: Montreal Protocol (MP, 1987).