Расскажите, пожалуйста, об успешном групповом проекте, в котором Вы участвовали.

In my last position, I was part of a software implementation team. We all worked together to plan and manage the implementation schedule, to provide customer training, and ensure a smooth transition for our customers. Our team always completed our projects ahead of schedule with very positive reviews from our clients.

Вы когда-нибудь испытывали трудности в работе с Вашим начальником?

I had a rocky start with a manager once, because we had different expectations for the flow of the workday. Once we talked about it, we realized that our goals were very compatible, and we were able to work very successfully together for several years.

Нравится ли Вам работать в команде?

I enjoy working in a team environment, and I get along well with people. In my past work experience, I implemented a system to help organize the communication between my coworkers to enhance our productivity as a team.

I believe that different team members contribute different perspectives, and the synergy between team members can produce creative and productive results.

Каков может быть Ваш вклад в работу группы?

I believe that I have a lot to contribute to a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles. I'm outgoing, friendly, and have strong communication skills





I Improving sentence clarity


There are numerous strategies for improving the clarity of sentences in different types of academic writing.

Going from old to new information

It is usually recommended to introduce your readers to the "big picture" first by giving them information they already know. Then they can link what's familiar to the new information you give them. As that new information becomes familiar, it too becomes old information that can link to newer information. In linguistics, this rule is generally referred to as a ‘topic-comment relation’ which applies to sentences as well as texts.

The following sentence is clear and understandable because it uses old information to lead to new information:

Every semester after final exams are over, I'm faced with the problem of what to do with books of lecture notes (new information). They (old) might be useful some day, but they just keep piling up on my bookcase (new). Someday, it (old) will collapse under the weight of information I might never need.

Here is a sentence that is not as clear. It moves from new information to old information:

Lately, most movies I've seen have been merely second-rate entertainment, but occasionally there are some with worthwhile themes. The rapid disappearance of the Indian culture (new) is the topic of a recent movie (old) I saw.

A clearer version that moves from old information to new information might look like this:

Lately, most movies I've seen have been merely second-rate entertainment, but occasionally there are some with worthwhile themes. One recent movie (old) I saw was about the rapid disappearance of the Indian culture. (new)

Transitional words

There are many words in English that cue readers to relationships between sentences, joining sentences together. See Units 4,6 and 7 for linking words and expressions.

Placement of subordinate clauses

Avoid interrupting the main clause with a subordinate clause if the interruption will cause confusion:

Clear (subordinate clause at the end):

Industrial spying is increasing rapidly because of the growing use of computers to store and process corporate information.

Clear (subordinate clause at the beginning):

Because of the growing use of computers to store and process corporate information, industrial spying is increasing rapidly.

Not as clear (subordinate clause embedded in the middle):

Industrial spying, because of the growing use of computers to store and process corporate information, is increasing rapidly.

Parallel constructions

When you have a series of words, phrases, or clauses, it might be advisable to put them in parallel form (similar grammatical construction) so that the reader can identify the linking relationship more easily and clearly.

Clear (parallel):

In Florida, where the threat of hurricanes is an annual event, we learned that it is important (1) to become aware of the warning signs, (2) to know what precautions to take, and (3) to decide when to seek shelter.

Not as clear (not parallel):

In Florida, where the threat of hurricanes is an annual event, we learned that it is important (1) to become aware of the warning signs. (2) There are precautions to take, and (3) deciding when to take shelter is important.

In the second sentence, the string of "things to be aware of in Florida" does not create a parallel structure. Also, it is more difficult for a reader to follow the meaning of the second sentence compared to the first one.


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