Аккорды к Happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday To You

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6 6 -6 6 7 -7

Hap-py birth-day to you,

6 6 -6 6 -8 7

Hap-py birth-day to you,

6 6 9 8 7 -7 -6

Hap-py birth-day to ___ ___

-9 -9 8 7 -8 7

Hap-py birth-day to you.

Here's a tab for HBTY in a slightly

Lower range and somewhat easier to play.

From XXX

4 4 -4 4 -5 54 4 -4 4 6 -54 4 7 -6 -5 5 -4-5 -5 5 4 -4 4 (HBTY is "Happy Birthday To You" - Internet Slang)

Happy Birthday to You

Happy1Birthday2to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday, dear3(name of person),

Happy Birthday to you.

May your birthday be bright,4

May your birthday be bright,

May your birthday be bright,

From morning till5night.

_______________________________ _______

1 happy ['hxpI] — счастливый;
2 birthday ['bq:TdeI]— день рождения;
3 dear [dIq] — дорогой;дорогая; дорогое
4 bright ['braIt] — веселый;

5 till [tIl] — до;

may [meI] — (выражает пожелания): желаю...; пусть...

your [jO:] — ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши; твой, твоя, твоё, твои; свой, своя, своё, свои

be [bi:] — быть, являться;

morning ['mO:nIN] — утро;

night ['naIt] — ночь; вечер


Аккорды к Happy birthday to you




Playing music "chord melody" style is one of the most satisfying ways to render a song we love, because we get to hear the melody as well as the background harmony. The "Happy Birthday" guitar chords are an excellent place to start to learn this skill.

Even if we are singing the melody to the song, it is really nice to be able to throw in a chord melody "break" in the middle, and then come back and sing the last verse. It's also nice because people are always impressed when they hear someone do a chord melody arrangement. It immediately puts you a cut above the "strummers".

So, whether for musical reasons, or to get that little "ego boost" we all need from time to time, check out this little introductory lesson. I have kept it simple; a simple song and a simple arrangement, just to get the point across, and give even beginners a chance to experience the style.

We have an easy key here on purpose. And what that means is that it is a key that allows us to use a lot of open strings. "Happy Birthday" is put in the key of G. On guitar, merely strumming the 2nd, 3rd and 4th strings is in itself a G chord, because those notes (D,G, and B) ARE a G chord. This makes it easy for us to do the thing you need to do in order to play chord melody; and that is to put the necessary melody note on top of the necessary chord.

Try out the lesson below. Make sure you follow the Practice Guidelines also. By doing so, you will make sure you avoid bad habits in the movements required to play the music. I recommend strumming through the arrangement with a pick. You could use your thumb instead. the important thing is to make sure that for every chord you strum, you bring out the top note (the last string sounded in the strum) clearly, because that IS the melody we want to hear ring out from the chord underneath it.

By the way, this is a good key to sing "Happy Birthday" in, so think of someone who has a birthday coming up, and plan to surprise them with your new chord melody arrangement!

Hear it!

Happy Birthday To You



D G DsusDHappy Birthday to youD C D GHappy Birthday to you D G CHappy Birthday Dear (Name Of Person) G D G Happy Birthday to you


И в другой тональности:

Для фортепьяно...

Можно поиграть онлайн на одном из виртуальных пианино (прямо на клавиатуре компа), например, https://coolpiano.ru/



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