Космический корабль Луна 41 глава


Mearsheimer, John i and Walt, Stephen M: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign A?//cy (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2008)

Morton, Frederic The Rothschilds. A family portrait (Seeker & Warburg, 1962)

Mott, Michael: Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures (Hidden Mysteries, Texas, 2000)

Nagy, Dr Sandor: The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture (Patria Publishing, Toronto, 1973)

Neil, William: How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations Made (Oracle Books, 2003) Ouspensky, P D, Uspenskii, P D, Williamson, Marianne: In Search of the Miraculous, The Definitive Exploration of GI Gurdjieffs Mystical Thought and Universal View (Mariner Books; New edition, 2001)

Plaut, Gunther. The Man Who Would Be Messiah (Borgo Press, 1995)

Pike, Albert: Morals and Dogma (Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Kessinger Publishing, 2002, first published 1871)

Rabin, Yitzhak: The Rabin Memoirs (littlehampton Book Services, 1979)

Russell, Bertrand: The Impact of Science on Society (Ams Pr Inc, 1953)

Russell, Bertrand: The Scientific Outlook (George Allen & Unwin, 1931)

Roosevelt Kermit: Counter Coup: The Struggle for the Control of Iran (Mcgraw-Hill, 1979) Sabak, Pierre: The Murder of Reality (www.pierresabak.com, 2009)

Sachar, Howard: A History of the Jews in America (Vintage, 1993)

Sagan, Carl: The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence (Ballantine Books Inc; Reprint edition, 1992)

Sand, Professor Shlomo: The Invention of the Jewish People (Verso, 2009)

Swerdlow, Stewart: Blue Blood, True Blood (Expansions Pub Co, 2002)

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: Gulag Archipelago, volume two (Harper Perennial; Reissue edition, 2007)

Talbot, Michael: The Holographic Universe (HarperCollins Publishers Ltd; New Ed edition, 1996)

Tarpley, Webster Griffin: Barack H Obama: The Unauthorized Biography (Progressive Press,


Thaler, Richard H: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness (Penguin, 2009)

Thompson, Richard L: Maya. The World as a Virtual-reality (Govardhan Hill Publishing;

illustrated edition, 2003)

Thompson, Thomas: The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel (Basic Books, 2000)

Tracy, Professor Ann Blake: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora (Cassia Publications, 1994)

Walters, Guy: Hunting Evil: The Nazi War Criminals Who Escaped and the Quest to Bring Them to Justice (8roadway, 2010)

Wilson, Don: Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon (Dell, 1975)


(со ссылкой на оригинальное издание).



abductions, by aliens 218, 293 Aboriginal people. Dreamtime 30 Active Denial System 562 acupuncture 24 Adam and Eve 204, 281-2 Adamic race 211-12 ADHD see Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Admiralty Law 507, 509-10 Afghanistan 134.161.168 al-Qaeda 125.138,169 funding of terrorists 144 invasion of 97 Taliban 144, 168, 169 African Union, the 75, 530 Agent Orange 491, 570 Ahluwalia. Dr Arun D 171 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud 116 AIDS 464,465. 474 Al Baz. Dr Farook 306, 312-13, 314 al-Qaeda 125. 138, 169 Alexander the Great 269, 440 Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster (Icke) 132. 137.315. 563 alien abductions 218, 293 aliens 201,622, 631-3 see also Greys, the; Reptilians All Possibility 8, 325, 338, 356, 387-9. 389, 390, 403, 620-1 All That Is 389, 390, 391, 405,416, 607, 620 Allah 242-3 Allan. DS 48 Allen, Dr Peter 313 Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) 495 altered states 322-30 alternative healing 381,442, 443, 444

acupuncture 24 America see United States American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 571 American Israel Public Affairs

Committee (AIPAQ 113 American Medical Association (AMA) 442-3 An Inconvenient Truth (Gore) 171 And The Truth Shall Set You Free (Icke) 42, 77,92.93, 141. 144. 191, 238, 321 Anderson, Dr D L 304 Anderson. Matthew 177 Andrews. Dr Edson J 412 'Another Brick in the Wall' (Pink Floyd) 17 anthrax vaccine 468-9 Anti-Defamation League (ADL) 117-18, 119-20,527,597 anti-fungals, to cure cancer 447, 448-9

anti-Semitism 82,116-17,126 Apollo (god) 232

Apollo space missions 303, 317-19 Aristotle 413 Artemis (goddess) 237 Arthurian stories 232. 296 Ashkenazi Jews 83-6, 106 ashrams 248

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 530-1 Asimov, Isaac 300 astrology 327, 367, 413 Atlantis 46,48-9, 49. 58-9, 227, 281, 283-4 atomic weapons 221-2 Attenborough, David 48 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 483-4, 485, 488-90 Attila the Hun 81 Attis of Pyrygia (god) 241 Attkisson, Sharyl 466 Atzmon, Gilad 115 Australia Aboriginal Dreamtime 30 Fabian Society in 67 Taser guns 560 autistic savants 377-8 Avatar (movie) 379 avian flu 462, 464 awareness 2, 14. 333, 388, 390, 392 altered states of 322-30 kundalini experience and 40 Axelrod. David 145, 149, 200 'ayahuasca' 322 AzSzel 217


Baal (god) 232,239 Babylonian Empire 46-7, 56-7, 58-9, 239, 280 Bacchus (god) 241-2 Bach-y-Rita, Paul 381 Bacon, Sir Francis 229 Baldwin, Alec 298 Balfour Declaration (1917) 101-2, 104-5 Ball, Dr Tim 186 Balls, Ed 577, 582 Bamford, James 132-3 banking 88-96, 145, 146-55 global financial crash 539-40 Shadow People In 64-5 see a/so Rothschild banking dynasty Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography (Griffin) 157 Barak, Ehud 134 Baron, S W 82 Basiago, Andrew D 397 Bauer family 86-7 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 20-1, 22, 31-2, 189-90, 612 Before Hitler Came (Bonder) 100-1 Begala, Paul 505 Begin, Menachem 103,104. 105 behaviour fingerprint chips 546 Bell, Geoffrey 153 Bellamy, Dr Hans Schindler 311.

Benn, Hilary 177, 490 Bentov, Itzhak 39-40, 329 Bergier, Jacque 313

Berkowitz, Bill 167 Berkowitz, David 254 Bermuda Triangle 49 Bemanke, Ben 94, 94. 145.148,


Bernstein, Andrew C22 Biden. Joe 99,112,146 Big Brother state 45, 55, 321, 412, 624

Big Pharma' 441-5, 449,452-5, 460, 464,466,474, 483 Bigelsen, Harvey 443-4 Biggest Secret, The (leke) 43, 214, 237, 2SS, S40 Bilderberg Group 64,70-1,238,

bin Laden, Osama 137,144,542 binary systems 349-51 Biodiversity Treaty (1992) 192-3 biological warfare 551 Biology of Belief (Upton) 344,362 bird flu 462,464 black holes 407-8 black magicians, Rothschilds 88 Blair, Tony 200-1 climate change 176-7 Fabian Society 65-7, 532 immigration 615 ir*q 1*1. G13 Israel 109,113.114 Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) 555 rewards for services rendered 97 tracking children 578, 598 Blake. William 337 Blankfein, Lloyd 150,153 fclood, David 172-3 bloodlines see elite bloodlines Bloom, Benjamin 576 Blue Blood, True Blood (Swerdlow)

Blunkett David 66 B'nai B’rith 117

BNP (British National Party)612-15 Bodes Law 223

body, the, decoding systems 2-5 body-computer 340-60,417 microchipping and 545-7 Boehner, John 175, 505 Bolton, John 113,168. 268 Bonder, Dietrich 100-1 bones, throwing of 53-5 Booker, Christopher 176.180,


Booth, John Wilkes 92 Boston Tea Party 61 brain, the 345-6,372-3

left-brain domination 376-81, 394, 417,514,514-16 Reptilian brain 425-33 brain mapping 7

Brave New World (Huxley) 67, 477, 573, 578, 600 ‘Breaking the Silence' 107-8 Briggs, Dr William M 184 Britain see United Kingdom British Empire 58 British Humanist Society 573-4 British Medkal Association (BMA) 442

British National Party (BNP) 612-15 Brown, Gordon Browner, Carol 188 Brzezinski, Zbigniew 65,143,

143-4, 156, 160,165,168, 170, 437 ‘bubbles’ 3 Buffet. Warren 459 Burgermeister, Jane 463-4 Burnham, Andrew 435 Bush, George Sr. 144,260,398,565 Bush, George W 60-1,131,142,

145, Ш

child sacrifice rituals 260 economic crash 147-8 financed by drug companies 454 Israel 113

Security and Prosperity Partnership 73 September 11 attacks 137 Bushmen 231, 344 Business International Corporation (BIQ156 Butler. Alan 299-300, 303 Butler, 5medley 141-2. 568-9 Buyology (Lindstrom) 356 Byzantine Empire 81,274


Cain and Abel 209-10 call centres, swine flu 467 Cameron, David 114. 578 Campbell, Alistair 131 Camus, Albert 552 Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRO 121 Canadian Jewish Congress (CJQ 120-1. 125


Candida as a cause of 445-7,


chemotherapy 446-7 hidden cure for 76,445-6 from microchips S44, 545 Candida, cause of cancer 445-7, 448-9 Cann, Rebecca 207-8 cap-and-trade system 173-4 Carbon Cult the 181-4 Carnegie Foundation 443 Carpenter, John 286 Carrington, Lord 61, 70, 569 Carrott, Jasper 37 Carter, Jimmy 42, 144, 161, 260 cashless society 540-1 Castaneda, Carlos 203,426 casual locps 397-9 Catholic Church 241, 277, 533 bloodlines 58 and the Rothschilds 65 see aiso Christianity Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures (Mott) 217-18, 294-5 CCTVs (dosed-drcuit television cameras) 553-4 Cecrops (god) 232 cellphones 487

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDO 444, 465,


Central Intelligence Agency see СГА

Chaitkin, Anton 141 Chakrabarti, Shami 569, 570-1, 589 chakras 9-10, 10, 38-9, 323, 346 Chamish, Barry 103 Chang. Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 Cheney. Dick 162,268 Chertoff, Michael 135. 135-6, 138 Chi 345

Chicago Climate Exchange 192 children human sacrifices 253-4,255-6, 260, 274, 278-80, 298 removing from parents 573-82 targeting of 482-90, 571-2 use of Taser guns on 561

Children Act (2004) 55S Childress, David Hatcher 222 China ore-child law 479 Tank Man 643-4 Chitauri 218-19, 310-11 Chomsky, Noam 117,119-20 Christianity 59, 239-40,241-2, 244, 277

bloodlines 58 rituals 2Э Christians 37

Church of Rome see Catholic Church Churchill, Winston 163,478 Churchward, Colonel James 52, 22S, 236

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 42. 470

Business International Corporation (BIO 156 and drugs 492, 598 Iran 164,166 the Rothschilds and 94 September 11 attacks 134,137 torture 162 circumcision 244-5 civil liberties groups 569-71, 572 civilian law enforcement 534-6, 536-9 civilizations

Babylonian Empire 46-7,56-7. 58-9, 239, 280 Byzantine Empire 81, 274 Huns Sl,82 Klwars 79^85 Minoan civilization 236 pre-Flood 50-2

Sumerian period 46-7,52-3, 54. 56-7

sec also Sumcrians Clarke, Carol 406-7,408,438,439 Claudy, Carl 60

climate change 23, 74,170-93 Climate Group, the 176-7 Clinton. Bill 144, 158, 257, 398, 515 Clinton, Hillary 64-5,107,112 cloning S75

dosed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs) 553-4 Club of Rome 64, 182-3,458 COBRA 568

codes, for Reptilians 263-85 Codex Alimentarius 449-550

Coffman, Dr Michael 193 cognitive dissonance 8-9,602-5 coincidence 41-3,45,386 Coit Stanley 573 Coidea, Dr Radu 366 collective realities 332, 361-85 Columbus, Christopher 57 Common Law 506-8, 509,511 Common Purpose 584-92 Community Safety Accreditation Scheme 536 compartmentallsation 64 computers as an interface 1-2 body-computer 340-60,417, 545-7

decoding information 2 finance and 95 quantum computers 350-1 robotics 341 virtual reality 332, 335 viruses 347-8 see a/io Internet the concentration camps, in America 564

Consciousness 250-1. 323.324, ЭЭ0, 607-B, 62ft 640 and intuition 9-10,13,43 laughing 619-21 and microchipping 545 and perception 1-5 personality and 352-3,354 and reality 334-5. 338-40 relationships 32 and sexuality 357 Silent Voice 9-10, 32-3,44 the soul 392-3 transformation of 30 the Void 387-90 and wisdom 5-6 Conservative Party, l)K 114 conspiracy theories 543 Cook. Robin 66 Coomber, John R 177 Cooper, Gordon 315 Cooper, William 213 Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference (2009) 175-6, 190 Cosmic Internet the 332, 361-85 Cossi ga, Francesco 137 Coulson, Sheila 231 Council on Foreign Relations, US W, 65

Counter-Terrorism Act 557 covenant 275-8, 280-1 Coventry City (football team) 19 Cowen, Brian 73 Creation 390-1 credit (financial) 91-4 Cremo, Michael A 52 Crichton, Michael 331 Critical: What Can We Do About Health-Care Crisis (Daschle) 456 ‘crotch bomber,’ the 138,139 Crowley, Aleirter482 crystals 35,415-16 the human crystal 362-3 currencies, disappearance of 540-1 cybernetics 481 Cybersecurity Act (2009) 528 cytokine storms 473


dark matter 409-12 DARPA see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Darwin, Charles 217, 331,477 Daschle, Tom 456 David leke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and How to End It.) (Icke)45, 79.101,113, 134, 136, 137, 172. 179, 238, 433, 490,

S40, 563 Davignon, Viscount Etienne 71 Dawkins, Richard 331-2, 573-4 Day, Dr Richard Crime 553

a cure for cancer 445 destruction of the family 573 eliminating the elderly 456 genetically modified food 493 government funded abortion 455

the idea of change 158-9 the new world plan 75-7, 127, 130

schools a; hub of the community 576 sex without reproduction 574 vaccination 462 Dead Poets Society (movie) 12 Dead Sea Scrolls 210, 215 Deane, Rev iohn Bathurst 231, 245 death 395,401 decoding reality 386-404 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 137,

397,436, 538, 547 Del«r,J8 43 DeMarse, Dr Thomas 342 democons 142,143 denial 602-5

Oershowitz, Alan 124, 125

Descartes, Ren? 434

Deutsch, David 397,398

Devi (goddess) 236-7

Diana. Princess 237

Diana (goddess) 237

Dick, Philip К 98

dictatorships 60-2, 68-70

dinosaurs 51

Dionysus 241-2

Disclosure Project 315

Disraeli, Benjamin 276

Ditchley Foundation, the 569-70

Ditto, Professor Bill 340-1

DNA see genetics

doctors, causing death 442

Doe, Samuel К 634

domestic extremists 554

‘doublethink1 602-5

Draco Reptilians 202

Dragons of Eden, The (Sagan) 135.

217, 428 Dreamtime 30 drug companies sec pharmaceutical industry Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) 492 drugs for ADHD 482-99 illegal drugs 598 mass-drugging 482-6 psychoactive drugs 322-30 Duff, Gordon 138 Dulles, Allen 128.128,163 Dulles, John Foster 128, 163 Dunegan, Dr Lawrence 76 Dunham, Ann 153 Dunn, Anita 159


earthquakes 50 Ebola virus 465

economy, the 88-96,145, 146-55 global financial crash 539-40 Ecoscience (Holdren) 461 education system 513-16 schools 575-7, 593-4 Einstein, Albert 320, 332-3, 337, 340, 394, 398. 399, 409, 516, 607

Eisenberg, Lewis 134-5 Eisenhower, Owight D 163, 260 El (god) 241

ElBaradei, Mohamed 112 electrochemical reactions 354-6 electromagnetic fields 487-8 electronic currency 540-1 elite bloodlines 52, 55-62.290-2 in ancient languages 263-85 causing emotional imbalance 496

climate change 170-93 Codex Alimentarius 449-550 destroying health 440-57 destruction of the family 573-82 eugenics 476-81 global agenda 529-51 global dictatorship 68-70 human-Reptilian hybrids 194-228,432-3 manipulating other countries 163-70

Marxism 596-7 microchipping 544-51 mind-control 326-7 mtnd-slaves, programming of 5S3-601

population control 75-7,458-81 serpent worship 235, 237 40, 2S3, 255-8 shapeshifting 295-8 superstates 70-2 surveillance 552-72 targeting of children 482-90, 571-2

US politics 142-62 use of the ‘1aw‘ 503-28 World War I & I1140-2 see also Rothschild banking dynasty; secret societies Elizabeth II, Queen 225 blood lines 56 Ellison, Shane 474 Ellner, Michael 441 Emanuel. Rahm 145,145,149 Emerald Tablets 296-8 emotion 5,353,354-6, 618 emotional disease 496-500 energy 7-8.27. 54. 55.230,323, 629

Engdahl, F William 491-2 environmental concerns 22-3 Epic of Gilgamesh 46-7 Erectheus (god) 232

Essay on the P’inciple of Population [Malthus) 477 ethnic cleansing 103 ’ethno-bomb1 programme 463 eugenics 476-81

Eurasia 16B-70

European Union (EU) 72-3,238, 504

and the Bilderberg Group 70,71 the Common Market 530 flag 268

Round Table satellite 64 surveillance 557 euthanasia 457 evolution 351-2,376-81 Ewing, Maurice 49,303 experience, learning from 342 extinction of species 352 extraterrestrial life 201, 622, 631-3 see also Greys, the; Reptilians Eyal, Hedva 1E6 ‘eye in the sky' cameras 554 Eyes Wide Shut (movie) 319


Fabian Society 65-8, 147, 271.

477-8, 532, 586 Falk. Richard 108 family, destruction of 573-82 Family Intervention Projects S77-8 Farber, Bernie 120.121 farming, chenrical sprays 448 Farrell, Paul 152 fasces symbol 503-4 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 125 fear 496-7

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 564-7 Federal Reserve, the 87. 258 Feith, Douglas 113 Feldman, Avigdor 113 Fibonacci number 365-6 fight or flight 196 Filipov. Lachezar 201, 631, 633 financial crash, global 539-40 Finkelstein, Norman 122-3,124, 125

Fisk, Robert 523

five-sense reality 3,5,10,11.13, 26-7, 322. 324. 332.435 Fiexner, Abraham 443 Flower Power Era 247 Fohi (god) 232

■food, genetically modified 490-6 food additives, and ADHD 483, 4M-W)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 442, 466, 492 food production, organic 448-9 football 17-20

Forbidden Archaeology (Cremo & Thompson) 52 Ford, Gerald 260

Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture, The (Nagy) 79,81 Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDD 16G Fourier, Jean В J 367-8 Fox. Vincente 73 fractional reserve lending 91 France, political correctness in 593 see a Iso Sarkozy, Nicolas Frank, Joseph (1726-91) 100 Frawley. David 225 freedom 611-16

Freemasons 22. 59,103, 225,235, 253,415 French. Christopher 543 frequencies, for microchipping 548-9 Fried. Daniel 170 ’Friends of Israel' 113 Frum, David 145


Gandhi, Mahatma 1 Gardner, Sir Laurence 235-6,261 Gartner. John 543 Gates, Bill 459. 495 Gee, Dr David 184 Gefthner, Tim 147, 148,151, 153 General Medical Council (GMO 451-2

genetically modified (GM) food A90-S genetics 342-4, 411 DNA database 555-6 human-Reptilian hybrids 212, 213-18, 293-4, 317, 357.425-9 Reptilian 195-7 Genghis Khan 82 Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles (Grose) 128 Georgia 164-5 Georgia Guidestones 458 germ warfare 550 Germany, vaccines in 471

Gerrish. Brian 587, 588, 589-92,

Gilbran, Kahlil 263 Global Environment Facility (GEF) 45S

Global Positioning System (GPS) 544

global warming see climate change globalisation 69, 529-51 ■gods' 329-62

Gods, Sages and Kings: vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization (Frawley) 225 God’s covenant 27S-®, 280-1 Golden Age, the 46-5, 50,58-9, 227-8; ЗВД, 410 Golden Horde, the 82 Goldman Sachs 150-3 Goldstone, Richard 109 Gore, Al 182, 225 dimate change 171,172-3,175, 177, 179, 181.188,191-2 Satanism 257,260 Gosztony, K£lmdn 82 Gould, Matthew 114 governments

destroying freedom 517-19 as private corporations 508-12 Shadow People in 60-1 Grand Chessboard. The (Brzezinski) 170

Grassley, Chuck 455 Graves, Philip Perceval 128 gravity 398

Great Britain see Uniled Kingdom Great Flood, the 46-8, 208 Great Idol of Tiahuanaco, The (Bellamy) 313 Greeg, Dr Steven 315 Green movement the 181-3 Green Party (UK) 22-4, 29.189 Greenberg, Maurice 150 Greenpeace 185 Greenspan, Alan 94, 94,144-5,

145, 146-7, 257-8, 307 Greys, the 211, 223, 228,293.426. 427

Griffin. Nick 612,613-14 Griffin, Webster 157 Grof, Stanislav 329-30 Grose. Peter 128 Group of Thirty 153-4 Guillain-Barre Syndrome, from

swine flu vaccines 472 Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn) SB

Gulf War Syndrome 468-9 and chemtrails 550 Gurion, David Ben- 99,105 Guth, Alan 401

Gynn, Graham 376-7,378. 380-1


H1N1 virus see swine flu HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) 436-7, Ш, 633 Habsburg, Otto von 71, 238 Hadley Centre, the 186 Hadron Collider 624 Hague. Neil 263. 335. 338, 339 Hain, Peter 66 Hairston, Marc 191 Hall, Manly P 58-9, 165 Halvorsen, Dr Richard 460 Hamer, Dr Ryke Geerd 471 Hamilton, Alexander 87 Han&en, Dr James 184-5 Hart Alan 113 Hawke, Bob 67 health destruction of 440-57 the immune system 347-8, 459-61

see also vaccines Health в Safety 593-5 Heath, Edward, human sacrifices 255

Hereford United (football team) 19-20 heroes 642-4 Hersh, Seymour 166 Hertzberg, Rabbi Arthur 123 Herzl, Theodor 126 Hesiod 47 Hewitt Patricia 66 High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 436-7, 624, 633 high-frequency trading 95 Hinduism 47-8, 250-1 History Begins in Sumer (Cramer) 205

History of the Jews in America, A (Sacha r) 88 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (Adams) 405

'hockey stick' graph, dimate change 180,180 Hogan, Crafg 368 Holdren, John 173,461 Hollywood 526-7 Holmes, Eemortn 41 Holocaust, the 122-3 Holocaust Industry, The:

Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (Finkelstein) 13»

holographic illusions 325,327-8, 363-76 Holographic Internet 415 Holographic Universe, The (Talbot) 370-1,372 Holotropic Mind. The (Stanislav) 329

Homeland Security S57, 558 homeless, the 154-5 Hood, Lon 303 Hoover, Herbert 260 Horizon (TV prog) 401 hormones, manipulat on of 433-6 Horns (god) 241

How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations (Neil) ЗБ7 Howard, John 531 Ни (god) 232 Hudson, Paul 190 Hughes, Patrick Henry 378 Hulsen, Clem 383 Human Genome Project 216 human-Reptilian hybrids see elite bloodlines human sacrifices 253-4, 255-6,

260, 274, 278-80, 298 Humanism 573 Huns81, S2

Hunting Evil (Walters) 124 Hurricane Katrina 50 Hussein, Saddam 131,136. 618 Huxley, Aldous 62, 67, 68, 245, 477, 481, 485, 573, 600 Hylan, John F 65


kke, Barbara 15.15,16 Icke, BericIS, 34 kke. David Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster 132,137,315, 563 The Biggest Secret 43, 214. 237,


The David kke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it) 45, 79, 11)1,113,134,


490, 54a 563

It Doesn't Have to be Like This 23,25

Tales From the Time Loop 113, 396

And The Tnjth Shall Set You Free 42, 77,92,93, 141, 144.

191, 258. 321

Truth Vibrations 32, 36, 43 Icke, Gareth 25

Icke. Jaymie 461, S13, 604, 608, 610 Icke. Linda 21. 32 ickft Paul 16

Illuminati see elite bloodlines illusions 325, 326,327-8, 333, Э63-7Б

time illusion 393-6,413-14 see also virtual reality immigration 614-15 immune system attacks on 347-8 destruction of 459-61 I mpact of Science on Society, The (RusselQ 4S6-7 Incas, the 36, 50, 52 individuality, removal of 588 infiltration. Reptilian 201-7 Infinite Awareness 7-8, 37. 322-30,


see also awareness Infinite Oneness see Oneness infinity 26

information diversity, destroying S41-4 innate intelligence 10 Insertolds 211

intellect the 514-15, 516-17 intelligence 5-6 downloaded 359-60 innate 10 interdimensionals202. 286-7, 622 interest (financial) 91-4 International Atomic Energy Agency 112 International Court of Justice 107 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 93. 139 Internet the 332,335 Cosmic Internet 332, 361-8S

journalism on 527-8 a threat to democracy' 543 Interpol 538

intuition 6. 9-10,13, 43, 387,


Invention of the Jewish People.

The (Sand) 83, 84-5 invisibility doaks 295-6 Inin 163-B

Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FPI) 166 Iraq 45, 50 Invasion of 43, 53, 56, 97. 106.

131- 2, 161,206 origination of bloodlines 56 Irgun 103, 104, 145 Irvine, Derry 67 ISA (Inter-Services Intelligence agency) 134 Isis (goddess) 241 Islam 242-4, 273, 276 the conversion of Jews to 85 Muslims 115-16,125-6,230 isle of Wight (UK) 22, 25, 31,475-6 Israel 98,101-15,119-20 DNA evidence 555-6 ethno-bomb' programme 463 Irgun 103, 104, 145 manipulating other countries 165

Mossed 92, 94, 112,117,119, 125,134, 136,137,139,167 Shminrstim movement 640-1 and World War III 533-4 Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, The (Mearsheimer & Walt) 111 It Doesn't Have to be Like This (icke) 23,2S


Jackson, Andrew 96 Jackson, Jesse 88 James, P 0 583 Jehovah's Witnesses 103 Jerram, Richard 541 Jesuits 225, 532 bloodlines 59 Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) 268 Jewish National Fund (JNF) 114 tews 526-7 anti-Semitism 82,116-20,126 Ashkenazi Jews 83-6,106

bloodlines BO-6

Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC)

120- 1, 1Z5

Holocaust the 122-3 radiation experiments 550 Sephardic Jews B5 Simon Weisenthal Center 124 Zionism 86,88, 101-15,120-5 Johnson. James Weldon 88 Johnson, Ken 303 Johnson, Lyndon 92.260 Jones, Professor Phil 185-5 journalism 21, 24 control of 519-28 destroying information diversity 541-4 Joyce Foundation 192 Judaism 243-5, 269, 270

scriptures 239, 273, 277, 278-9, 418

see also Jews Jung, Carl 352-3 Justice for Families 580


Kadru (goddess) 237 Kaku, Michio 406 Karzai, Hamid 168 Keel, John A 229-30 Kelly, Dr David 131, 463

Kennedy, John F134,318 assassination of 92,128 Kerry, John 101,454 Khazars 79-83

King, Martin Luther 129,538 King, Mervyn 153 KinnocV, Neil 72 Kiss, Edmund 313 Kissinger. Henry 61. 70, 137, 146,

150. 247,260,459 Klain, Ron 146 Knight Christopher 299-300, Э01-2, 303 Knights of Malta 225 bloodlines 59 Knights Templar 210,225,511 bloodlines 59 Koestler, Arthur 80-1, 83 Kramer, Samuel Noah 205, 210,212 Krishna (god) 241, 244 Kubrick, Stanley 318, 319 Kukulkan (god) 233 kundalini experience 38-40


Labour Party. UK 113-14 and the Fabian Society 66 see also under names of individual politicians Laden, Osama bin 137, 144, 542 Laing, R D 328

Lambert Mike 354,445,448.

475-6,483,497-501 language, encoded 263-85 Large Hadron Collider 624 Largent, Skip 195, 432 laughter 619-21

law, as a means of control 503-28 Lawrence, Richard 96 Lawrence, Thomas Edward (Lawrence of Arabia) 104,104 Laws (Plato) 48

left-brain domination 376-81, 394, 417,514, 514-16 Left in the Dark (Gynn & Wright) 376-7.378.380-1 legislation, use of 503-28 Lehman Brothers 145,150 Leicester Advertiser 21 Leicester (football team) 18-19 Lemnitzer, Lyman L 132 Lemuria see Mu (Lemuria)

Lennon, John 396,638,641 Leonardo Da Vinci 367 Lerner, Michael 117-18 Levant Ezra 121 Levine, Mark 120 Lewis, Ivan 114 ley lines 57.416 Libby. Lewis 113

Liberal Democrat Party. UK 114-15 Liberia 633-7 '

Liberty 569-70 Licbcr, Arnold 413 light and dark 327-9.408-12 Lilientahl. Alfred M 80 Lilith worship 2S8-60,261,274 Lincoln, Abraham assassination of 91-2

Lindstrom. Martin 356 Linnett Simon 174 Upton, Bruce 344, 362 Liu, Guosong 350 Livni, Tzipi 107 Lockwood, Michael 397, 398 logic ь

London bombings (2005) 139

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 66-7, 147, 153,570,646-58 loopie 339-400,432 tove 324-5, 3?6. ЗВЭ Love and War (StocVdal?) 247 Lowy, Frank 134 Lucas, Caroline 189 lying to ourselves 602-5 a Reptilian trait 200-1


MacDonald, Dr Gordon 302-3, 436-7 MacDonald. Ramsey 66 Machu Picchu 52 Madsen, Wayne 156-7 Magueijo. Jo3o 331 Magyars 81-2

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 247, 248 Major, John 569

Makow. Henry 99-100,101.120.


Malthus, Thomas Robert 477 Man Who Would Be Messiah, The (PJairt) 100 Mandelson, Peter 66,113-14, 149 Manhattan Dederation 183,188-9 Manson, Charles 255 marine life, destruction of 495-6 Maritime Law 507, 510 Магкгалг Henry 341 Marquardt Stephen 367 _ Mars 223-4. 283, 284-5. 286, 289 Martin, Paul 73 Martin, Richard 174 Marx. Karl 88 Marxism 596-7 Massey, Dr Robert 408 Matrix, the 323, 325, 327,328,329, 403, 406-39 see also Moon Matrix Matrix movies 1. 11,98, 130, 144, 328, 333, 336, 337. 344, 357,

359, 367, 606, 627 Maxwell, Jordan 240-1 Maya: The World as Virtual Rea I rty (Thompson) 366-7 McKenna, Paul 354 McVeigh, Timothy 542 Mearsheimer, John J 111 media 21, 24 control of 519-28

destroying information diversity 541-4

Medical Conspiracy in America (Bigelsen) 443-4 medicine, and the destruction of health 440-57 megalithic structures 50-1, 51, 57, 302.416 Meir. Golda 112 memory 346-7 meridians 57 Merkel, Angela 471 Merovingians 224-5, 237 Metaphysical Universe, the 383-5, 386, 419-20, 607, 622-3, 624, 625-6

microchipping 440,470-1,485,

544- 51, 552 microwave technology 487-8 Middleton, Julia 585 Milburn, Alan 66 Miliband, David 113,114 Miliband, Ed 188 military coup in America 564-7, 569 in domestic law enforcement 562-4

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 564-7

global army 536-7 space weaponry 537-8 Milter. Keith 199-200 Mind, The 607-8 as an ally to Consciousness 12-13

cognitive dissonance 8-9, 602-5 decoding systems 2-5 imprisonment 338-9 and the Moon Matrix 415.416 personality 352-9 psychological fascism 11 reason and 5-7 relationships 32 religion and 246-7, 252 rule book mentality 608-11 Silent Voice 9-10, 32-3,44 time and 393-4,413-14 time loops 323, 323, 325, 329, 396-401, 424-5 mind-control 158, 258, 324. 540.

586, 599-601 mind-slaves, programming of 583-601

Minoan civilization 236 Mitchell, Edgar 314 M'rthra (god) 232,241 MMR vaccine, autism link 450-2, 460

mobile phones 487 Molech 273-5, 279 Monast, Serge 632, 633 Monckton, Lord Christopher 179-80.181,186-7 money, control of 90-6 see also economy, the Monnet, Jean 74 Monrovia 636 Monsanto 490-5, 570 Montapert, Alfred A 482 Montesinos. Fernando 52 Moon, the, artificial 299-319, 410, 412-14,415 Moon god 242-4 Moon Matrix 414-39. 544, 546,

583,603, 623-4 disconnecting from 621 see also Matrix, the Moons, Myths and Men (Bellamy) 311


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