a) Find the professional words.

Theme: Suspended ceiling

I. Topic presentation

Our topic is suspended ceiling.

By the end of the lessons you’ll have known how to tell to prepare to suspended ceiling



The preparation of the ceiling before installing the suspended ceiling

The Importance of preparation

Necessary steps prior to installation

· The emancipation of the working space

· Sweeptheceiling

· Thelightingdevice

· Preparationofwalls

· Themarkings

If you decide to make repairs in the apartment, your choice is commendable. This finish has many advantages, including the original appearance. Decorative painting in this case is stretched over the fixed around the perimeter of the room, metal profile (baguette). Preparingtheceilingforsuspendedceilingmustbespent.

Work to the maximum to vacate the premises

The importance of training

If in advance to prepare thoroughly, your finish will have the following advantages: will not respond to changes in temperature and sag; it never will be compressed; will not absorb any odors.

To the web tension should complete the stages of construction, which are associated with dust and dirt: install Windows and doors, align the walls, clean the ceiling, to hold the electrics, ventilation etc.


premise [ˈpremɪs] помещение

sag [sæg] провисать,

compressed [kəmˈprest] сжатый


Attention! After preparing the room and the ceiling under the suspended ceiling is hung, the room should be closed to avoid temperature fluctuations. It should not fall below a mark of +10 degrees.


Find the verbs in the Passive Voice.


IV. Vocabulary Practice.

a) Find the professional words.

b) Read and translate

In preparing the ceiling to the suspended ceiling should do the following:

remove the slabs remnants of crumbling paint or putty;

check the joints of the ceiling and walls and to eliminate detected defects;

processing the surface of the ceiling with primer.

slab [slæb] пластина

remnant [ˈremnənt] остаток

проверить стыки потолка и стен и для устранения выявленных дефектов;

primer [ˈpraɪmə] грунтовка


Please note! In a finish ceiling does not need to align and paint, because it will be hidden from the eyes of decorative material. But, by taking these actions, you protect it from further damage the small particles falling off.


Illumination device preparation of the ceiling before installing the suspended ceiling provides that there will be wiring and locations are planned, which should be lighting — chandeliers or spotlights.

installation of electrical devices must be done only by electrician.


Note! To prevent the artificial material from getting too hot, use incandescent lamps up to 60W or halogen lamps up to 35W. When choosing energy-efficient led bulbs, the incandescent power does not matter, because they are practically not heated.

Be sure to check the quality of the wiring and specify the location of ventilation pipes and other large elements that will hide the surface of the future ceiling. It is necessary that then it would not necessary to dismantle ready stretched cloth.


b) Find the words with the opposite meanings.

Preparation of walls

At this stage you need to act in this order:

In the room where you are going to do the repair, it is necessary to remove from the walls of old Wallpaper or paint (otherwise the construction dust settles on a finished ceiling).







• Wallpaper paste at the end of installation work, otherwise they can be damaged.

• If you are going to put on dry wall or plaster, liquid Wallpaper, clean them more thoroughly — up to brick, concrete slabs or plaster. Don't forget the screws and nails need to be remove and existing cracks to embroider.

• With plaster, stucco or cement mortar to repair defects. Most deep cracks sealed in several stages — first the plaster, then plaster or cement-sand mortar. Give each layer time to dry.





c) Match pairs


1. Наклейте на трещины пропитанную клеем ПВА марлю и полностью зашпаклюйте такие участки.

2. Обработайте подготовленные поверхности грунтовкой.

3. После ее высыхания стены будут готовы к окончательной отделке.


A. Treat the prepared surface with primer.



B. After it dries the wall will be ready for the final finish.


C. Stick the cracks soaked with white glue and gauze fully putty such sites.


putty [ˈpʌtɪ] замазка, шпатлевка, шпаклевка, мастика


V. Reading

After completion of these works begin to prepare the ceiling for installation of suspended ceiling, in other words, do the layout for mounting the profile.After completion of these works begin to prepare the ceiling for installation of suspended ceiling, in other words, do the layout for mounting the profile.

Before you wash off the plaster from the ceiling, you need to care about the safety of the things inside the room.

After the preparatory work is to attend to and protection of their own health. A number of tips to clean off the plaster from the ceiling and prevent it from falling into the eyes and lungs, includes the use of safety glasses and a mask filter. To protect the skin from dryness and irritation is to acquire and gloves. The question how to clean the ceiling of the old whitewash, with the help of a table, or ladders will also have to decide whether it is desirable that as the height of someone from the family performs at least the minimum insurance.



name the safety precaution



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