IX. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной временной форме (the Present or Past Simple, Present or Past Continuous).


по английскому языку для студентов 1-го курса

заочной формы обучения


I. Вставьте возвратные местоимения myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

1. We wash ourselves or have our bath in the bathroom. 2. The boys wash themselves in the morning when they get up and in the evening when they go to bed. 3. John, dress himself and get ready to go to school. 4. Children, wash themselves and come and have dinner. 5. The boys undress themselves, go to the bathroom, wash themselves and go to bed. 6. I wash myself in the morning, when I come home from work and when I go to bed at night. 7. Ann washes herself, but she does not dress herself.


II. Вставьте необходимое местоимение в косвенном падеже.

1. Kate, listen to me, please. 2. Do you know that man? - Yes, I work with him. 3. Where is she? I want to talk to her. 4. I like this camera. I’ll buy it. 5. Those apples are bad. Don’t eat them.


III. Вставьте there is или there are и переведите.

1. There are four persons in my family. В моей семье 4 человека. 2. There are chairs and tables in the dining-room. В столовой есть стулья и столы. 3. In the kitchen there is a sink and in the bathroom there is a washbasin. На кухне находится раковина, а в ванной умывальник. 4. There are armchairs and a sofa in the sitting-room. В гостиной есть кресла и диван. 5. In my flat there are two rooms. В моей квартире 2 комнаты. 6. There is a large bookcase in Pavel Sedov’s sitting-room. В гостиной Павла Седова есть большой книжный шкаф. 7. There is a lamp over the table. Лампа висит на столом. 8. Under the window there is a radiator. Батарея находится под окном. 9. There is an alarm-clock on the bedside table near my bed. Будильник на ночном столике возле моей кровати. 10. There are many large houses in Minsk. В Минске много больших домов.


IV. Поставьте существительные и словосочетания во множественное число. Обратите внимание на артикли и указательные местоимения.

a star - stars, a mountain - mountains, a tree - trees, a man - men, the woman - the women, an eye - eyes, a shelf - shelves, a box - boxes, the city – the cities, a boy - boys, a goose - geese, a mouse - mice, a dress - dresses, the toy – the toys, the sheep - the sheep, a tooth - teeth, a child - children, the ox – the oxen, a deer - deer, the life – the lives, a tomato - tomatoes;

this egg – these eggs, that wall – those walls, that picture – those pictures, this foot – these feet, this lady – these ladies, that window – those windows, that match – those matches, this knife – these knives.


V. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. These rooms are very large. 2. There are matches in the boxes. 3. There are men and women in the streets. 4. These shoes are too large for my feet. 5. Why don’t you eat these potatoes? 6. These children study very well. 7. These stories are very interesting. 8. Are those women typists? - No, they aren’t. – What are they? – They are doctors. 9. These houses have balconies.


VI. Измените предложения, используйте притяжательный падеж.

Example: The house of the Greens – the Greens’ house

1. The Smiths’ flat is in a large house in London. 2. The parents’ bedroom is large, the girls’ bedroom is small. 3. In the Greens’ kitchen you see a gas cooker and an electric refrigerator. 4. The boys’ mother prepares the meals in her kitchen on the gas cooker. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Green are John and Ann’s parents.


VII. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My aunt and my uncle are doctors. They work at hospital. They get up at seven o’clock in the morning. They go to bed at eleven o’clock. 2. When do you leave home for university? - I leave home at a quarter past eight in the morning. 3. What does your mother do after breakfast? – She goes to work. 4. Is there a sofa in your living-room? - Yes, there is a cosy little sofa in the living-room. 5. When do you watch TV? – I watch TV in the evening. We have a large colour TV-set in our room.

VIII. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму прилагательного.

1. This man is taller than that man. 2. Which building is the highest in Minsk? 3. Mary is a better student than Lucy. 4. This garden is the most beautiful in our town. 5. Chinese is more difficult than English. 6. She is not so busy as I am. 7. It is as cold today as it was yesterday. 8. January is the coldest month of the year. 9. My sister speaks English worse than I do. 10. Which is the hottest month of the year? 11. This nice-looking girl is the best student in our group.


IX. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной временной форме (the Present or Past Simple, Present or Past Continuous).

1. Ann plays the piano, but she doesn’t play it very well. 2. In Britain most shops close at 5.30 p.m. 3. In the evenings they watch TV or listen to music. 4. I learned to drive a car some years ago. 5. I was reading a book at 5 o`clock yesterday.6. My sister was ill last week. 7. Yesterday we were at the theatre. 8. Where were you yesterday? – I was at the cinema. 9. Do you watch TV every day? 10. My brother didn’t go to work yesterday because it was Sunday. 11. What did you buy at the shop the day before yesterday? - I bought a book. 12. –What are you doing just now? – I’m translating a very difficult article just now. 13. We had a flat in a large house but now we live in a small house.



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