(Part 1)
Special education teachers work with children and youths who have a variety of disabilities. A small number of special education teachers work with students with severe cognitive, emotional, or physical disabilities, primarily teaching them life skills and basic literacy. However, the majority of special education teachers work with children with mild to moderate disabilities, using or modifying the general education curriculum to meet the child's individual needs and providing required remedial instruction. Most special education teachers instruct students at the preschool, elementary, middle, and secondary school level, although some work with infants and toddlers.
The various types of disabilities that may qualify individuals for special education programs are as follows: specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairments, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, visual impairments, autism, combined deafness and blindness, traumatic brain injury, and other health impairments. Students are identified under one or more of these categories. Early identification of a child with special needs is an important part of a special education teacher's job, because early intervention is essential in educating children with disabilities.
Special education teachers use various techniques to promote learning. Depending on the student, teaching methods can include intensive individualized instruction, problem-solving assignments, and small-group work. When students need special accommodations to learn the general curriculum or to take a test, special education teachers ensure that appropriate accommodations are provided, such as having material read orally or lengthening the time allowed to take the test.
Special education teachers help to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student receiving special education. The IEP sets personalized goals for the student and is tailored to that student's individual needs and abilities. When appropriate, the program includes a transition plan outlining specific steps to prepare students for middle school or high school or, in the case of older students, a job or postsecondary study. Teachers review the IEP with the student's parents, school administrators, and the student's general education teachers. Teachers work closely with parents to inform them of their children's progress and suggest techniques to promote learning outside of school.
· disability – нетрудоспособность, бессилие, беспомощность; зд.: неспособность к учебе
· severe – тяжёлый, сильный
· literacy – грамотность, способность писать и читать
· mild to moderate – от лёгких до умеренных
· curriculum – курс обучения, учебный план
· to meet the needs – соответствовать потребностям
· required – необходимый, обязательный
· remedial – лечебный, коррективный
· toddler – ребенок, начинающий ходить
· to qualify for – давать право на что-либо
· learning disability – затруднения при обучении; трудности обучения;
· impairment – ухудшение, повреждение
· mental retardation – задержка умственного развития
· disturbance – нарушение, расстройство, отклонение
· deafness – глухота
· blindness – слепота
· brain injury – повреждение мозга
· intervention – вмешательство
· intensive individualized instruction – интенсивное индивидуальное обучение
· problem-solving assignments – задания на решение проблем
· accommodation – помещение
· to ensure – гарантировать
· appropriate – подходящий, соответствующий
· to tailor to – приспосабливать для чего-л.
· transition plan – зд.: последовательный план
· to review – пересматривать, корректировать
1. Complete the following sentences in a logical way:
a. Special education teachers use various ….
b. Early identification of a child with special needs is …
c. Teachers work closely with ….
d. Depending on the student, teaching methods can include ….
e. The majority of special education teachers work with children with mild ….
2. Answer the questions about the special education teachers:
1. What techniques do special education teachers use to promote learning?
2. What types of disabilities do special education teachers work with?
3. Why do teachers work closely with parents?
4. With whom do special education teachers work?
5. What is IEP?
6. Why early identification of a child with special needs is an important part of a special education teacher's job?