Употребление союза both ... and


1. Отработка новой лексики. Особенности перевода интернациональных слов.

2. Словообразование.

3. Употребление союза both... and

4. Чтение.

5. Говорение. Работа с устными высказываниями по теме.


Отработка новой лексики. Особенности перевода интернациональных слов.



1.1. Найдите транскрипцию приведённых ниже слов в англо-русском словаре. Произнесите слова в соответствии с транскрипцией (см. Приложение1). Прослушайте слова (см. Введение.п. 2). (Find a transcription of the following words in the English-Russian dictionary. Say the words according to the transcription (see Application1). Listen to the words (see Introduction. item2.)


to change - менять(ся), обменивать(ся)

to explore - исследовать, обследовать

to influence - оказывать влияние, влиять

to process - обрабатывать

to record - записывать, регистрировать

influence sphere - сфера влияния

change of means - перемена средств

record diagram - диаграмма записей

influence line - линия влияния

mail - почта

space - пространство

place - место

number - число, количество

tape - телеграфная лента, лента

both... and - как..., так и


1.2. Найдите в тексте «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT» указанные в задании 1.1. слова. Запишите слова в контексте (см. Введение. п.1). (Find words pointed in the task 1.1. in the text «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT». Write down the words in a context (see Introduction. item1.)



Television. Television was used experimentally as far as 1930. But its popular use began only some ten years later. And in about twenty years colour television became dominant over black-and-white.

Audio and video recordings are most popular means of communication today. Also popular are filming and photography.

High-technology revolution in electronics influenced the sphere of com­munication and greatly changed it. The new technology used for space ex­ploration influenced modern communication both in offices and home. It became possible for business people to communicate with their colleagues in faraway places.

Computers and word processors serve this purpose and are being widely used in many offices all over the world.

The new technology has also influenced communication in everyday life. For example, it became possible for people to receive television programs through cables. Modern cable is a complex wire system that makes it possi­ble to transmit a number of television signals at the same time.

People today also widely use videotape recorders to record television programs. One of the most interesting inventions of today is also the usage of satellites for video and audio communication. People can receive programs through using satellites.


1.3. Прочитайте приведенные ниже слова. Обратите внимание на особенности перевода интернациональных слов (см. Введение. п.3.). Попытайтесь перевести слова без словаря. Запишите перевод этих слов, сверяясь со словарём. (Read the following words. Pay attention to the translation of international words (see Introduction. item3). Try to translate these words without a dictionary. Write down the translation of these words, referring to the dictionary.)


audio __________________________

colleague _______________________

dominant _______________________

diagram ________________________

processor _______________________

program ________________________

popular ________________________

system _________________________

technology ______________________

photography _____________________

television _______________________




2.1. Прочитайте Введение. п.4. Преобразуйте приведенные ниже существительные в глаголы, запишите перевод (см. образец). (Read Introduction. item4. Reverse the following nouns to the adverbs, write down the translation of the words (see Model.)

Образец (Model): recorder — to record; регистрирующий прибор — записывать

changer — to__________;___________ —____________

explorer — to__________;___________ —____________

processor — to_________;___________ —____________


2.2. Прочитайте Введение. п.4. Преобразуйте приведенные ниже глаголы в существительные, запишите перевод (см. образец). (Read Introduction. item4. Reverse the following verbs to nouns, write down translation of the words (see Model.)

Образец (Model): to place — place; помещать — место

to number —________________; ____________ —_______________

to mail —________________; ____________ —__________________

to tape —________________; ____________ —__________________

to change —________________; ____________ —________________


Употребление союза both... and

Союз both... and (и... и, как... так и) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях для соединения однородных членов предложения, причем, если союз соединяет подлежащее, сказуемое всегда стоит во множественном числе:
Both my friend and I like the opera. - И мой друг, и я любим оперу.
They liked both the acting and the music of the play. - Им понравилось как исполнение, так и музыка в пьесе.

3.1. Переведите предложения с союзом both... and. (Translate sentences with the union both... and.)

Both audio and video recordings serve as popular means of communi­cation.

Both computers and recorders are widely used in business sphere.

People can watch both colour and black-and-white television.


4.1. Прочитайте Введение. п.5. Следуя рекомендациям, прочитайте текст «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT» (п.1.2). (Read Introduction. item5. Following the recommendations, read the text «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT» (item 1.2.)


4.2. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы в тексте «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT» (п.1.2). (Find the answers to the following questions in the text «INFLUENCE OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT» (item 1.2.)


• For how long has television been used by people?

• What is the influence of the new technologies on communication?

• What are computers and word-processors used for?

• What are satellites used for?

• What is the purpose of mass communication?

• In what century were the telegraph and telephone invented?

• What means made it possible to change "early radio" into modern one?


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