III. Internship overview

Bang College of Business

Department of Accounting






Prepared by: Alibek Makhambetob

Program: BSC

ID: 20120740


I. Overview of Internship

  1. Student name: Alibek Makhambetov

ID: 20120740

Program & specialization: BSC, accounting

  1. Internship dates/Period: 28.01.2016-
  2. Internship company name: ТОО «Завод Казахской Академии питания «Амиран»

department/division: Finance-Sales

address: Tolebi street 127

contact numbers: +7(72774)42263

e-mail: amiran_almaty@mail.ru

  1. Internship company supervisor’s name: Timur Suyumbaev – Sales Manager


Internship objectives

· To understand agro business sector

· To understand process of manufacturing

· To understand process of collection information and sale system

· Process of analyzing and making decision from collected information

Job scope

· Collecting data from sale places of company “ с точек продаж”

· Fill blanks and count amounts from weekly sales

· Analyze and give result of clear number of product for tomorrow manufacturing

· Give information to accounting department

Benefits to the company

Clear and new analytical ideas from young generation will help to solve or prevent issues, especially for today. Company needs someone who can collect and analyze informations which are deeply relates with sales and can give clear decision.

Benefits to student

For people who doesn’t want sit in boring and hot office whole day, do not want to work only with numbers which does not make any sense, this job can help to understand whole concept of business. You may feel how business really works and to feel that your job can impacts to full company. To introducing new aspects of business which is much interesting and necessary for developing of our country.

Problems and difficulties if any faced during the internship period

To remember whole sale places of company in city “точки продажи”, to communicate and understand with people inside and outside of company. Difficulties in sum up and to give results of sales during week. Right amount of product for next week and count total revenue during week for preparing income statement.

II. Organization part

“Amiran” is new agro milk organization which started their existing not so far. They produce naturally pure milk products which do not contain any chemical additional substances. The idea of opening new industry started from our president speech in December 21, 2010. As a historical event, according to the words of opening of our factory: "It is important part that now introducing company which produce baby food, which is in short supply in our country. I always put this problem lack of businesses in Kazakhstan for healthy products. For today problems in children with a healthy are very much as a allergies, lack of mother's milk, etc. I think you're our kids did a great job." After these words Kazakhstan Kazakh Academy of Nutrition "Amiran" started of production therapeutic and prophylactic milk food for children and adults. The factory is located in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Talgar district, near Almaty city. By total number of employees 121 workers. Investments in construction of the plant are around 1 billion 300 million tenge.


Today the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition "Amiran" is known as the first in Kazakhstan who produce baby and natural milk which is made from natural whole milk of the highest quality. It has more advantages compare with other milk products because milk at whole natural, not restored, without any additional chemical treatments. In the process of production of the also was used raw materials which are added beneficial for health. As a example microorganisms which were grown in laboratory conditions at the plant, which are actively involved in food digestion and suppress harmful (putrid) intestinal microflora.


The company "Amiran" - it's more a social project, not a commercial. Goal of company is that to produce product which are available to the public. Also as main concept company keeps strategy to ensure children with baby milk of domestic rather than foreign products. Industry produces 12 tons of milk per day, and produces 5 types of different products for children from 6 months of age: (could not translate it in English)

1. Молоко питьевое детское и для приготовления каш, 3,2%, 230 мл.
2. Детский кисломолочный продукт, 3,5%, 180 гр.
3. Паста твороженная детская, 9%, 100 гр.
4. Творог зернистый детский, 9%, 100 гр.
5. Йогурт детский "живой", 2,8%, 180 гр.

For adults:

1. Простокваша кисломолочный продукт "живой", 3,5%, 400 гр.
2. Сыворотка молочная, 0,2%, 500 мл.
3. Сыворотка молочная, 0,2%, 1 л.
4. Творог, 9%, 500 гр.
5. Творог, 9%, 250 гр.
6. Творог, 0%, 500 гр.
7. Творог, 0%, 250 гр.
8. Сметана, 20%, 1000 гр.
9. Сметана, 20%, 400 гр.
10. Сметана, 20%, 150 гр.
11. Молоко, 3,2%, 0,8 л.
12. Молоко, 2,5%, 0,8 л.
13. Кефир, 3,2%, 0,5 л.
14. Кефир, 2,5%, 0,5 л.
15. Масло топленое, 99%, 900 гр.


“Amiran” is not only organization which covers only with producing; they also modify it and try to make it more naturally. I’ve got chance to see the whole process of producing from raw material till finish good. For Kazakhstanic market where so many competitors in milk industry, Amiran achieved high results in satisfaction of customers. However some process still didn’t establish well, therefore so many misunderstanding between employees and customers. During next paragraphs will try to explain my experience and ideas about industry itself which I met during my internship.

“Amiran” Agro Project

As was said before “Amiran” not only produces milk products, they also modified it, make it better and healthy for people.

For first challenges for "Amiran" was the lack of raw materials (milk necessary quality) in the local market, so they had to import milk from Kyrgyzstan, which is much more expensive. Sometimes it was impossible to import from neighbor country because of problems in transportation and in country itself. Therefore organization decides to create own agro place where supply of milk will be from own organization and you may regulate amount and time of supplying.

The founder of the company Yong Ruslan Borisovich decided to establish agricultural complex, which includes "Amiran" milk processing plant, the Department of "Amiran Agro", which includes:

1. 1870 hectares of irrigated land;

2. Mechanized station for the processing of complex mechanization of agricultural land;

3. Dairy farms in content and growing cows and milk production in the amount of 8.76 million liters of milk per year or 24 000 liters per day

III. Internship overview

From the beginning of internship I met my first troubles from learning materials and to remember people and their responsibilities. Let me explain events and any activities by each week.

My first days of first week were introduction and kind of adaptation with main process of industry. My first responsibility was conducted with invoices with surface sheet and their amount of products and prices for each. Also I introduced with seller of shops around sity cause next several weeks I worked mostly with them. After several days I started to work only with two shop places. My job was to visit those places and to check surface sheet which is gives information about amount of products which came for today and by sum up amounts of today’s coming products by price. Moreover, additionally I sum up number of sold product and left products. Seems like easy job, but for company is really important.

Company supplies milk products to supermarkets or special shop near medicine center for children or near pharmacy. By location shops near medicine center and pharmacy shows to customer that production of Amiran mostly close to healthy region than just a business. Several times I needed to talk with customers to make sure that what kind of products customers prefer more and do they satisfy of quality and price of products.


The main advantages and in same time disadvantages of Amirans’ products is time limit of using. For most of milk products time using is around 2 weeks and 4 weeks, however for Amirans’ products around 4-7 days, even for some of them 2-3 days as well. Therefore for industry it was important to know which products sell fast and which of them have low rate of selling.

This is sample of daily surface sheet of coming products for one shop place.

Surface sheet


(Накладной Лист)

Name Amount Price (in tenge) Total (in tenge)
Молоко питьевое детское и для приготовления каш, 3,2%, 230 мл.     4,500
Детский кисломолочный продукт, 3,5%, 180 гр.     5,000
Йогурт детский "живой", 2,8%, 180 гр.     3,750
Простокваша кисломолочный продукт "живой", 3,5%, 400 гр.     7,500
Сыворотка молочная, 0,2%, 1 л.     8,000
Кефир, 2,5%, 0,5 л.     6,000
Молоко, 3,2%, 0,8 л.     8,750
Молоко, 2,5%, 0,8 л.     6,000

(Prices for products were changed)

Name and position

Signature and stamp



Each selling places has specific demands for product, for some regions of city as Orbita prefer more milk neither yogurt to use, or place as Tastak customers prefer more to use “tvorog” and “sivorotka”(milk products). By keeping mind this fact during internship I specified probably amount for demand for each region. Each day I called to manufacture place and gave number for each different types of milk product for delivering it for next day morning.

Here comes another question what happened with products which using time already passed?

In the end of day seller prepays another surface sheet for return. Seller mention there name of product and amount which should be return to factory, for using it in another purpose. I also controlled this process by meeting with deliver driver and to give him documents and products itself.

As I told before it was hard to work with employees from selling shops. Reason was honesty of people and their life problems. When I count number of sold products and number of left products from surface sheet, I also counted amount of money which was earn during day. Problem was not enough money for total amount which I sum up. Some employees said that they used that amount for personal needs and they will give back later, some of them said that they don’t know or someone stole money when seller sold, some of them do not allow fact that there is not enough money. Seems like, it’s just human factor where 100-200tenge miss do not consider seriously, however in the end of month after sum up full amount those 100-200 tenge becomes huge amount. For the end of the month accountant count total amount of sales revenue and in this case sometimes was mismatching with numbers where I needed to explain how I count that amount.

After several weeks sales manager gave me additional places, and honestly during internship I knew so many places for whole city which has different customers with different demands.

During internship my coordinator was sales manager who started own career in same position as me, and mostly he knows about main sale process and situation of market itself closely than other employee in office. Sales manager for first time gave me advises for how to communicate with sellers in shops and customers, how to make conversation by explaining detail information and in same time to manage documents as invoices and surface sheet for return (cause surface sheet is almost same table but without any information and I needed to fill it by myself).

At the end of each week I submitted all materials and amounts of cash to accountant which review again all materials and amounts after completion accountant made transactions in 1C program by data which was given by me. Sometimes I got debate with accountant about what exactly total amount I should submit, another words mismatching with total amounts by my information and by accountant. In this case I informed some events which was happen during week, cause I made some notes for some cases. My sheets were stamped by sales manager which daily I submitted to him for review and check, therefore accountant for first time called to sales manager for make sure, but in the end of internship she started just agree.



Internship for me was good experience where I got good knowledge of sales industry. Furthermore I learned to communicate with customers where basic knowledge marketing was helpful for me too. For me, that experience was more interesting where I understood that main process locates in those markets where you can influence to increase of revenue or in same time decrease it. Also that was big and necessary experience in industry where I can be totally sure that this kind of business is much more important for our country neither than commercial business. Can make sure that not so many people have idea what is agro business it is and how to make it. Cause this kind of business needs much more investment and jobs for realization. I hope those knowledge’s will help me to be successful in my own future business.


Places of shops

In the following lists you may find places of address where I worked directly:

1. Молочный киоск "Сары Арка"

ул. Алтынсарина (у к-ра "Сары Арка")

2. магазин "Сага"

ул. Кабанбай батыра, уг.ул. Калдаякова

3. магазин "РЭЙ", ТОО ANS

ул. Ходжанова, 88, уг.пр. Альфараби

4. магазин "Беназир"

ул. Аскарова, ЖК "Аль-Фараби"

5. магазин "РЭЙ", ТОО ANS

ул. Ходжанова, 88, уг.пр. Альфараби

6. Аптека А+,

м-он "Мамыр - 1", д.3 (Шаляпина-Момышулы)

7. Аптека № 30

ул. Майлина, 67, м-он "Алтай - 1"

8. Аптека № 2

ул. Фурманова, уг.ул. Гоголя

9. Аптека Плюс

ул. Ауэзова, уг.ул. Габдуллина

10. магазин "Айналайын"

ул. Омарова, 54, м-он "Кулагер"



1. Pandaland (). Какое молоко пьют алматинцы?. Retrieved from: https://pandaland.kz/articles/beremennost-i-rody/pitanie/kakoe-moloko-pyut-almatincy

2. Website of company: https://amiran.kz/




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