Read the text to find out which sentences below true or false.

Краткая аннотация

Данный краеведческий текст предназначен для изучения как на уроках английского языка в 6 - 7 классах так и во внеурочной деятельности. Текст может быть использован в процессе работы над темами «Праздники в России», «Мой родной город», при сопоставлении праздников «День Святого Валентина в англоговорящих странах» и «День семьи, любви и верности в России», «Муромские святые: Петр и Феврония». Текст посвящен Муромским святым Петру и Февронии и зарождению нового праздника в России «Дня семьи, любви и верности». В соответствии с возрастными особенностями обучающихся предлагается сочетание эмоционально-познавательной и познавательно-поисковой методики изучения истории родного края на уроках английского языка.Лексико – грамматический материал данного текста, его объем и задания соответствуют уровню подготовленности учащихся 6 – 7 классов.

Предтекстовый этап

1. Look at the picture. Who are in the picture? What do you know about these people? What would you like to know about them?

Match the Russian and English equivalents

  Love is blind A Любовь не замок, не закроешь
  Love laughs at locks myths B Любовь слепа
  Love will find a way C Любовь найдет себе дорог
  Love me little, love long D Себялюбие - корень всех зол
  Love me, love my dog E Любовь движет миром
  Love of money is the root of all evil F В любви, как и на войне все дозволено
  All is fair in love and war G Люби меня не сильно, люби долго
  It is love mat makes the world go round H Любишь меня, люби мою собаку

Find the Russian equivalents of the following words,use adictionary

1.saint а) жениться b) лечить
3. tо cure c) святой
4. tomarry d) единственный
5. theonly e) воля
6. inspiteof f) могила
7. will g) верность
8. grave h) не смотря на
9. thelovers i) государственный
10. pray j) пара
11. their relics are kept k) ромашка
12. state l) их мощи хранятся
13. daisy m) любимые
14. couple n) молиться
15. to wish o) нежный
16. tender p) желать


1. Read the text and answer the question «WherearePeter and Phevroniaʾs relics kept? »

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

There is a beautiful legend about Peter and Phevronia and their great love. These saints help people in love and families. The history of this holiday began on the 13th century when Peter, Grand Duke of Murom, was very ill and nobody could help him. Only a young country girl, whose name was Phevronia,cured him.

Peter promised to marry Phevronia but did not keep the promise and he became ill again. So Peter had nothing to do but to marry Phevronia, but soon he realized that she was his only love.

Peter and Phevroniadied the same time on July 8. In spite of their will the lovers were buried in different temples but the next morning people found them in the same grave. Since then young people pray to Peter and Phevronia for great love and older people ask them for harmony in families. They are Murom saints and their relics are kept in Saint-Trinity monastery in the old town of Murom that is situated on the river Oka. Many people go there to ask Peter and Phevronia for help in love and marriage matters.

In 2008 it became a state holiday in Russia. On the 8th of July people in Russia celebrate The All-Russia Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity. The symbol of this holiday is a daisy because it is a very clean, nice and tender flower. It is a symbol of love, family and fidelity. In Murom there is Peter and Phevronia's sculpture imaged by Nikolai Scherbakov. Many young couples would like to marry exactly on the 8th of July.

There is a tradition to present daisies and flowers.


Find and write out necessary information from the text

The name of the holiday  
The history of the holiday  



Read the text to find out which sentences below true or false.


a) The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a Russian national holiday.

b) This holiday is very old.

c) Peter and Phevronia are Russian Saints.

d) The symbol of this holiday is a daisy.

e) Their relic is kept in Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery.


3. Complete the following statements with the phrases:

a) The history of this holiday began…

b) Peter promised to marry Phevronia but….

c) Peter and Phevroniadied….

d) Many people go there to ask Peter and Phevronia…

e) In 2008 it became

f) The symbol of this holiday……

g) In Murom there is…….

h) Many young couples would like…..




Предтекстовый этап












1. c

2. g

3. b

4. a

5. d

6. h

7. e

8. f

9. m


11. l

12. i

13. k

14. j

15. p

16. o



a. True

b. False

c. True

d. True

e. False


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