Article 97. Customs control areas

1. Customs control areas constitute the places of the conveyance of goods across the customs border, the territories of temporary storage and customs warehouses, duty-free shops and other places determined by the legislation of member states of the Customs Union.

In other places the customs control areas are established to perform customs control and (or) customs inspection of the goods, realization of transport and other operations.

2. Customs control areas may be permanent in case of regular presence of the goods subject to customs control or temporary in case of their establishment for the time of performing customs control, loading and other operations.

3. The order of the establishment and designation of customs control areas, as well as the legal regime of the customs control area are determined by the legislation of member states of the Customs Union.

Article 98. Presentation of documents and information

Necessary for the performance of customs control

1. Declarant, persons engaged in the customs activity and other interested persons are obliged to submit to the customs authorities all the documents and information required for the customs control in an oral, written and (or) electronic form.

2. A customs authority is entitled to request the documents and information required for the customs control in written and (or) electronic forms and specify the period of their submission which shall be sufficient for the presentation of the documents and information requested.

3. In order to perform the customs control customs authorities are entitled in accordance with the legislation of the member states of the Customs Union to receive documents and information about the monetary operations concerning the external economic transactions from the banks and organizations accomplishing certain types of banking transactions.

4. In order to perform the customs control after the release of goods customs authorities are entitled to request and receive business and accounting documents and other information, including that which is in the electronic form, concerning the conveyance of the goods across the customs border, their release and consumption in the territory of the Customs Union and outside.

5. The documents necessary for the implementation of the customs control shall be kept by persons and customs authorities for no less than 5 (five) years from the moment of the release of goods from the customs control unless the other period is established by the national legislation of the member states of the Customs Union.

The persons engaged in the customs activity shall keep the documents necessary for the customs control for five years after the year when the customs operations were being performed.



  1. to conform to
  2. selectivity
  3. to confine oneself to
  4. to be assigned to

5. a state supervisory body

  1. a resolution
  2. to be empowered
  3. to render a service
  4. to designate
  5. designation

11.conditionally released goods

  1. abandonment
  2. destruction
  3. inward processing
  4. irrecoverable loss
  5. natural diminution
  6. in lieu of
  7. withdrawal
  8. discharge of obligations
  9. detention
  10. with a view of
  11. due form
  12. a legal regime
  13. to submit
  14. to be entitled
  15. monetary operations


Exercises on the Text

1. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

1) sufficient, 2) assigned, 3) supervisory, 4) procedure, 5) interact, 6) efficiency, 7) empower, 8) designation, 9) vehicle, 10) acquisition, 11) abandonment, 12) inward, 13) unsuitable, 14) lieu, 15) irrecoverable, 16) marine, 17) carrier, 18) withdrawal, 19) regime, 20) monetary, 21) national.

2. Give the English equivalents of the words and word-combinations from the text:

1. общие положения о таможенном контроле

2. принцип выборочности

3. соблюдение таможенного законодательства

4. контролирующие государственные органы

5. участники внешнеэкономической деятельности

6. внешняя торговля

7. в пределах компетенции

8. постановление

9. от имени таможенных органов

10. должностные лица

11. быть уполномоченным на проведение таможенного контроля

12. приобретать статус иностранных товаров

13. таможенная процедура выпуска

14. для внутреннего потребления

15. условно выпущенные товары

16. таможенная процедура отказа в пользу государства

17. операция переработки

18. безвозвратная утрата

19. в качестве таможенной декларации

20. зоны таможенного контроля

3. Explain the meaning of the following words in English:

1) selectivity

2) risk management

3) sufficiency

4) competence

6) withdrawal

7) permanent

8) inspection

4. Using a dictionary give all the derivatives of the following words:

1) to manage; 2) to (co)operate; 3) to determine; 4) to transport

5. Insert appropriate prepositions where it is necessary:

1. The documents necessary ___ the implementation of the customs control shall be kept __ persons and customs authorities __ no less than 5 (five) years __ the moment of the release of goods ___ the customs control.

2. A statement __ the implementation of the customs control of the goods and documents __ them ___ of the zones of customs control is drawn __ __ a due form assigned __ the decision of the Commission of the Customs union.

3. The control ____ the execution of the forms of customs control is assigned __ customs authorities.

4. Customs authorities cooperate ____ the customs authorities of foreign countries __ accordance ____ international agreements __ order __ improve the customs control.

5. The customs authorities ___ their competence shall exercise different types of control.

6. The empowered officials of the Customs perform the customs control __ behalf __ the customs authorities.

7. The customs control is performed __ _ officials of customs authorities __ relation __ the persons crossing ___ the customs border.

8. Some goods are regarded as being placed ___ the customs control till the conversion ___ the property of the member state of the Customs Union according __ the legislation of this state.

9. The goods produced and located __ the customs territory of the Customs Union which have acquired the status of foreign goods in accordance with this Code shall not be regarded as goods ___ the customs control ___ the customs authorities having acknowledged the fact of their destruction (irrecoverable loss) __ accident or force majeure.

10. The goods exported __ the customs territory of the Customs Union are subjected __ customs control ___ the moment of registration of the customs declaration or other documents used __ lieu __ the customs declaration or __ the moment of taking the actions immediately directed __ the export of goods from the customs territory of the Customs Union.

11. Customs authorities have the right to stop vehicles and also to force the return of marine vessels and aircrafts which have left ___ the customs territory of the Customs Union ___ the permission of the customs authorities.

12. __ case of a stop of motor vehicles ___ of the zones of customs control ___ a view __ implementation of the customs control of the goods and documents __ them the time of such control shall not exceed 2 (two) hours.

13. Customs authorities carrying ___ the customs control conform __ the principle of selectivity and confine themselves only __ the forms of customs control sufficient to ensure the compliance ____ the Customs legislation of the Customs Union.

14. All the persons engaged in the customs activity are obliged to submit __ the customs authorities all the documents and information required ___ the customs control __ an oral, written and (or) electronic form.

6.You have the phrasal verbs to carry out, to draw up in this text. What other prepositions can be used after them? Give their translations.

3. a) Give the plural forms of the following words (some of them can have even two plural forms): progress, erratum, proof, penny, information, genius, stimulus, means, knowledge, advice, brother, news, solarium, chaos, life, permission, addendum, monsieur.

b) Give the singular forms of the following words where it is possible: criteria, goods, analyses, data, series, phenomena, strata.

8. Define the parts of speech:

whenever, provided, during, its, per, seabed, or, same, least, upon, unless, otherwise, together, documentary, whereas.

9. Give the opposite words adding negative prefixes:





















10. Use each of the collocations (see Vocabulary Notes on the Text) in sentences of your own.


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