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Часть А

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When Macy Gray was at school, the other children made fun for her strange voice. “Every time I opened my mouth, the kids (A1)… at me,” she says. Things have changed for the 30 year-old American, who today (A2) …millions of records around the world. I asked Macy how this change happened. “I wrote some songs lyrics for friends of mine who were musicians. One day, when they wanted to record a song, the singer (A3) …. I sang for them and weeks later I (A4) … to sing for a jazz band.” Macy couldn’t believe that people liked her voice but then Atlantic Records invited her to join them. She was 24. In 1997 she was asked to record an album. “I still wasn’t sure that I (A5) … the right thing, but I thought I (A6) … music just one more time.” Her first album sold three million copies. She also won an award for best Female Singer. Macy has become the new voice of soul music but she (A7) … to stop singing after she has made her fourth album. “Nothing lasts forever,” she says. “I want to stop when I’m on top, and write books all day.”

A1 1) were laughed 2) are laughing 3) had laughed 4) laughed

A2 1) has sold 2)is sold 3) had sold 4) sold

A3. 1) wasn’t arrived 2) hasn’t arrived 3) didn’t arrive 4) isn’t arriving

A4. 1) was invited 2) invited 3) have invited 4) will invite

A5. 1)was done 2)have done 3) will do 4) was doing

A6. 1) will try 2)would try 3) was tried 4) have tried

A7. 1) is planned 2) has been planned 3) is planning 4) was planned

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Have you ever left your house wondering if you had locked the front door or turned off the cooker? Now you can stop worrying if you decide to turn your name (A8) … a smart one. Technology that was once reserved for (A9) … rich is becoming more and more available thank (A10) … the popularity of mobile phones and tablets. Setting (A11) … a smart home is all about connecting all the devices and household appliances into a network that you can control from any place in the world. Whether you are at … (a12) … work or on holiday, you can check what is going on in your house and react accordingly. A security system will detect a fire or inform you in … (A13) … case a burglar tries to break in. a smart home will control the lighting and room temperature resulting (A14) … lower electricity and heating bills.Once the house knows that you are getting up, it will turn on the coffee maker in the kitchen or put on your favourite news programme on TV. The list of cool smart home tricks goes on and they are aimed (A15) … making your life easier and more convenient.

A8. 1) on 2) at 3) into 4) for

A9. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) -

A10. 1) for 2) to 3) by 4) with

A11. 1) up 2) down 3) off 4) out

A12. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) –

A13. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) –

A14. 1) in 2) at 3) for 4) to

A15. 1) on 2) to 3) at 4) by

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A16. Detective series have been incredibly popular in the USA and the UK since the

1) fifty 2) fifties 3) fiftieth 4) fifty’s

A17. I’ll leave the door open … you can come in.

1) in order 2) so that 3) despite 4) so as

A18. It wasn’t a serious accident, but we took … names.

1) each other’s 2) each other 3) each’s others’ 4) each’s other

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A19. At present (1) most people (2) think money are important (3) for their lifestyle (4).

A20. Near the lake it is an old house (1) that (2) fell into ruin (3) about a hundred years ago (4).

A21. Schools usually take students (1) on trips to museums (2) but they’re normally not interested enough (3) for the students (4).

A22. Seals live in the ocean (1) and on land (2), like turtles (3) but they don’t lie eggs (4).


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There can be no (A23) … at all that the Internet has (A24) … a huge difference to our lives. However, most parents worry that their children spend too much time browsing the Internet or playing computer games, hardly (A25) … doing anything else in their (A26) … time. Naturally, parents want to know if these activities are (A27) … to their children. What should they do if their children spend hours (28) … at a computer screen? Obviously, if children spend too much time absorbed in some game instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. It is a good idea if parents and children decide together how much use should be (29) … of the Internet, and the child should promise that it won’t interfere with homework. If the child does not (30) … to their arrangement, parents can take some more drastic (31) …. Any parent who is seriously alarmed about a child’s behavior should make an appointment to (32) … the matter with a teacher.

A23. 1) doubt 2) reason 3) purpose 4) motive

A24. 1) done 2) made 3) taken 4) carried

A25. 1) always 2) rarely 3) never 4) ever

A26. 1) vacant 2) blank 3) spare 4) empty

A27. 1) successful 2) harmful 3) hateful 4) hurtful

A28. 1) watching 2) scanning 3) observing 4) staring

A29. 1) done 2) had 3) made 4) taken

A30. 1) stick 2) hold 3) follow 4) accept

A31. 1) rules 2) procedures 3) regulations 4) step

A32. 1) speak 2) discuss 3) talk 4) debate

A33. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Woman: If you have a few minutes, I’d like to talk with you about my project.

Man: Please go on.

What does the man mean?

1) He prefers to talk another time. 3) He would like the woman to continue.

2) He wants the woman to go away. 4) he doesn’t know what to think.

A34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.

No, I’m afraid I don’t.

1) What time do you want me to pick up this evening? 3) Shall I ring you late?

2) Do you mind if I make a phone call? 4) Do you know what Jim’s number is?

A35. Установите соответствия между репликами-стимулами 1-4 и ответными репликами A-E. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (A-E) является лишней.

1. Would you mind my using your phone? A. Of course, I’m always there for you.

2. Can I count on you? B. No, go ahead.

3. Would you like a cup a coffee? C. None at all.

4. Could you pass me the salt, please? D. Sure, here you are.

E. Oh, no, thanks.

1) 1D 2A 3C 4B 2) 1B 2C 3A 4E 3) 1D 2С 3B 4A 4) 1B 2A 3E 4D

A36. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

A. If only you could write my essay for me! I wish you were studying history too.

B. You’ve got a much better drawing programme on your machine. I want to do some fancy graphs.

C. I’ve got everything I need already. But if I could borrow your laptop for a couple of hours tonight, that’d help a lot.

D. You look really busy, Jackie. Can I do anything to help?

E. Yes, well I’m only a mathematician. I don’t know the first thing about history. But I could get some books out of the library for you if you like?

F. Yes, that’s fine but what’s wrong with your own computer?

1) D C B F E A 2) A F B D E C 3) A E F B D C 4) D A E C F B


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